Friday, November 12, 2021

A Note Regarding Mormonism

TwoEdged Sword KJV, on FB, says “Not at all surprised Osteen said this. Billy Graham or Ravi Zacharias never did expose the errors of Mormonism. That is because they like so many others are cowardly compromisers.”

“QUESTION: [From an interview of Joel Osteen by Chris Wallace, 12/23/07]:

C.W.: And what about Mitt Romney…? Is a Mormon a true Christian?

J.O.: Well, in my mind they are. Mitt Romney has said he believes in Christ as his savior, and that’s what I believe…. I am not the one to judge the little details of it. So I believe they are….Romney seems like a man of character and integrity to me. I don’t think anything would stop me from voting for him.

ANSWER: Osteen is either astonishingly ignorant about Mormonism or about biblical Christianity, or both. Here are just a few of the facts about Mormonism that he apparently considers to be “little details” of no importance–raising the solemn question whether he is a true Christian himself.

The “god” Romney believes in is only one of an infinite number of such “gods” whom, in distinction to the others, Mormons identify as “the god of this world,” one of Satan’s titles (2 Cor:4:4). He is a glorified once-sinful man who was “redeemed” by another “Jesus” who died on another cross on another planet (one of an infinite number of each in Mormon theology). Over eons of time, this Mormon man, having gone through the temple ceremonies on that “earth,” died. His spirit ascended through further temple-like initiations and finally became the “god” who created this earth on which we live.

Mormonism teaches, “As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.” Joseph Smith holds each Mormon’s destiny in his hands. His successor, Brigham Young, warned, “No man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter the Celestial Kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith….He holds the keys…” ( Journal of Discourses , 7:289). Another Mormon President, Joseph Fielding Smith, declared, “[There is] no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith..” ( Doctrines of Salvation , Vol 1, pp. 189-90).

Romney is going through the essential secret temple ceremonies. As a “temple Mormon,” he wears the magic “temple garment underwear” day and night for protection from evil. He has the ambition to become another god who will create its own earth with another Adam and Eve and fall. Sex with his many wives will produce a multitude of spirit children (including another spirit “Jesus” and “Lucifer”), another “Mary” for him to have sex with to provide a body for the “spirit Jesus” to inhabit in order to become a god after dying on another “cross,” etc. Mormons such as Romney must believe this fiction in order to get to Mormon heaven.

The “Christ” Romney believes in, (making him the “Christian” Osteen says all Mormons are), was the half-brother of Lucifer in the pre-existent state. They were each born to the same polygamous “father god” but probably to a different one of his many, many wives.

Brigham Young said, “The devil told the truth [about becoming gods]. I do not blame Mother Eve…for…eating the forbidden fruit.” Like Joseph Smith, he taught that only polygamists can become gods ( Doctrine and Covenants , Sec. 132).

The salvation and “eternal life” Romney looks forward to is exaltation to polygamous godhood, which could take eons of time after death. Woodruff, fourth LDS president, declared, “If we were to do away with polygamy…then we must…give up our religion altogether…” ( Journal of Discourses , Vol 13, p. 166).

Among the many bizarre Mormon beliefs: when the gods with their physical bodies have sex with their many “goddess” wives who also have physical bodies, the babies they produce to populate the earth (that this “heavenly father god” created) do not have physical bodies but are spirits. Yet, oddly enough, babies born to people on earth have physical bodies.

Thus, each spirit baby produced by the gods in heaven must come to earth to inhabit a newborn baby in order to get a physical body–as did “Jesus.” Mormons have large families because so many spirit children, youth, or grown-ups wait anxiously in heaven for bodies to live in on earth.

Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt explained why we don’t remember our pre-existent spirit state in heaven: our spirit bodies had grown so large that when they were squeezed into a baby’s body on earth it caused a loss of memory.

Romney’s Jesus Christ was not born of a virgin but to the “Mormon Mary” after the “god of this world,” in his man’s body of flesh and blood, had sex with her. For documentation of the above (and much more), see The God Makers book and or DVD.

I don’t think that a man who bases his hope for eternity upon such delusion could possibly be fit for the White House.”

— Dave Hunt

Mormonism is not Christianity. It is a curious mix of Satanism and Freemasonry. Joseph Smith was a con man, a storyteller, and one who communed with demons who were posing as dead people.

See: Link To Mormonism Article at

For an in-depth look at the foolishness called Mormonism, obtain a copy of Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? by Jerald and Sandra Tanner, from Utah Lighthouse Ministry, P.O. Box 1884, Salt Lake City, UT 84110. Go online at Utah Lighthouse Ministry.

Also view the online book The Changing World of Mormonism by Jerald and Sandra Tanner at The Changing World of Mormonism eBook.