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Kundalini / Demon Possession

The Fall of the Cabal: Parts 1-10 (A Janet Ossebaard Documentary)


Hillary Clinton had Séance's with lying demons in the White House!

Pelosi see's dead "Suffragette's."

Again, Nancy's Spirit Guides

Nancy Pelosi Bizarre Hand Gestures at State of Union Address 2022
Go To 3:35

Pelosi is demon possessed. She hosts at least one demon and probably several more. This reaction is the demon acting out in her, joyful at the suffering and death of those who were affected by the burn pits that Biden was talking about. Wake up, people. Nancy Pelosi is an evil, demonic, money and power hungry woman.

Schumer talks to empty chairs: More crazy demon influenced behavior!


Kobe Bryant: Pupil Of Lucifer! Pt. 1

Kobe Bryant: Pupil Of Lucifer! Pt. 2

Bryant bows to the "Divine Feminine"

The Modern KUNDALINI Spirit Movement EXPOSED

Hillary's Kundalini Movements

Bethel Redding's So-Called "Church" Demon-Possession Services

Islamic Demon Possession

Bethel's Demonic Diaper Man

Demonic Ecumenical Pastors

Charley Pride Openly Denies Bible & Jesus Christ
& Boasts Country Music Is Full Of Devil Worship

Beyonce, Black is King, BLM, and Black Magic

Jennifer Aniston Admits Involvement In Luciferian Goddess Cult!

Duck Dynasty's Frightening Endorsement of the Pope

Paula White Practices Occult Astral Projection


They Sold Their Souls: The Beatles

Many More Informative Video's On Youtube At Good Fight Ministries & At Their Website.


They Sold Their Souls: Elvis Presley

Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader


EVIL RISING: Disney Now Flat-Out Promoting Demons
And Witchcraft To Children!


Shocking excerpts from Bob Dylan's 60 Minutes Interview-Did he sell his soul?

Bob Dylan - Gotta Serve Somebody (Official Audio)


Can You Really Sell Your Soul To Satan?


Bible Verses About Casting Out Spirits | Deliverance Scriptures


Carl Gallups Ministries



Is Trump Really A Christian?
No, I Don't Think So!

Donald Trump has a very superficial knowledge of the Bible, apparently entirely of things he has heard from other people that also don't have much of a clue about what the Bible really says. The pastoral group that gathered around him, laid hands on him, and prayed over him at the White House, were an elite gathering of the "wolves in sheep's clothing" that informed Christians dismiss as worthless. When a group of pseudo-pastors, that includes Kris Vallotton of the demon infested Bethel Church in Redding, and Kenneth Copeland who is considered the wealthiest pastor in America with an alleged estimated net worth of $760 million, three private jets, and a tax-free mega-mansion worth $7 million, that group of pastors are not imparting God's favor on anyone! If they imparted anything on President Trump, it would be demonic, evil spirits from Satan, not grace or favor from Almighty God.

When looking for factual truth outside of the pages of the Bible, it always boils down to the same old thing: follow the money! If money is the main thing a person is interested in, then God obviously isn't the main thing a person is interested in. My conclusion? Trump was not saved in that televised charade of mega-pastors, nor is he a Christian, judging it by his own ill-informed words in the following video. He is not America's savior. He is just another lying politician in a long line of politicians claiming to be a Christian to get the Christian's votes!

The battle still rages between the Church and the World, and between the Spirit and the Flesh. Trump's good quality is that he is a Patriot and a Nationalist, not an Internationalist Socialist Traitor. But that Nationalist/Internationalist battle is a conflict that Satan will enjoy watching for as long as he can keep it going! Saving America from these evil forces will only occur if the majority of real American Christian's will pray and work for a genuine national revival that turns this nation back to Jesus Christ.


How Trump Talks About His Faith: ‘God Is The Ultimate’



Romans 10:9-13

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

You can entertain demons by following sinful temptations and practices. You can host demons, and let them act out through you like some of the people in the above video's. But you can't really "sell your soul" to Satan. Don't be fooled. You can turn to Jesus at any time, up to the very moment of physical death, for salvation.


Aliens and Demons: Evidence of an Unseen Realm
A documentary film featuring Dr. Michael S. Heiser


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis