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This Is The Real Conspiracy



Mankind has a calling. That calling is to exercise Dominion over the earth as God's stewards. Gary North has written a good basic primer, Bible-based, regarding the Conspiracy to prevent that God-given plan. It is worth taking the time to read.



The Conspiracy among mankind is a battle between the Spirit and the Flesh. The Scripture says in 1st Timothy 6:10 that "... the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." The love of money results in a lust for power that enables one to accumulate more money and gain more power leading to a need for more power, more money, and... Yes, you see the repetitive way that path in life goes.

There is a point where more money is not needed in one's life, and when hoarding becomes a burden. Plus, the greedy pursuit of money almost always comes at the expense of someone else.

When secret societies like the Freemasons, and others, keep their business within the brotherhood, within the Fraternity or within their Craft, the money and power is hoarded. Lacking biblical insight, restraint and morality as presented by Jesus, this ungodly pursuit of money and power often leads to great sins, great hardships, great hate, and horrendous wars.

These groups, as do individuals, feel the need to justify their activities with belief systems they develop. Within them are found false religions, false gods, and the tenants of false sciences. Idols, not always of stone, but often of ideas, are erected to be worshipped. The 1st and 2nd Great Commandments of the one true God are thrown to the wind and swept away to be followed no more, by these evil people and movements.

Truths such as are found in Traditional American Bible-based Philosophy, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, are laughed at, legislated out of usage, and eventually outlawed by ungodly legislators, corrupt politicians and greed filled corporations.

Power seeking groups proliferate among this power elite, among those seeking greater and greater riches. This chart names many conspiratorial entities, and doing an investigation of each of them is a worthwhile study. Know your enemies, and recognize the methods they use that decent people reject. At the top of these conspiratorial group will be found the greatest conspirator of all time: Lucifer!

Jesus mentions the "Synagogue of Satan." Do you know what that is? Click the Link and go down to Chapter 15: The Synagogue of Satan.


Conspiracies Chart
The Conspirators


Very Interesting, Not Totally Correct, But Much IS Correct!


PPOV 179 Prophecy Update With Andy Woods. Public Schools, Critical Race Theory, American Spirituality


True Conspiracies


Satan has beguiled the minds of men. Supposedly, studying the natural world the "way it was," or "the way it is," [i.e. Uniformitarianism] is legitimate science. But it is only pseudo-science, the mother theory of all false sciences, easily exposed as a garbage belief system. This world is actually suffering from about 6000 years of natural decay and genetic degeneration. In fact, on the average, each generation is a little less capable, a little farther away from the original created perfection, than the generation before it. Given enough time all life would "run down" and stop reproducing. That scenario is just as sure as the scenario that a car left sitting long enough in a field without maintenance will gradually turn to dust.


The Experiment We Didn’t Notice

by James L. Payne

In our times, the world has seen a long and violent social experiment. This is the effort to cure problems of privation and injustice with a doctrine called socialism, propounded in its most popular form by Karl Marx. The striking thing about this ideology, however, is that the world has not paid attention to its key, indispensable premise. No one- not Marx himself, not his followers, not his critics – explicitly identified the central premise that was being tested as one country after another adopted this philosophy.

The doctrines of Marxism that swept the world grew out of the burning anger at the apparent unfairness of the industrial order that emerged in the 19th century. You had one group, the workers, who worked long hours for low pay, and whose living conditions seemed deplorable. On the other side, you had the owners, the capitalists – or bourgeoisie, as Marx referred to them – who seemed to be very wealthy and had a comfortable, opulent lifestyle. Moreover, the wealth of the owners seemed to be directly taken from the workers in the form of profits. In the Marxist view, the comfort and opulence of the capitalists are the cause of the poverty and suffering of the workers. Therefore, according to Marx, wiping out the capitalists and abolishing the system of free enterprise would return wealth to the workers and give them comfortable, happy lives.

This version of what is wrong with economic life and how to fix it is an interesting – and of course debatable – position. But it does not get to the heart of Marxism. Marxism involves an additional assumption, a premise that has gone utterly unexamined for the entire life of this doctrine.

Let’s see if you can spot this missing premise in Marx’s exhortation to action in The Communist Manifesto. Marx urged the proletariat to “wrest … all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the State.” Marx also called for the “centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.” He also called for the “centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.”

For Marx, the aim of the proletarian revolution may have been to crush the capitalists and have everyone live happily ever after, but the means to achieve this goal was to put government in charge of everything. Marx is looking to “the State” to manage economic life and ensure that every person gets his just desserts.

If Marx had proceeded logically, then, he should have closely examined government as an institution, to see if it was capable of carrying out his dream. Well, he didn’t. The communist Manifesto never examines “the State.” Nowhere does Marx explore any of its properties and abilities.

For example, if he had given the point even a moment’s thought, he would have realized that running an economy is an intricate, complicated challenge. Somebody has to decide the correct price of shoelaces and determine how many acres of wheat should be planted. The job would require, at a minimum, intelligent, well-trained decision makers. Therefore, Marx should have proposed systems of training and testing for officials, so that not just anybody could be in charge. Without such requirements, those who end up in power might be thugs and bomb-throwers who, in their ignorance, bring the economy to ruin.. Well, Marx utterly ignored investigating the issue of leadership competence. He simply assumed that a government run by anybody claiming to be a socialist would do everything right.

Another issue Marx should have considered is the moral and psychological character of leaders. After all, the experience of history demonstrates that oftentimes you get paranoiac, violent people in charge of governments. Therefore, a philosopher looking to government as the savior of mankind should stipulate systems of leadership selection that carefully screen out those with violent or vicious tendencies. These people – like a Stalin in Russia or a Pol Pot in Cambodia or a Kim Jung-Un in North Korea – might use the states’ apparatus of coercion to slay millions of worthy proletarians in appalling binges of repression and genocide.

Apparently, this possibility never crossed his mind. Marx had no conception that he was formulating a philosophy that would be eagerly embraced by tyrants, by mass murderers who would use the government’s tools of violence to outdo the viciousness of “bourgeois” rulers by the hundredfold. For Marx, “the State” is simply a vague blob of all-powerful authority that will do everything right when in the hands of the virtuous proletarians – a greenish Town Meadow where birds sing sweetly and rabbits hop happily.

Yet despite this yawning gap, the world didn’t laugh at The Communist manifesto. This work, which assumed that the unanalyzed State would be the saving agency of mankind, was enthusiastically embraced by peoples around the world, and Marxism became a household word. What made this doctrine so instantly plausible and appealing? The answer is that Marx wasn’t the only person who accepted the competent authority presumption. It has been the basic, unnoticed axiom of the entire socialist movement, from the activists of past ages to the academic theoreticians of today.

Now the experiment has been run. One hundred years after the first trial, Marxist socialism has been discarded by most of the countries that tried it – and remains only in a few self-serving dictatorships that modern left-wingers prefer not to notice. Yet in analyzing what went wrong with Marxism, scholars have strangely ignored its underlying premise. Instead, they point to secondary features like repression of free speech or single-party rule. Yes, Marxism involved these practices, but these were not its underlying assumption. The foundation of Marxism was the idea that government could successfully manage all aspects of national life. If you take away that assumption, you don’t have Marxism.

Marxism was a century-long application of the competent authority presumption performed right before our eyes, and experiment to see what happens when you turn everything over to the State. Yet because practically everyone takes this faith in government for granted, the public never noticed that it was being put to the test – and failing. As a result of this inability to learn from experience, we have Today a new generation of eager idealists embracing the term “socialism,” aspiring to use government to make life better for common people. Just as with Marx and the old socialists, their world view rests on an unexamined, assumption: that government has the intelligence, consistency and integrity to carry out whatever they have in mind, however vague that aspiration might be.

Source: The Big Government We Love to Hate by James L. Payne, pp. 36-39. Published January 2021 by Lytton Publishing Company, Box 1212, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Library of Congress Control Number: 2020914677. ISBN 978-0-915728-28-2 --- www.LyttonPublishing.com


Though I question the supposed religious naiveté of Marx, Dr. Payne certainly exposes the weakness of the Marxist economic and government theory. And what do we have in the United States today? Socialism, Communism, and Facism: all three rotton flavors of Marxism! Lot's of it. An internal coup has captured the Democrat Party. This coup has installed so many stupid Marxist politicians and fellow-travelers into our government that the country is now about to collapse. They have ruined the economy. Hard times are at the door. This sad state of affairs, after supposedly fighting three wars to defeat Marxist governments (two wars deliberately lost, I must add), is nothing less than a broad road to destruction. The brainwashing of the American masses, the destruction of American youth, is nearly complete.


We’re Not Gonna Bow by Gaither Music TV
Starring Jeff & Sheri Easter, and Charlotte Ritchie


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis