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Islam Exposed



If you like killing people, if you like torturing people, if you have no respect for women and children, if seething hate against everyone that that rejects Islam is your kind of thing, then Islam might be for you. But if so, the fires of Hell are for you, too! You should seriously rethink what you believe. Such hate is more than a mental illness. It is demonic SIN in your life.

Allowing Muslims into the United States is this nations way of committing slow suicide. There is no real division between "militant" and "peaceful" Muslims. The peaceful Muslim is only peaceful when the enemy outnumbers him or while he has no strength to exert his Islamic law upon others. He will always side with the militant Muslim when called upon to do so.



It all boils down to living true to God's Law, or not living true to God's Law. God's Law Code is the law code that really counts, not any laws passed by any State that go against God's Laws. Christians are not bound to follow any law that opposes any Natural Law of God. The Founding Fathers probably would have outlawed Islam if they had had any idea of the problems of Islam becoming so big in the United States! Likewise, the same would have been done with Marxism. People of those persuasions would have been excluded from participating in government. And, NOW, a Constitutional Amendment to do that is exactly what is needed to save this Republic from its doom. But it won't happen. Lock and load, people, and get on your knees before God to pray for this nation, your family, and your friends! Watch for the return of Jesus our King in the clouds to gather His Bride. It is very, very close.


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis