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Yes! The Earth IS Flat!

Well, pretty much so. The mountains rise and fall, but their is no planetary curve at all. Water remains level, stirred only by the intervention of the natural phenomena, animals and mankind.

The earth is stationary and its surface is flat rather than curved. It requires neither science nor religion to prove that this is so. It only requires common sense and some mental visualization. What you've been told, that the earth is a globe, is a lie, and there is ample evidence to prove that statement. But first let's examine what the Bible says.

Visualize the sun traveling through space. Visualize a ball earth corkscrewing through space around the sun as both the sun and earth hurtle along through outer space. Place yourself on that ball earth looking into space. Imagine what the star patterns observed from that earth would look like. You would never see the same pattern of stars twice, because you are never going to be in the same place in space more than once. Constellations would change with each passing minute, never to appear the same again, as your vantage point changed. Only on an immovable and stationary earth with the sun, moon and stars repeatedly circling above in stable paths can we see the same North Star century after century, and observe constellations patterns that remain the same.

Visualize it! Visualize the sky view standing on a ball earth flying through space. Then visualize the sky view on a stable, immovable, flat earth with a circling star pattern above us. And then you will know beyond any doubt that the earth is "flat" and not a round "planet" at all. Our flat earth is actually contained within a "snow globe" configuration, the earth and seas flat within a domed, steel-hard and impenetrable, glass-like firmament.

After using this common sense mental visualization, you should be comprehending the "flat earth" truth! Perhaps it is time to take another look at the Holy Bible, which is a "flat earth" book. If you haven't read it, maybe you should. Maybe, just maybe, the Bible story of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Message is true! It is my witness that the Bible IS absolutely true! And "...The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." - Psalms 19:1

Explore Pastor Dean Odle's Website Video's

Explore Pastor Dean Odle's Youtube Video's

Recognizing this one greatest lie about our earth and existence, exposing the false Copernican Theory, should open your eyes to the possibility of many other lies about reality that we are constantly taught, and brainwashed with.


Ecology, Warming, Cooling & Nuclear Contamination Of Earth

Consider the insanity of nuclear research involving the explosions of hundreds and hundreds of nuclear bombs, and the catastrophe's of Chernobyl and Fukushima! How much death and destruction linger ever present from all the tests around the world, and from all the expended munitions laced with radiation? How many accidentally genetically modified freaks of nature do we want for children? Our oceans and our air are being poisoned with radiation, and we wonder why we have escalating cancer rates? We should not wonder at all.

The main reason the flat earth reality is rejected by the powers-that-be is because if one believes in a flat earth, then one would logically need to take a second look at what the Word of God within the Holy Bible says about Creation. Modern Pseudo-Science pushes Uniformitarianism and its child fantasies of, to mention just three, Evolution, Socialism and Modern Psychology.

The ugly and unholy conspiracy against God is exposed by the Flat Earth Cosmology for what it really is: A conspiracy so vast that it boggles the mind! The secular world will always try to minimize or eradicate belief in Jesus Christ and the Message of Salvation. Occult followers of Satan and the Mysteries, haughty and rebellious, will always try to change words, definitions, and then say everything is the opposite of what it says in God's Word. Copernicus was wrong, and the Bible is true, and thus we can know with assurance that the earth is indeed "snow globe flat" and covered by a firmament dome, and that God's throne is at the top where He can look down over the whole earth. Sin is rampant and the forces of evil are trying to destroy earth and mankind. Weapons of war, like bad religion, bad theology and Pseudo-Science, are among the tools used by the many satanic forces of evil.


The Earth: Creation's Real Cosmology

From the surface of the earth to the highest part of the dome firmament is believed by many to be over three thousand miles. But God has said mankind is unable to know many such details! Going horizontally in any direction away from the North Pole will take one eventually to the edge of Antarctica which encloses the oceans and continents of the earth. Once on Antarctica it is two or three thousand miles, and maybe farther, to the bottom edge of the dome firmament where it touches the surface of the earth. Stars are lights within the firmament, and the firmament holds up the waters above from crashing down to the earth. The sun and moon are lights that go in and out of the firmament and they travel on slightly different circular paths above the surface of the earth depending on the season. Thus there are no globe planets or stars beyond the dome, nor is there any so-called outer space, that we know of. What is beyond the waters above or the waters below is only known to God and the angels. If the created earth is round in any sense, it is round as pictured above, like a snow globe enclosed environment, with the surface of the earth being a level plane.

The word planet is itself based on the root word plane, which is defined with the attributes of a level surface devoid of curve, and usually also positioned horizontally. In the 120 mile length of the Suez Canal there should be a drop of almost 7,300 feet, or about 1.4 miles, from one end to the other if the earth is the globe that modern Pseudo-Science says it is. But there is no drop! The Suez Canal is flat and level from one end to the other.

Speaking of water being flat upon the earth brings up the subject of gravity. There is no such thing as gravity.

There is no such thing as gravity, holding water to the surface of a globe, because water will not do that. There is only density of matter, which makes lighter things like smoke rise upward through the air, and heavier things like water sink downward through the air. (Water and air are extremely similar in composition, and can be likened to two different forms of oceans.) Most rocks are denser than air and water, and sink downward through both air and water. Lighter than air gases like Helium, lighter than the atmosphere at ground level, rise upward, and when enclosed within a blimp raise Blimp's upward. Submarines are designed to rise up and sink down in water, by manipulating its mass and total density.

Common sense examination of many things prove that the earth is flat, as the next graphic shows. Reality is different than the powers-that-be want you to think.


The Heavens: Creation's Real Cosmology

All lies require constant attention, and the addition of new lies to affirm the supposed correctness of the previous lies. NASA is one of those liars telling lies, and in fact NASA is the one telling the biggest whoppers! "Outer Space" is their specialty, and so is the diversion of billions of taxpayer dollars into disinformation projects and, presumably, into black ops.

Following are two scans from my 1962 set of The American Peoples Encyclopedia set, from Vol. 1 just inside the front cover. When studied, they are very revealing.

I notice first the lineup of elements found in the Stratosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere, which are listed toward the left edge. Someone could do a beneficial scientific study of buoyancy and density as opposed to the theory of gravity covering those atmospheric elements. Secondly I notice the sliver of globe at the bottom of the graphic. One of the first things children see at school is a globe. It's politely called indoctrination, and not so politely called brainwashing. And once learned, the lie is hard to unlearn!

The second graphic shows that at about 1,000 miles altitude the radiation count is about 14,500 counts per second. I've seen estimates of the firmament dome being over 3,000 miles high, and I suppose that radiation count would only go higher and higher. The radiation level would certainly become increasingly lethal to human life at the higher altitudes!

CPM (counts per minute) is a measure of radioactivity, a unit of measurement for a Geiger counter. 120 CPM on the meter (for Cs137) is about 1 uSv/hr (microSievert per hour).

The average annual U.S. radiation dose is equivalent to 6 milliSieverts (6 mSv).

The radiation dose for increased cancer risk of 1 in a 1,000 is 12.5 milliSievert (mSv). The earliest onset of radiation sickness is at 750 milliSievert (mSv). The onset of radiation poisoning is at 3,000 milliSievert (mSv). An expected 50% death rate from radiation exposure is at 4,000 milliSievert (mSv).

14,500 CPS x 60 seconds = 870,000 CPM. 870,000 CPM ÷ 1,200 CPM = 10 uSv/hr (microSievert per hour).

At 10 uSv/hr (microSievert per hour), radiation sickness would begin in 300 hours, which is in 12.5 days. Radiation poisoning would occur at 400 hours, which is in 16.66... days.

What does this say about trips to the moon and space stations? Figure it out.

This second graphic also shows the temperature rising to 3000 degrees at an approximate height of 1000 miles high. I've seen estimates of the dome being about 3,000 miles high? The Pioneer II "Lunar Probe" blew up at about 1,000 miles: hint, hint!

NASA has a habit of telling on itself, as all liars usually do. These scans from my Encyclopedia drive that point home.

The following video, though by a globe earther, also shows the rise in heat and radiation that makes it impossible for anyone to survive going too high:

From Scientist, Explorer & Author Michael Tellinger:

“After many months of research I still cannot find any scientifically accepted proof of a physical nature, that the Earth is moving through space – and that it actually is a ball. Everything I held dear and as an unshakable truth has been shaken to its core and stripped of all credibility. It is more clear than ever before that everything we have been told is a lie, and the most important teachings have been strategically omitted by our education system – whose objective is to create a future labour force to keep the money monster alive – and not to teach us to think and give us real skills.

This Flat Earth could be the biggest lie of them all.

Those who think that this will go away soon have a big surprise coming. We have to discard most of NASA’s imagery as part of the LIE – which is one of the first disturbing things everyone finds when entering this realm of research.

My most recent research into the relationship between sound, magnetism and electricity clearly shows that all the physical manifestations of shape and matter and the magnetic fields are the same TOROIDAL shapes that are proposed for the sub-atomic model of the electron AND the magnetic fields of the Earth and even the model of the galaxies that seem to spew forth matter at its galactic equator of the gigantic TORUS shaped galaxy.

My breakthrough discovery is that the evidence suggests that the land or Earth itself follows this DOUBLE TORUS model and the land which we have been told is a ball – is actually the FLAT Accretion disk emerging at the centre of the Earth Torus Magnetic field. All North – South Magnetic alignments and everything else that has been attributed to a ball Earth can be explained even better with a FLAT Earth model.

Like a giant RING Magnet with all the expected magnetic fields around it and inside it. This also accounts for the so-called DOME and hollow Earth theory or Agartha, magnetic drift, precessional wobble, Aurora Borealis, and so many more global mysteries. Everything can be explained by simply re-evaluating the magnetic fields around the Earth and the full shape they hold.

For those that thought the Flat Earth Theory is a bunch of ignorant nonsense devised to confuse humanity and not worthy of debate, have a growing scientific mountain of evidence to deal with. I look forward to seeing how this research evolves.

As so many others have done – I have also done my own experiments with the curvature of the Earth and I found to my surprise that THERE IS NO CURVATURE. No matter how hard I looked. And if there is no curvature, there is only one conclusion we can reach. The Earth surface is flat.

If the weather man can show Chicago from Michigan City some 40 odd miles across Lake Michigan, that should be enough proof that there is no curvature. At that distance Chicago should be about 1060 feet below the horizon. And so the new exiting journey begins – sifting through layers upon layers of deception and lies.

The only thing I have to hold on to is my sanity, sense of humour and an open mind."

In unity and resonance – Michael Tellinger


Next, Some Flat Earth Skullduggery & Intrigue!

What are the ramifications of a "flat earth?" Plenty! Why are world leaders making trips to the Antarctic? I wonder! What does living in a "snow globe" self-contained, domed earth mean regarding ecological issues? It is a fact that there are other area's where mankind can live among the vast regions of Antarctica, but the world's government's strictly control who can go there, and where they can go after arrival. We know the Nazi's were established there, and that a full armada of warships went there to check that out. We know that there will be giants on the earth in the end times, so where are they? I know from personal observation that we possess "anti-gravity" technology, and it is public record that research into developing flying saucers was began in Nazi Germany and has continued in the United States. What secret scientific and military installations exist in Antartica?

A January 22, 2017 article by Greg Hunter in Political Analysis says:

In the last few months, the world’s political and religious leaders have been making trips to the continent at the bottom of the world—Antarctica.

Author of “Empire Beneath the Ice” (second edition December 2016). Steve Quayle says people should take notice. Quayle explains:

“What really is going on down there? Here is the billion dollar question, and probably the trillion dollar question: Why are the world’s religious leaders and the world’s most powerful leaders going to Antarctica? I don’t think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins, with no disrespect meant. Someone or something has summoned the world’s leaders.”

Quayle also says:

“Most people don’t understand, and this is critical, the United States, in 1947, sent a war flotilla to the Antarctic under Admiral Byrd and it was called “Operation Highjump.” It was to seek out and destroy the hidden Nazi bases that intelligence agencies provided them the documentation for. It wasn’t a small thing. There were 13 ships and 4,700 men and state of the art U.S. weaponry. The bad news is we got our rear ends kicked. Russians were spying on us, and they had a video of our aircraft encountering flying saucers.”

Fast forward to today, and Quayle contends:

“Black physics is beyond the PhD level, and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face you can’t dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting’s of this fringe or that fringe. Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical. It’s my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich . . . that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with beings, sentient beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made reference to many times before they passed away. So, all this is a matter of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this: There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.”

The history of the world is not what it is. It is what the powers that be pretend it to be. For the record, all of the world’s leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker.

Well, at the heart of all skulduggery and intrigue will be found the influence of Satan. Hitler and the Nazi's were deeply involved in the occult. Hillary Clinton talks to "Eleanor Roosevelt" and Nancy Pelosi sees "dead Suffragettes." The earthly governments are not Godly governments, but are controlled by Satan. Every government on the face of the earth would go completely off the rails, and major in total insanity, except for the continuing presence and influence of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit-led Church.


Blue Ice? Something To Think About!

On February 1, 20127, Jeff Posey posted the following [...but not the two video's within the quote] in Facebook group Flat Earthers In Christ:

I've never really believed in Jesus or done the whole church thing, but I think I've seen the stuff you guys are talking about here. I just didn't know what it was at the time.

I was in the Army from 1997 to 2000, and I was sent to McMurdo Station in Antarctica. I was a helicopter mechanic and crew chief and they had volunteer tours open for guys to go there and work on the helicopters there.

When they asked for volunteers a bunch of us applied but only me and one other guy got accepted. The application process had a bunch of questionnaires that we had to fill out, and we had to sit for a bunch of one on one interviews. It was mostly just a bunch of questions about what our interests and beliefs were.

I was sent to McMurdo research station in August of 1998. When we weren't busy de-icing the aircraft and working on them, we had time to hang out with the scientists at the research station.

The military unit attached to McMurdo was small and we didn't have our own separate facilities. We didn't have a PX, or a media center. There was no chapel or Chaplin. And we didn't have our own separate mail room. We just had to share the same facilities with the scientists and researchers. So over time I got to be friends with a few of them.

They had two different kinds of ice that they worked on and studied. One kind of ice was the normal kind that we've all seen. They took cores of it out of bore holes in the ground. Just like normal ice it was mostly clear or sometimes white, and it would melt into liquid water if it got warm. The whole area of Antarctica is covered in this kind of ice. But that wasn't their main kind of ice. The only time I ever saw them actually studying normal ice was when a film crew from National Geographic came by.

The rest of the time, which was most of the time, the scientists were studying something they called sky ice.

This stuff was totally different.

We were never allowed to go into the laboratory areas of the station, because the labs had to be kept super clean and they said it would mess up their work if they risked letting too many people in the lab. But one time one of the researchers that I was friends with showed me a piece of sky ice. You couldn't touch the stuff with your bare hands because it was so cold.

And it wasn't clear or white like normal ice. It was solid blue. He said that's why they call it sky ice, because it was the exact same color as the sky.

We had to wear our thick heavy "going outside" gloves to handle it. The stuff was so cold it would instantly freeze your skin if you touched it. I don't remember what temperature he said it was. But it was something like hundreds of degrees below zero. WAY colder than the normal ice that was outside.

He had to carry it in a metal bottle that was kinda like a thermos. He let me play with a piece of it for a while. It felt lighter than a piece of normal ice of the same size, like it wasn't very heavy at all. It almost felt like you could throw it up in the air and it would just float back down, but I didn't try that. And it was also a little flexible when I tried to bend it. It didn't break like normal ice would. And even for a small piece, you couldn't see through it. It was solid blue right from the surface.

And here's the really weird part. It didn't melt into water. When it got warm, because we had it inside, it just started to shrink. It got smaller and smaller, but my glove never got wet. And there was no water on the floor. The stuff just turned into thin air when it got warm, and vaporized.

He said that was the reason why they had to study the stuff right there in Antarctica. You couldn't take sky ice back to America to study it, because it was almost impossible to keep it cold enough during transit. It would always vaporize into air and you'd have nothing left when you got back to the US. He said Russian scientists had discovered the same problem when they tried to take sky ice back to Russia. So that was why they all had research stations in Antarctica.

After maybe 15 minutes of handling the piece of sky ice, it was almost completely gone. Just a tiny little bit was left. And my glove was dry the whole time.

I'd never seen anything like it before or since. And that's unusual because I've always had an interest in scientific things. I think that's even why I got selected to go to Antarctica, because a big part of the interview was about science and what I believed about things. So I really thought it was cool to see something I'd never heard of before.

The whole time I was at McMurdo I heard people talk about "the wall" like that was a special place. It's pretty common to find ice walls and ice cliffs all over Antarctica. The whole place is ice. But it's all just normal white or clear ice, so I asked my friend where they get the sky ice from, and he said it comes from "the wall".

I don't remember exactly how he described it, but apparently there's a huge wall of sky ice in Antarctica. He said it was hundreds of miles inland from the coast. I never got to see it myself because I was only stationed to McMurdo. I didn't get to go out on expeditions. He said it was the biggest natural structure in the world.

He said that in the 1960's the US Army had a plan to bore a tunnel into the wall. But they didn't have a boring machine that could handle super cold temperatures. So they had a whole testing project in Greenland where they developed ice tunnels and invented new boring machines that could operate in super cold temperatures. Like they did this whole big thing in Greenland just for practice. I'm not an expert on that but that's just what he told me. Then once they had the new boring machine figured out, they brought it to the wall in Antarctica.

He said that the machine bored a tunnel, I don't remember exactly, like 5 or 10 miles into the wall, but that they never broke through the other side of the wall, and that they still don't know how thick the wall is even to this day.

And I'm probably not remembering this part correctly, but I think he said that at first, the floor of the tunnel was solid rock, but after a mile or two in, the floor was sky ice. Like it was sky ice underneath after a certain point. Or something like that.

And apparently the wall slowly builds itself back up after you cut it, because after a year or so, the tunnel had shrunk smaller all by itself. They had to leave the boring machine inside the wall because the tunnel shrunk too small to get it back out. And after a few decades the tunnel was completely gone.

Like, that part of the wall was solid again.

He said that now the scientists were trying to use technology to figure out how thick the wall is. He said something about putting earthquake sensors all along the wall, and that somehow you could measure the signal from an earthquake to see how thick the wall is, but he kinda lost me on that part.

I never really thought about any of that after I left. It was really weird stuff, but I didn't think it was a big deal at the time. But then a few weeks ago I saw a map of the wall in Antarctica. Except the map was all flat and crazy looking, and it showed the wall going all the way up over the whole earth.

So since then I've been trying to learn more about the sky ice that I saw, and the wall that I heard about, but I can't find anything at all. So now I'm really wondering if there could be a connection here. And that's how I found this group. So I hope that maybe some part of my experience will help someone figure something out.

I don't know if that report is fact or fiction, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is factual. Water certainly does have some unusual qualities that we are still researching, like the super dense, super salty water found deep in the Antarctic Ocean. It is called "dense water" or a "brine pool."

I have no doubt that where the firmament meets the ground has been found long ago. And they certainly have found something there that has persuaded the powers-that-be to keep the Antarctic off limits to the general public. What is it? What have they discovered? Perhaps the throne of Satan himself at an entrance to the underworld? I must confess that I sometimes wonder if the supposed hole into a hollow earth at the north pole has really been found, and that in truth it is the edge of the Bottomless Pit that is mentioned in Holy Scripture. What I have no doubt about is that the surface of the earth is flat rather than on a globe!


Flat Earth Book & Study Resources

Biblical Cosmography

The Dauntless Astronomy

Zetetic Astronomy Earth Not a Globe (1865) by Samuel "Parallax" Rowbothan

Experimental Proofs That The Surface Of Standing Water Is Not Convex But Horizontal (1870) by Samuel "Parallax" Rowbothan

Earth Not A Globe (1881) by Samuel Birley Rowbotham

One Hundred Proofs That The Earth Is Not A Globe (1885) by William Carpenter

One Hundred Proofs That The Earth Is Not A Globe (1885) by William Carpenter

Zetetic Cosmogeny (1899) by Samuel "Parallax" Rowbothan

Terra Firma: The Earth Not A Planet, Proved From Scripture, Reason And Fact (1901) by David Wardlaw Scott

The Earth A Plane (1906) by John Edward Qunlan

The Enlightenment Of The World (1912) by John G. Abizaid

The Flat Earth Society (Facebook)


Omar Thibeaux Flat Earth Series


Flat Earth Media Resources


Hello Flat Earth: NASA Lies (Adele Cover Song by Amber Plaster)

Geocentric bgy Amber Plaster with Lyrics


Time To Unite: Wayki Wayki – Flat Earth And Other Lands


What Happens When You Become A Flat Earther?


Biblical Flat Earth: Exposing the Idolatry of Man's Natural Philosophy

Here is illustrated the atrocity of combining secular pseudo-science with Biblical knowledge. The secular pseudo-science globe earth cosmology is not compatible with the biblical flat earth cosmology. This is, sadly, also illustrative of the average brainwashed preacher of today. I have examined politics, religion and science. You must choose between Jesus Christ or Satan!

Biblical Flat Earth Exposes the Idolatry Of Natural Philosophy


The Solar System Is A Construct Of Kabbalah



216 "Flat Earth" Bible Verses

Earth Created Before The Sun: Genesis 1:1-19

Universe Is Complete: Genesis 2:1

Earth Measurements Unknown: Job 38:4-5, Jeremiah 31:37, Proverbs 25:3

Earth Is A Disk/Circle, Not A Ball: Isaiah 40:22, Job 38:13-14

Earth Measured With A Line, Not A Curve: Job 38:4-5

Paths Are Straight, Not Curved: 1 Samuel 6:12, Psalm 5:8, Psalm 27:11, Isaiah 40:3, Jeremiah 31:9, Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23, Acts 16:11, Acts 21:1, Hebrews 12:13

Waters Are Straight, Not Curved: Job 37:10

Earthquakes Shake Earth, And Does Not Move Earth: 2 Samuel 22:8, Isaiah 13:13, Revelation 6:12-13

Earth Is Fixed And Immovable: Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, Psalm 119:89-90, Isaiah 45:18, 1 Chronicles 16:30

“Be still, and know that I am God”: Psalm 46:10

Earth Has Pillars, And Hangs On Nothing: 1 Samuel 2:8, Job 9:6, Job 26:7, Psalm 75:3, and 2 Peter 3:5

Earth Has A Face (A Geometrical Flat Surface): Genesis 1:29, Genesis 4:14, Genesis 6:1, Genesis 6:7, Genesis 7:3, Genesis 7:4, Genesis 8:9, Genesis 11:8, Genesis 11:9, Genesis 41:56, Exodus 32:12, Exodus 33:16, Numbers 12:3, Deuteronomy 6:15, Deuteronomy 7:6, and 1 Samuel 20:15, and 1 Kings 13:34, Job 37:12, Psalm 104:30, Jeremiah 25:26, Jeremiah 28:16, Ezekiel 34:6, Ezekiel 38:20, Ezekiel 39:14, Amos 9:6, Amos 9:8, Zechariah 5:3

Waters have a Face (A Geometrical Flat Surface): Genesis 1:2, Genesis 7:18, Job 38:30

Earth Has Ends: Deuteronomy 28:49, Deuteronomy 28:64, Deuteronomy 33:17, and 1 Samuel 2:10, Job 37:3, Job 38:13, Psalm 46:9, Psalm 48:10, Psalm 59:13, Psalm 61:2, Psalm 65:5, Psalm 67:7, Psalm 72:8, Psalm 98:3, Psalm 135:7, Proverbs 8:29, Proverbs 17:24, Proverbs 30:4, Isaiah 5:26, Isaiah 26:15, Isaiah 40:28, Isaiah 41:5, Isaiah 41:9, Isaiah 42:10, Isaiah 43:6, Isaiah 45:22, Isaiah 48:20, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 52:10, Jeremiah 10:13, Jeremiah 16:19, Jeremiah 25:31, Jeremiah 25:33, Jeremiah 51:16, Daniel 4:22, Micah 5:4, Zechariah 9:10, Acts 13:47

Earth Has Corners: Isaiah 11:12, Revelation 7:1

Firmament/Dome: Genesis 1:6-8, Genesis 1:14-18, Genesis 1:20, Genesis 7:11, Genesis 8:2, Job 37:18, Psalm 19:1, Psalm 150:1, Isaiah 40:22, Ezekiel 1:22-26, Ezekiel 10:1, Daniel 12:3

Sun Moves, Not The Earth: Genesis 15:12, Genesis 15:17, Genesis 19:23, Genesis 32:31, Exodus 17:12, Exodus 22:3, Exodus 22:26, Leviticus 22:7, Numbers 2:3, Numbers 21:11, Numbers 34:15, Deuteronomy 4:41, Deuteronomy 4:47, Deuteronomy 11:30, Deuteronomy 16:6, Deuteronomy 23:11, Deuteronomy 24:13, Deuteronomy 24:15, Joshua 1:15, Joshua 8:29, Joshua 10:27, Joshua 12:1, Joshua 13:5, Joshua 19:12, Joshua 19:27, Joshua 19:34, Judges 8:13, Judges 9:33, Judges 14:18, Judges 19:14, Judges 20:43, and 2 Samuel 2:24, and 2 Samuel 3:35, and 2 Samuel 23:4, and 1 Kings 22:36, and 2 Chronicles 18:34, Psalm 50:1, Psalm 113:3, Ecclesiastes 1:5, Isaiah 41:25, Isaiah 45:6, Isaiah 59:19, Jeremiah 15:9, Daniel 6:14, Amos 8:9, Jonah 4:8, Micah 3:6, Nahum 3:17, Malachi 1:11, Matthew 5:45, Mark 16:2, Ephesians 4:26, James 1:11

Sun STOPS Moving: Isaiah 60:20, Job 9:7, Joshua 10:12-14, Habakkuk 3:11

Moon Has Its Own Light: Genesis 1:16, Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 30:26, Isaiah 60:19-20, Jeremiah 31:35, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Ezekiel 32:7, Revelation 21:23

High Altitude Perspectives: Daniel 4:11, Daniel 4:20, Matthew 4:8

Everyone Sees Jesus: Revelation 1:7

New Jerusalem, The HUGE Cube: Revelation 21:15-17

Matthews Bible From 1537 Says “Flat Earth” See that quote 2nd Samuel 11:11: HERE.

Source: The Doctrine of the Shape of the Earth by Nathan Roberts;
Amazon Link; This book is highly reccommended!



Here Is The BIG LIE Illustrated!



Here Is The BIGGER LIE That's Coming!


RE: Brian Paul Lakins Flat Eath Doctrine:
How To Respond Biblically to Flat Earthers' Use of Scripture

Mr Lakins says "Is the earth flat & motionless with a dome over it? What do these 240+ scriptures really teach?"

I bought a copy, and it isn't worth the money. It is a masterpiece, however, of circular reasoning stacked on top of assumptions. It has some of the worst exegesis that I have ever seen. He quite simply assumes the globe earth model, outer space, and so on, and then tries to make passage after passage, most of which have nothing to do with the subject, disprove the flat earth cosmology. But he does have a money maker with his so-called 240+ scriptures he presents as globe earth proof. Globeheads and the curious will spend money for it.

Take my advice, and skip buying this pseudo-science filled mix of Scientism and Twisted Scripture. But then again, if you want to see that I am right, go ahead, and waste some money. Remember that I have warned you that his circular reasoning is based on the assumption up front that the earth is a globe.

Please be sure to read the Uniformitarianism section of this web site. When you understand the information presented there, then you can understand better how the world has been tricked into believing the earth is a globe travelling through outer space. Rest assured, the earth is a plane, surrounded by an ice wall, and covered with a dome. Study the Bible texts presented above. There is no outer space, and science fiction is just that... fiction!

Remember, we are bombarded with pictures of a globe earth from infancy onward, by the educational system and the public media. Most people are thoroughly brainwashed, and most people will never shake off enough of that brainwashing to clearly and unbiasedly consider the flat earth view. Don't be that brainwashed politically correct simpleton. Examine the evidence and use that thinking part of your brain to seriously check this subject out. After all, many people really are waking up to the "flat earth" truth.


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis