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Child Abuse

Today the child abuser is looked upon with horror and the media talks about it seemingly endlessly. From my own experience talking with people, I believe a minimum of four out of five women are physical battered and/or sexually abused before they are out of high school, a percentage much higher than even the "official" estimate. I suspect that abuse of men, also including physical battering and sexual assault, is much more frequent than official statistics indicate. Child abuse should be looked upon with horror. Yet the media never mentions conversion to Christ as the only cure for the child abuser, and as the only means of healing for the child abuse victim. Genuine conversion (E44) is the only possible cure.

Jesus is love. One must learn to see the other person as an individual, as another feeling person, as someone worthy of respect who is loved by God. The abuser fails to see the victim as a "feeling" person. The abuser sees the victim only as a vehicle for fulfilling his or hers own self-determined and self-centered lustful needs. The abuser is thinking self, self, self, and I, I, I.

The victim's, the one's with the violated bodies often turn their thoughts inward for the rest of their lives also. It is not uncommon for the victim to become the child abusers in the future, because they "dwell" on what has happened to them. Some campaign against child abuse, yet irrationally adopt other forms of sexual perversion. They improperly rationalize that "between consenting adults" anything is "o.k." Amazingly, the same people who loudly campaign against child abuse, are often the same people parading for "gay rights" and/or the woman's "right" to freely have an abortion.

In truth, these child victim's are the part of humanity that is most beloved by God (Matthew 18:1-10; 19:13-15). They are the most vulnerable to human and supernatural evil. The most effective way for Satan to destroy mankind would be to destroy all the children, and for this reason Satan especially hates what the Lord loves most, our children.

Abuse of children falls into four broad and interrelated classifications: (1) Sexual Abuse, resulting in reactions of extreme shame, sexual problems, fear and anger; (2) Physical Abuse, resulting in reactions of extreme rage and interpersonal relationships problems; (3) Psychological Abuse, resulting in reactions of extreme negative self-image and the spirit of rejection, always producing anger; and (4) Religious Abuse, resulting in reactions of extreme confusion about God and the Christian faith, and an inability to trust God or the Son of God.

Through sexual sin, including but not limited to child abuse, damage cripples the entire human being. These sins usually involve the individual in the fiercest, most nightmarish, struggles they will ever face in their life. Sexual sin thus naturally produces many of the most horrible and degrading social problems common to mankind. Demons of sexual abuse are literally everywhere, influencing men and women to destroy themselves and others, and I am speaking literally!

Quite simply, sexual exploitation of a child is only for the "benefit" of the exploiter. Sexual Abuse is a power thing. The abuser, already damaged, probably by being sexually abused as a child, finds satisfaction only in a situation they can totally control. The victims, in turn, later search for a power greater than that of their abusers. It is role reversal. It is a seemingly endless cycle of violation, hurt, anger, and despair.

Child abuse is an issue of total spiritual warfare. Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is a growing threat, wherein members of satanic cults are specifically attempting to infiltrate or establish child care centers to assure themselves of "available" children. This is a horrible situation, that the general mass of adults reject as implausible or as only "isolated" events. The reasoning is that sexual abuse of children is "obviously" practiced only by "degenerate dirty old men." The truth is that almost everyone abuses children at one time or another, in one way or another, at least psychologically!

Even a saved Christian can be affected by sexual abuse demons from the spiritual-material realm. While demonic involvement is always involved is SRA, demonic involvement may be involved in general sexual abuse, also. But deliverance is possible, through the practice of spiritual warfare (James 4:7-8; 1 Peter 5:8-11). God can heal His bruised children, who are already His, already "bought and paid for" by Christ's death on the cross. For the saved Christian beset by sexual demons, deliverance is already assured, and even the demons know it. It's a question of time. How long will you allow them to disturb your life? They do not leave willingly, so one must claim God's power and sovereignty through spiritual warfare to effect victory over sexual sin.

If you, reader, are a victim or a victimizer, and you want release from guilt, fear, or compulsion, I urge you to obtain The Handbook For Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Ed Murphy, (1992), Thomas Nelson Publishers, available through Christian bookstores. This book is a goldmine that explains the facts and shows you how to break the chains of Satan that bind you. As the title indicates, it is a manual for War against evil. Likewise, if you know anyone who has been victimized by child abuse, or who is wrestling with sexual sins of any kind, get this book and the facts. You just might save someone's life!

Another resource to consider are the sermos by Adrian Rogers at the bottom of this page.

Endnote: (E44)

Religion is a group of teachings designed to tell a person how to live, designed by a leader who can furnish no power to enable a follower to live up to the teachings. Christianity is a relationship to a living Person, Jesus Christ, who has not only provided a group of teachings about how to live, but who indwells his follower as the Holy Spirit so as to provide continuous power to live the suggested life. Christianity is not just religion. It is a personal relationship with God.



Terminal Child Abuse:
Abortion Infanticide

An Aborted Child
Click The Picture

Secular humanist Uniformitarism coupled with rampant sexual perversion have resulted in a self-centered approach to life that has little to no respect for the lives of others. The abortion issue is a case in point, wherein perception of certain "fleshly" rights are totally befuddled and out of sync with mankind's genuine unalienable rights. Presented as "birth control," abortion does not prevent conception. It only destroys a life that has already begun. "Non-therapeutic" abortion is simply performed for the "convenience" and so-called "happiness" of the female not wanting the child.

This is the main issue that shows how much America has become a "Nazi America." Abortion is "The American Holocaust." Nazi Germany gradually surrendered the individual's conscience to the state. Pragmatists, academic physicians and professors, not madmen or insanely fanatical devotees of Naziism, performed the early killing for the Third Reich. They accepted the state demands as unquestionable conclusions of national necessity. Quite simply, the unwarranted extermination of human beings was seen as a national necessity.

Mass murder was called "defending the nation" in Nazi Germany. What of America? Should we kill for the economic good of the nation? Do "welfare children" make their extermination a national necessity? Should we kill to preserve "women's rights?" The Nazi philosophy is not dead and is not the exclusive property of Hitler's Germany. It is alive and well in America today, where over 1,500,000 innocent individuals are murdered every year.

Abortion is the number one killer of Americans. Today one of every two Americans is murdered before birth. Every 30 seconds another child is murdered; 120 each hour; 2,880 each day; 20,160 each week. Would it make the news if 540 school bus loads of children were killed each week? That's how many die each week from abortion. The total of all American war casualties is less than the number of a single years abortion casualties. America is a land which has "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people." So who is responsible for this atrocity? Who is God going to judge? "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." - James 4:17. (B60)

Some of the radical leftist liberals who yap about "women's rights" depersonalize and attempt to fool people about the issue of abortion as much as they can. The child becomes only a fetus, (E47) for example. The unborn child really is a person who God knows and loves. The child is clearly a human being that God has given unalienable rights to, one of which is the right to live.

But there is profit in murder. (B61) The abortion industry easily ranks as one of the most profitable businesses in the country, right up there with the Fortune 500. Many abortion clinics are franchise operations like fast-food drive-throughs. The doctors dealing in the slaughter of these innocents are pocketing billions of dollars in their unholy trade, and are making a mockery out of their medical oath to protect life. The Hypocritic Oath says, "I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest such counsel, and in like manner, I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion." Obviously, abortionist's and other killers, such as Jack Kavorkian, have broken their solemn oath. They can't be trusted.

At conception the unborn child begins to control his environment. The fertilized ovum signals the production of more estrogen and progesterone in the mothers body. This makes the lining of the uterus thicken, and enables the placenta to remain intact. Trophoblasts, immunological barrier cells, prevent the mother's body from rejecting the new child as a foreign object.

During the first few days the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube to the mother's uterus. God knows when conception occurs and immediately recognizes the embryo as a legitimate human being, saying "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee..." (Jeremiah 1:5). By the end of the week, the child has burrowed into the lining of the uterus. Prior to two weeks the placenta is in place. The child's cell count doubles daily.

A heart and blood vessel system forms the third week, and the first blood appears, which is separate from the mother's. Scripture states that the life is in the blood. "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." (Genesis 9:4), and refers to mankind as "flesh and blood." The brain, eyes, and nervous system are starting to form. The mother's monthly period is late.

The fourth week shows arms and legs, and ears and nose. The child can open its mouth, and it's digestive system is starting. The child's mother often suspect's she is pregnant at this time.

Ovaries and testes start forming the fifth week, and also the cerebral cortex. All major muscles and structures of the child's body are now evident.

The sixth week shows a completed four-chamber heart and detectable brain waves.

The seventh week the child can respond to touch, the fingers and toes are distinct, the heartbeat can be heard with an electronic stethoscope, and movement can be detected with ultrasound scanning.

The embryonic period ends during the eighth week, and the child becomes, medically, a fetus. By the tenth week the child has doubled in size since the seventh week, and can swallow and make a fist. Bones are growing extremely fast. The child can respond to touch. By the eleventh week the child can suck it's thumb, and by the twelfth week its activity has purpose. A slight bulge is just beginning above the pelvic area of the mother. By week fourteen the child can hear and has distinct fingerprints. This is about the earliest the mother will feel the child's movements. In fact, the child was fully formed at twelve weeks, and from this time on simply increases in size.

It is the fetus that the abortionist murders. It is the fully-formed child with human functions indistinguishable from mine and yours that the abortion doctors destroy.

The doctor first places a speculum into the mother's vagina in order to see her cervix. The child's heart is beating at about 140 beats per minute. Occasionally the child may shift position in a serene manner, and it is more than likely sucking its thumb. Then, using the tenaculum and sound, penetration of the cervix (E48) enables the doctor to determine the size of the uterus and to forcefully dilate the cervix so that the abortion can be performed. At length the suction apparatus is inserted, and used to puncture the sac containing the child, allowing the amniotic fluid to run out. Contact between child and doctor is made. The child now rears back, away from the tip of the suction apparatus. The child's actions are violent, agitated, and purposeful. The child is frightened.

Sucking pressure is now attached to the suction apparatus, and pieces of the unanesthetized child's body are ripped off. The child's mouth opens. It is a silent scream. (E49) The baby's heartbeat is around 200 beats per minute.

The defenseless child is literally shredded to pieces until only the head remains. The murder is over, and now it is time to finish destroying the child's remains.

The head is too big to pass through the suction apparatus or out through the cervix. So the abortionist passes a polyp forceps through the vagina and cervix, and grasps the child's free-floating head with it, and then crushes the skull. After removal of the pieces of the crushed head, the abortion is basically complete.

A cold-blooded murder has been committed!

A woman's right to her own body does not legalize prostitution, drug abuse, and suicide. Neither does it legalize abortion. A woman has the right to have sex, or to refrain from sexual activity (as does the man!). But when conception occurs, the rights of another human being are involved. It is very simple: sex causes babies. Someone decides to have sex, and then decides to murder a life not anticipated when the "fun" began. This is, literally, "murder for fun." Other forms of "murder for fun" are recognized as homicide.

Why not abortion?

We must not accept the state view. The very name "Department of Human Resources" reeks of the philosophy that human beings are simply "resources" like the rocks and water under the "care" of the "Department of Natural Resources." Capitalism is secular. The American Humanist Gestapo must be stopped! (B62)

When the child is murdered by abortion, the child has certainly been abused by child abusers, no matter what any bleeding-heart liberal says! Drawing and quartering is a very barbaric method of murder. So is drowning and chemically burning to death an individual in salt brine. And what can be said of any individual who would deliver by Caesarean Section a live child, and then place that child in a garbage pail to be thrown out with the trash? (E50)

Only God has the right to bring the innocent home to Himself (Deuteronomy 32:39). It is only God, the Creator of life, that has the right to open and close the womb. But merciless doctors play god, and selfish mothers think up selfish excuses, and self-centered fathers try to escape the financial responsibilities that come with being a father.

God says "Do not kill the innocent...for I will not acquit the guilty" (Exodus 23:7). "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

If you are considering an abortion, I implore you to stop and think about what you are doing. If you abort your child, you will feel guilty and wonder about that child for the rest of your life. Their is no such thing as an unwanted child, and many people are ready, willing, and able to adopt your "unwanted" baby. Irregardless of who the father is, the child you carry is half yours. If you are angry at the father, is it right to make the child suffer for the sins of the father? You know it's not.

Nearly every major city has alternatives to abortion available for the pregnant woman or teenager. Just call your nearest Right To Life, Birthright International, or other Anti-Abortion concern for assistance. You are not alone, and help is available.


Matthew West - Unplanned (Official Music Video)
"Unplanned" Movie Official Trailer - An Excellent Film: GET IT!



"Buzzwords" fill the media and liberal rhetoric. A new language is invented that deliberately changes the meanings of words, in an effort to deceive people, and to soften the impact of radical liberal secular goals. Learn the buzzwords, and learn a new way of listening to the news!


A countless number of women who have inadequate knowledge of abortions, have suffered perforated, infected and destroyed wombs that resulted in castration and sterilization. Forced dilation of the cervix beyond 10 millimeters easily results in permanent damage to the uterus by perforation. (B62)


A fetus is able to perform respiratory movement. The child can move amniotic fluid in and out by breathing. The silent scream of an aborted child is like the scream of someone drowning in a lake. (B63)


Their are six types of abortion: 1) Dilation and Curettage (D & C), where a sharp instrument is used to chop up the child and scrape it off the uterine wall; 2) Suction Curettage (Vacuum Aspiration), described in the text; 3) Salt Poisoning (Saline Injection), used after 16 weeks development, wherein amniotic fluid is removed and replaced with a strong salt solution, that results in the baby kicking violently for over an hour as it is slowly chemically burned alive (Some have survived and been born alive), after which labor usually sets in: 4) Hysterotomy or Caesarean Section, used mainly in the last three months, wherein the child is surgically removed through the abdominal wall and left to die by neglect or sometimes killed by a direct act; 5) Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion, causing severe contractions and fetal expulsion, so severe that some babies have been decapitated in the process (side effect on the mother are many, including many cases of cardiac arrest when the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company chemicals are injected); and 6) The "Pill."

Bibliography: (B60)

Kent Kelly (1981), Abortion: The American Holocaust, pp. 8-11, Calvary Press, 400 South Bennett Street, Southern Pines, NC 28387.

Bibliography: (B61)

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Donald S. Smith, Don Tanner, The Silent Scream, p. 64, (1985) American Portrait Films Books, 1695 W. Crescent Ave., Suite 500, Anaheim, CA 92801. The growth of the child and the abortion narrative are largely paraphrased from The Silent Scream: "The Silent Scream is a 1984 anti-abortion film directed by Jack Duane Dabner, narrated by Bernard Nathanson, and produced in partnership with the National Right to Life Committee. The film depicts the abortion process via ultrasound and shows an abortion taking place in the uterus." - Wikipedia. Contact American Portrait Films Books for the book and movie.


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis