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Government Corruption


Necromancy In High Places

by Robert K. Lewis, December 2019


Luciferian Traitors are people like Nancy Pelosi who saw dead "Suffragettes" sitting with her in her chair, demonic entities that told her "Now we have someone to speak for us!" How wonderful to be speaking for demons and devils. As I write this in December of 2019, I see that she is doing a bang-up job of it. D.C. Traitors are people like Hillary Clinton, who practices Necromancy. She talks to a demon that she thinks is Eleanor Roosevelt.

Wikipedia says "Necromancy is a practice of magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon. Sometimes referred to as "Death Magic", the term may also sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft." - Wikipedia.

Knowing this, it is easy to see who enlivens and guides the Democrat women who all dressed in white in honor of the Suffragettes at the State of the Union address. It is easy to see what empowers the evil mechanations devised by the Socialist and Deep State men and women of the Regressive Leftist criminal cabal. This demon inspired influence is running rampant in the United States Congress, and throughout all of its various branches and agencies. Decent people should be cringing at the Coup attempt in progress against President Trump. They should be angry and rising up in arms to stop this manifestation of evil persons with evil plans.

Demon inspired traitors are everywhere within government circles, corporations, within churches, and in many other places of secular power. Often they claim to be Christians. But in truth they are evil, sometimes possessed by the demons they talk with. This is the great danger that the United States faces as the traitorous Socialist Democrats try to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. It's all about Powers and Principalities.

Also, it's about the future of you and your children! But maybe it is too late. Maybe God has had enough of America's infanticide of the unborn. Maybe God has had enough of the military empire of the United States throwing its weight around all over the world. Or has God used our military might to enable the spread of the Gospel, and to reign in evil powers and principalities? I hope that the window open to the world for hearing the Gospel is not about to close. Is the age of worldwide Christian Evangelism about to close? Maybe American based missionaries need to come home to reevangelize the United States, since the American homeland is now where the immediate danger for Americans exists!

Satanism is now very well established within American churches of all flavors. The Salvation Message of Grace is being supplanted by a Salvation Message of Works. Calvinism is that culprit that disseminates the T.U.L.I.P. heresy. Just as bad is the New Apostalic Reformation (NAR) movement infiltrating congregation after congregation. Bethel in Redding, California, is an epicenter of the NAR filth, with services wherein people become possessed and writh in pain on the floor, "angel dust" descends from above, and "grave soaking" is an in-thing. These things are all based in Eastern Mysticism. There is nothing genuinely Christian about them. The same demons operating within our governments are operating within our churches. The world is in very bad shape, and the United States is certainly a part of that unholy world.

Secret Societies, most not really so secret anymore, are numerous. They are fraternal in nature, and are used to network and thus elevate their members in status, power and prestige. They are not Christian in nature, and have specific, usually social and religious, agenda's for society that they push. The Corporate structure of modern America allows for Corporate entities of great power, also. The main object of a Corporation is to make a profit, and Corporate lobbyist's haunt the halls of government, buying favors with campaign donations and well-paying corporate "retirement" positions after their target's public service. Churches are also a racket, as no taxes are charged against churches and cash donations are easily hidden. Many are the wolves in sheep's clothing busy fleecing their gullible flocks. Finding a church that preaches correct Bible is increasingly hard to do. The schools and colleges are primarily now staffed with liberal Socialist Professors, and attended by know-nothing students who don't have a clue regarding the lessons of history that America should be heeding. Graduates of these corrupted schools and colleges now infest positions in government, the corporations, the churches and continue to spread their filth to more graduates of their corrupted schools.

Yes, evil people and mixed up people are everywhere, seemingly centered in D.C., but actually throughout all of society. The truth is out there, but seems to be very hard for most people to find. Mayhem and murder, vandalism and theft, and every other horror possible, is present within the ranks of the angry and dissatisfied within our nation. Poverty and crime in other countries causes others to try to enter the United States in hope of a better life, but it also results in more crime and more criminals coming here to take advantage of our culture and citizenry. A traitor President went out of his way to bring in thousands and thousands of Muslims who will never assimilate. Last but not least, a corrupted media does everything they can to brainwash people with garbage news commentary and constant scare tactics. The media is all about the satanic things I have been describing. They sneer and rail against Jesus Christ, Christian's, the Holy Bible and Jews. Our culture is on a downward slide, and may not survive as a Constitutional Republic for much longer. The demons keep stirring up the D.C. Traitors to greater and greater fury.

Yes, these TRAITOR CRIMINALS must be exposed regarding the filthy beliefs that they have and practice. Jesus Christ's Gospel Message must be preached everywhere. Only by shining the light of truth into the gloom, doom and darkness of sin and error will some few individuals find Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ. Unsaved, without the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and without the Testimony from God found within the pages of the Holy Bible, we are all lost, and ripe for victimization. But we don't have to remain that way! True National salvation can come only through a return to Christian Bible-based correctness, coupled with a return to Traditional American Philosophy, by a majority of the citizenry.

This is a call to Prayer and to Evangelism! Correct Exegesis and Traditional Education simply MUST be returned to the public, to our citizens and quickly to our youth. Nothing less can save the United States from becoming a "New World Order" ruin. We must pray for our National salvation!



Convergence: How All Things Are Falling Into Place – Jan Markell



How To Save Our Country From Judgment

There are five cycles of judgment that God uses when withdrawing His protection from a nation or an individual. Step by step, sin results in the withdrawal of God's protection, which exposes the nation and the individual to greater and greater attack by demonic forces. These cycles, or stages, are described in Leviticus 26. The Bible points out that these judgments are automatic, and will not be stopped without the sin being repented of and rejected. And each judgment is declared to be seven times worse than the preceding judgment.

Cycle One is described in Leviticus 26:14-17. It is SICKNESS resulting from fear. It is a fact that we cannot escape from ourself. It is a fact that sinning produces negative feelings within oneself about oneself, a fear that can grow to border on terror. The sickness can be physical or mental, or both. This is when a determined and rebellious person will begin to harden ones heart and to build a false reality to justify ones sins. We see the plague of human casualties from this first cycle everywhere, all idolizing other things than God, movie stars, body decoration, piercing and scarring, and rampant drug use, for example.

Cycle Two is described in Leviticus 26:18-20. It is CROP FAILURE. Joel 1:1-5 also addresses this, showing that crop destruction can come in successively destructive waves. "That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworn eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten." These four types of locusts each act in a unique fashion. First, the palmerworm, "gazam" in Hebrew, meaning "to cut off," eats the tops right off the stalks, consuming the fruits or kernels. Second, the locust, "arbeh" in Hebrew, meaning "swarming locust," eats the stalks to leave only a stubble behind. Third, the cankerworm, "yeleq" in Hebrew, meaning "to lick up," does exactly that by consuming the stubble right down to the ground. Fourth, the caterpiller, "chaciyl" in Hebrew, meaning "the devourer," actually eats the seeds, the underground part of the plant. The result is a hopeless situation. Monsanto, genetically engineered crops, lack of rain and unstable weather patterns, and increasing instances of bird flu epidemics and other animal diseases should all come to ones mind.

Cycle Three is described in Leviticus 26:21-23. It is the DESTRUCTION OF THE OFFSPRING OF MAN AND BEAST. Verse 22 says that "wild beasts" will come in and ravage the nation, killing innocent children, and the young of the flocks and herds. The result will be the lessoning of the number of the people. Their ability to provide for themselves will be drastically reduced. Abortion, rampant child abuse, the incredible number of disappearing children and Satanic Ritual Abuse should come to mind. Propaganda and brainwashing leading couples to reject marriage and having children, to accept homosexuality and other GLBT perversions, and to limit offspring to lower numbers than can maintain the current population, are all indications of these "wild beasts" existing among the flock.

Cycle Four is described in Leviticus 26:23-26. It is MILITARY OCCUPATION. Here we see the nation overrun and controlled by a foreign power. The land is stolen. The rightful citizens of the land fall under the jack boots of domination. A military dictatorship is imposed upon them. Today our government is under the occupation of outside forces, Marxists, socialists, communists, New Agers and Muslims, and a President that isn't even eligible to be our President by law. A coup is in progress, and as I write this, is winning! It is common knowledge, provable knowledge, that this occupier government is preparing for bloody social transformation, stocking weapons and ammunition, and preparing concentration camps. They "know" the economy is going to collapse. Perhaps they are even engineering the collapse. False flag operations have been a specialty of the occupiers all along.

Cycle Five is described in Leviticus 26:27-29. It is DESTRUCTION, CAPTIVITY AND ENSLAVEMENT IN A FOREIGN LAND. Scripture indicates that in the very last of the last Days that an Antichrist will arise that has the power to control all buying and selling, worldwide. That will be total tyranny. The technology exists to accomplish this, a technology that will allow an oppressive tyrant to simple delete you from the database if they should decide to do so. This predicted tyrant will kill as many Christians and Jews as he can during his reign of terror. How close is America to this destruction? Will we be the victims of a nuclear holocaust on the way to this eventuality? The world hates we who worship only One God and who frown on all others!

Is the United States headed for oblivion? Do our sins compare to Sodom and Gomorrah? The fact of the matter is that judgment does not come because everybody is not living for God. Nor does preservation come because everybody is living for God. Until the Lord returns for the final harvest of the Church Saints, the wheat and the tares will coexist. So then, what causes judgment to come? It is of the utmost importance to understand how to stand against this trend toward nation destruction by God's Judgments! We simply must understand how to save our country, or we are, as a nation, lost, doomed, and destined for slavery.

Judgment comes when the salt loses its savor. It isn't the immorality of the nation that causes judgment. It is the immorality of the Saints that causes judgment to fall on men and nations. When we Christians grow too fat and too lazy, and neglect our duty to pray and stand in the gap, then we are tempting judgment. Ezekiel said in Ezekiel 22:30, "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

Prayer! Standing in the gap! Living and breathing as responsible Saints, that is the answer to saving America! The book of Joel is directed to the REMNANT, and in this era to you and to me. We have not been blessed because of our Constitution. We were blessed because our earliest immigrants and our Founders once stood in the gap, and prayed, arrayed against evil while actively pursuing righteousness. We are the salt within a sinful society, called and commissioned to pray for this nation and to stand on our feet as Christian soldiers properly outfitted with the Armour of God. But if the salt loses it savor it is only worth casting out. If we are good for nothing then we will be judged.

I challenge my fellow patriots to compare these stages of judgment to the recent history and conditions present in America today! We ARE being judged, and we HAVE been found wanting!

--- Article developed from a study of "Joel, The Outpouring of God's Glory"
by Bob Yandian, ISBN 0-89274-402-2, C. 1985.


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis