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Emergency Preparedness


"Survivalism: A Social Movement: Survivalism is a social movement of individuals or groups who proactively prepare for emergencies, including natural disasters, as well as disruptions to social, political, or economic order. Preparations may anticipate short-term scenarios or long-term, on scales ranging from personal adversity, to local disruption of services, to international or global catastrophe. Survivalism may be limited to preparing for a personal emergency, such as job loss or being stranded in the wild or under adverse weather conditions. The emphasis is on self-reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills. Survivalists often acquire emergency medical and self-defense training, stockpile food and water, prepare to become self-sufficient, and build structures such as survival retreats or underground shelters that may help them survive a catastrophe." - Wikipedia


Five Signs Martial Law Is Coming


We now live in dangerous times. Not only are the ungodly coming after the godly, but natural disasters are happening at a record pace. Judgment is upon us. As Christians we know full well that we must ultimately rely on Jesus for protection. But that does not mean we can sit back and relax. We should prepare for what we can. As the Great Reset proceeds, we will see many things happen. The power grid may go down. Trucking may be halted. Mobs may ransack the stores and start invading the countryside. These are the things that may be coming to America soon! If the Lord tarries long enough, we may see the faithful being hunted down as is now happening in the Middle East. Thus, we must prepare for the worst. Protecting our loved ones is a duty if criminals try to break into our homes. Witnessing the Gospel Message to the last breath we draw is also a duty. So, don't get caught with your britches down, unprepared, if an emergency comes to your area. Long range we rely on Jesus. Short range we prepare for the situations we know may be getting close. Food, shelter and self defense covers the basics of emergency preparedness. But don't forget that for many years many people have had dreams and visions of a third world war wherein China invades the United States. This is a major reason for all citizens of the United States to be trained, at a minimum, in the use of defensive small arms.


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Original Content Copyright © 2021 / Robert K. Lewis