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Old Testament

New Testament


Test of a Prophet: The Bible vs. Joseph Smith




The Occult & The Restoration Story:
Joseph Smith, The LDS, The RLDS &
The Community Of Christ Examined

(Written In 1992)


Table of Contents

1. The Three Student Devils
2. Defining the Occult
3. Defining Deception
4. Defining the Deceiver
5. Defining the Deceivers
6. Demonic Threads
7. Conspiracy
8. Knots In the Cord
9. The Question Is...
10. My Story
11. The "Burned Over" District
12. The Peepstone
13. Freemasonry
14. Masonry Says...
15. An "Unnatural" Progression
16. The Jupiter Talisman
17. Enoch & The Mysteries
18. Durham On Freemasonry
19. Polygamy
20. Mormon
21. The Kinderhook Plates
22. The "Three Books"
23. What It Takes To Be Free
24. The Armour of God
25. The Plan of Salvation
26. Conclusion



1. The Three Student Devils


"There were three student devils in hell who were about to accompany their teacher to earth for some on-the-job experience as devil interns. Their internship supervisor asked them what techniques they planned to use to get people to sin.

The first little devil said, "I think I'll use the classical approach. I'll tell people, 'There's no God, so sin up a storm and enjoy life.'"

But the smart person knows God exists! You ask, "How?" Several ways. One knows God exists because of the Holy Bible, which is God's Word to mankind. One knows God exists because God appeared to mankind in the flesh.

I know there is a God because of the wonderful harmony of His Word: it is logical, brilliant, so very vast in scope, it accounts for everything, and it explains everything. My study of the Word of God has proved to me beyond any shadow of doubt, that it is truly God's own Word to mankind, wiser than any earthly author could produce alone! Then add experience and empirical evidence to the above.

The unbeliever may scoff, but the evidence should at least make one curious about "What is the Truth?"

"The second little devil said, "I think I'll use a more subtle approach. I'll tell people, 'There's no hell, so sin up a storm and enjoy life.'"

I say there is a hell! First, the Bible says there is. There are other evidences! Literally millions of people claim to have had supernatural experiences!

Consider the UFO phenomena. Thousands of people, world- wide, have seen them. Obviously, something, causes the phenomena. Could these sightings be "extra-terrestrial" contacts with mankind?

How do you account for the near-death experiences that other thousands have lived to tell about?

Why does the Belgium government have several fighter planes specifically assigned to intercepting UFO's? Is it a coincidence that Belgium has a terrifically high number of UFO sightings compared to other countries? Or is it possible that the EC (European Community) activities being conducted in that country provide the occult tie-in that could explain the phenomena?

Could Satan be real? Could demons really be directing world events through contact with people in high places? Occult experiences are commonplace and varied. Paranormal experiences of millions of people should make you pause and consider if perhaps hell really DOES exist!

"The third little devil said, "I think I'll use a less intellectual approach. I'll tell people, 'There's no hurry, so sin up a storm and enjoy life.'" (1)

Now stop and think! If by chance there IS a God, and if maybe there IS a hell, then shouldn't you be concerned about your welfare? Doesn't this put your life in a different perspective?

It is a well known fact that any one of us can die at any time. We each like to think that it's going to be the "other guy" rather than "me," that we will live to a ripe old age, and never have another day of sickness. But life isn't like that! Today could be the day. Are you ready?

Which little devil have you been listening to lately? You don't want them writing their graduation thesis about you, do you?

Why not proceed to study this manuscript with the assumption that maybe you can LEARN something? Try assuming that maybe God does exist, that maybe Jesus IS God, that hell is a real place, that maybe you should be in a hurry to get squared away on these issues!

If God exists, then Satan and his demons may exist! Maybe there is such a thing as right and wrong differently than you have been defining it. Maybe there are absolutes! Maybe you're at risk!

Maybe your politically correct tolerance doesn't set well with God. Maybe your promiscuity is leading you down a path of destruction. Maybe your Hollywood idol is really just a scuzball.

Think about it!

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2. Defining The Occult


"...not all psychic or spiritistic phenomena can be exposed as fraudulent. There is a spiritual dimension which cannot be ignored. Authentic spiritists draw their power from the one the Bible calls "a roaring lion" who seeks "whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8), who is Satan. Spiritism, as we shall see, directly contradicts the Bible, God's Word. As well as constituting something akin to consumer fraud, spiritism also constitutes Biblical heresy.

In contemporary American life, so acute and complete is the recognition of supernatural sensitivity of communication and spirit manifestation, that Duke University set up a special division for the study of extrasensory perception (ESP, as it commonly is referred to in discussion). There are other such centers for psychic research and the studies of perception which transcends the normal senses, but all are calibrated to achieve the same end - confirmation of what God has forbidden - the exploration of the psychic dimension." (1)

In Independence in Jackson County and throughout the Kansas City area, there are literally dozens of New Age establishments. They sell crystals, books, statues, and other kinds of cult filth. All can lead the unwary away from God, into the realm of abominations.

The problem about "spirit manifestations" is that they are really "spirit infestations." They are occult. Remember: "a cult" is always "occult" in reality!

"When once we clearly apprehend the existence of an unseen host of evil spirit-beings, all actively engaged in deceiving and misleading men, Old Testament history will convey to us an open vision of their doings, hitherto hidden from our knowledge. We can trace their operations in relation to the servants of God throughout all history, and discern the work of Satan as deceiver penetrating everywhere." (2)

Demonically aided practices that are common to mankind are divination, (an illegitimate means of determining God's will), necromancy (efforts to communicate with and interrogate the dead), magic (using formulas and incantations), sorcery (the non-medicinal use of drugs), witchcraft and astrology, and Luciferianism.

These activities sometimes cause physical disease and mental suffering.

Demons, the instigators of false doctrines taught by heretical religious groups, continuously tempt people to engage in immoral practices. Our destruction is their goal, and we are commanded to give them no quarter.

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." - 2 Corinthians 6:17.

This verse implies that the Lord will not receive you if you are involved with unclean things, such as demons and their ungodly activities. Take special notice of that fact!

Occultic activities are not just harmless little parlor games! In the spiritual realm, there is war between the forces of God and Satan. On earth, secret combinations control millions of individuals through evil governments, businesses, and religions. At the top of the pile of ruined humanity sits the instigator Satan.

On the personal level death and destruction is rampant. Through drug cartels and so-called "good" social organizations, Satan influences and then destroys. Marriages fail, families crumble, bodies are ruined, minds are destroyed, and people die.

By not taking Satan, his hordes of demons, and his methods seriously, millions of people have thoughtlessly forsaken God, and paid a high price for their blundering transgressions.

We are living in the last days of history prior to the Rapture and Tribulation.

"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again...the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds , to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." - I Thessalonians 4:14,16-17.

Satan does not want you to believe this. He wants to deceive you! He wants YOU dead!

Satan wants you to dabble in astrology. He wants you to try astral projection. He wants you to indulge in all the illicit sex you can connive. He wants you preoccupied with the pursuit of power and money. He wants you to do anything that will keep you from listening to God, and from growing spiritually.

Do you want to be "a man?" Do you want to be "respected?" Do you have "what it takes?" Would you really like to have a "reputation?" Try Christianity! And don't dabble with the occult! Dare to be different AND correct!

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3. Defining Deception


Beware of the fundamental mechanism of occultism: DECEPTION.

"If you asked someone "What's half of eight?" and received the answer "Zero," your first reaction would be, "That's nonsense."

But stop a moment! Think of the numeral 8. The figure is composed of two small O's - zeros - one piled on top of another." (1)

What is your perspective? Perhaps your perspective needs to be broadened. Maybe you're being deceived and don't even know it!

"Every unregenerate man first of all is deceived by his own deceitful heart, and by sin; the god of this world adding the "blinding of the mind" lest the light of the Gospel of Christ should dispel the darkness."

"Even though the heart (of a saved person) is renewed, and the will has turned to God, yet the deeply ingrained disposition to self-deception, and the presence, in some measure, of the blinding power of the deceiver on the mind, betrays itself in many forms, as the following statements from Scripture show:

    • The man is deceived if he is a hearer, and not a DOER of the Word of God.
    • He is deceived if he says he has no sin.
    • He is deceived when he thinks himself to be "something" when he is nothing.
    • He is deceived when he thinks himself to be wise with the wisdom of this world.
    • He is deceived by seeming to be religious, when an unbridled tongue reveals his true condition.
    • He is deceived, if he thinks he will sow, and not reap what he sows.
    • He is deceived, if he thinks the unrighteous will inherit the kingdom of God.
    • He is deceived, if he thinks that contact with sin will not have its effect upon him." (2)
"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many...And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." - Matthew 24:4,5,11.

How does your life stand up next to the above list of deceptions? Are you heeding the words of Jesus? Or are you a "sucker" for every fad that comes along, and for every mass- advertised product, singer, and movie star that hits the airwaves?

Why do you adhere to whatever religion you adhere to? Because your parents were Catholic, or Baptist, or RLDS, or whatever, so naturally you are? Because you married into a particular faith? Why?

How does the word "occult" strike your mind? Are you one of those who finds the word "occult" mysterious? Does it tantalize you? It shouldn't. It's evil.

"...hardly ever in their discourses will...cultists discuss the essential problem of evil, the existence of personal sin, or the necessity of the substitutionary atonement of Christ as the sole means of salvation from sin, through the agency of divine grace and the exercise of faith...The historic doctrine of the Trinity is seldom, if ever, considered without careful redefinition...It is simple for a cultist to spiritualize and redefine the clear meaning of Biblical texts and teachings so as to be in apparent harmony with the historic Christian faith. However, such harmony is at best a surface agreement, based upon double meanings of words which cannot stand the test of Biblical context, grammar, or sound thing is beyond dispute, and that is that in context, words mean just what they say." (3)

Don't get fooled! Sin is real. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Some things are absolute!

You must scale a language barrier. Satan, demons, occultic groups, and cults, invariably develop their own language: a language that perverts and twists the terms of Christianity found in the Bible. They are Satanically inspired to deceive you.

"It requires a very deep allegiance to the truth which God desires should reign in the inward parts of His children, for a believer to accept truth which cuts and humbles, as readily as he accepts that which is agreeable. The "undeceiving" is painful to the feelings, and the discovery that he has been deceived is one of the keenest blows to a man who once thought that he was so "advanced," so "spiritual," and so "infallible" in his certainty of obeying the Spirit of God." (4)

Deception is a terrible thing. At one time or another we have all experienced it, and lived to regret it. Sometimes its unavoidable.

But we can avoid a lot of it. All we have to do is study God's Word, and then DO God's Word!

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4. Defining The Deceiver


"I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." - Isaiah 14:12-14.

The five "I will's" of Satan, treasonous utterings against God, ushered in sin, death, and destruction, throughout creation. A downward process has pervaded the universe ever since. This alone should be a powerful testimony that God does exist! For only when organized intelligence is at work, does an upward process occur. Clocks run down, and even your cars would eventually return to dust, if left to themselves. Common sense and science thus supports the concept of Creation, and does not support the theory of evolution. Thus God must exist. So logic indicates Satan exists also.

Satan intended to take over the very abode of God, the "third heaven." He sought the worship of other angels, of which only God is worthy. He desired to take over God's position as ruler over all creation. He wanted to be like "El-Elyon" the most High: Literally, he wanted to be "the strongest strong one."

He was originally created as one of God's highest angels, the most beautiful of all created beings, a guardian cherub, whose purpose was to protect the holiness of God. He was a "living organ" with tabrets and pipes, a living doxology, able to produce a psalms of praise to God with his own body.

Through false pride in himself, he rebelled and led many angels in rebellion with him. I can almost picture him gazing into the mirror, admiring his own beauty, letting vanity go to his head just as many people do today!

"All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another" - 1 Corinthians 15:39,40.

Satan is an actual material being. He is created differently than us, however. He is not homo sapien. He is of the spirit realm, and we are of the physical realm. Both of these material "planes of existence" are part of the whole of God's creation, and are meant to compliment each other.

"...for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness..." - 2 Corinthians 11:14,15.

Satan's powers are mighty powers. He, as a creature of the spiritual realm, has the ability to do many things to us, that seem "miraculous" to us mortals. His original name, Lucifer, is the Latin designation for the morning star, literally, "Light-bearer." He is the deceiver, who often deceives men into thinking he is God. Satan is the ruler of the fallen part of the angelic race. As an angel of light he directs his ministers, who are also transformed into "ministers of light." Polished and popular, these ministers do his bidding, establishing new cults and spreading distortions of truth, and outright lies, throughout the earth.

"His existence is doubted by the world. As shown by the typical cartoon concept. Most of the world today pictures the devil as a medieval and mythical two-horned, fork-tailed impish creature, dressed in red flannel underwear, busily pitching coal into the furnaces of hell." (1)

You don't believe in Satan? He doesn't care. It's to his advantage for you not to believe in him!

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." - Job 1:6,7

Satan cannot tempt the believer without God's permission. But God allows trials in our lives, to strengthen us. He knows just how much we can bear, and never allows Satan to go beyond that point.

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." - 1 Corinthians 10:13.

YOU! Who is your God? Jesus, or Satan? If you are unsaved, you are no match for Satan. He is likened to a "roaring lion" out to slaughter you. In fact, if you are saved, you are still no match for Satan. Of yourself, as a mortal human, by your own strength, you can not defeat Satan any more than Satan can defeat God. Yet you are called to be a warrior for Jesus Christ. It takes protection, the whole armor of God of Ephesians 6:10-17. Who will you serve?

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold (be loyal to) to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (riches)." - Matthew 6:24.

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5. Defining The Deceivers


There are many demons, or devils. These fallen angels sometimes operate in this world through possession of the bodies of men and beasts.

They are created beings like their master Satan. They rebelled against God with Satan, and are already defeated in principle.

Demons are the enemies of all mankind, and work to destroy the witness of genuine Christians.

"For we (the saved) are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.' - 2 Cor. 2:17.

"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God." - 2 Corinthians 4:1,2.

Demons do not spread truth to men. They spread deceptions!

Demons and their dupes are highly organized, are evil, intelligent, wise, powerful, are individuals, know their fate, and know who has power over them. They have faith, feelings, fellowship, doctrines, wills, emotions, desires and other faculties. They can steal, teach, fight, get mad, tell fortunes, cause blindness, deafness and dumbness, grievous vexation, lunacy and mania, suicide, fits, lusts, enchantments and discord, violence, betrayal, oppression, jealousy, and false prophecy.

Some of these demonic traits are adopted by human followers of Satan:

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ." - 2 Corinthians 11:13.
"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" - 2 John 1:7.

The evil works of Satan, his demons, and his earthly followers, are hated by God. These things should be hated by us.

"These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among his brethren." - Proverbs 6:16-19.

Satan is not omnipresent. But he has his workers, the deceivers, everywhere. His evil ministry is everywhere!

Satan and his demons are not omniscient. They are completely ignorant of many things that are known by uneducated and humble believers. Though they doubtlessly know the Word of God and its prophecies, they still believe they can defeat God! Sin has corrupted their minds. Decay has set in. They are psychopathic killers that do not know the future!

They do not know all about the past, and they know nothing about love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

The cosmos is a vast order or system that Satan has promoted, which conforms to his ideals, aims, and methods. It is civilization now functioning apart from God - a civilization in which none of its promoters really expect God to share, who assign to God no consideration in respect to their projects; nor do they ascribe any causativity to Him. This system embraces its godless governments, conflicts, armaments, jealousies, its education, culture, religions of morality, and pride. It is that sphere in which man lives. It is what he sees, what he employs. To the uncounted multitude it is all they ever know so long as they live on this earth. It is properly styled the satanic system , which phrase is in many instances a justified interpretation of the so-meaningful word, cosmos. It is literally a cosmos diabolicus". (1)

Diabolical describes the system and operational method of the demons. Again I warn that your deception and destruction is their goal.

And again I ask: Who will you serve?

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6. Demonic Threads


The thread of deception can be seen snaking through the history of earth, sneaking upon its belly, just as the serpent must, since lying in the Garden of Eden. It is called many things: paganism, Hinduism, gnosticism, socialism, masonry, capitalism, the New World Order, and many other names.

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: The LORD shall hold them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." - Psalm 2:15.

Temptation is Satans operational method, but deception is the goal. We must realize that demons use temptation to destroy our witness (we who are saved), and that they use deception to destroy the unsaved.

Various forms of paganism are propagated through secret societies and are vehicles of temptations and deceptions often used.

"Knowledge of truth is the primary safeguard against deception. The "elect" must know, and they must learn to "prove" the "spirits" until they do know what is of God and what is of Satan. The words of the master, "Take heed, I have told you," plainly implies that personal knowledge of danger is part of the Lord's way of guarding His own, and those who blindly rely upon "the keeping power of God," without seeking to understand how to escape deception, when forewarned to "take heed" by the Lord, will surely find themselves entrapped by the subtle foe." (1)

How did the deception begin? It started in the Garden of Eden, with Satans four lies to Eve.

As mankind multiplied, two opposing beliefs developed, and it is believed by many that they were embodied in two separate traditions.

"According to this theory, which we find... propounded by the American Freemason, Dr. Mackey, there was, besides the divine Cabala of the children of Seth, the magical Cabala of the children of Cain, which descended to the Sabeists, or star-worshipers of Chaldea, adepts in astrology and necromancy. Sorcery, as we know, had been practiced by the Canaanites before the occupation of Palestine by the Israelites; Egypt, India, and Greece also had their soothsayers and diviners...

Gougenot des Mousseaux, who had made a profound study of occultism, asserts that there were therefore two Cabalas: the ancient sacred tradition handed down from the first patriarchs of the human race; and the evil Cabala, wherein this sacred tradition was mingled by the Rabbis with barbaric superstitions, combined with their own imaginings and henceforth marked with their seal." (2)

To accept the occult Cabala, to accept the "Mysteries," means you will totally deny the truth of the Bible. In fact, according to occult beliefs, every letter in the Scriptures contains a mystery. These mysteries can only be solved supposedly by the "initiated."

However, the Holy Bible is not an edited manuscript (such as the Book of Mormon), and in it God tells it as it is. Its trustworthiness is why the Bible is such a life transforming power, when used properly.

As time passed, Nimrod, the barbaric ruler of ancient Babylon, became deified in mythology after mythology.

"Babylon was a city conceived in rebellion...The focus of their efforts was to be a city with a tower, or ziggurat, that reached to the heavens. The purpose for the tower at Babylon, as well as that of the later ziggurats, was to serve as a "staircase" from earth to heaven. Human beings wanted to reach God by their own efforts...The people wanted to make a name for themselves...They gathered in the first city recorded in the Bible, under a rebel leader, to work together for their own glory and honor. (3)

Socialism began at Babylon. Nimrod intended to overthrow God, just as Satan intends to do. Clay tablets have been found that describe how its people were divided into work gangs, and were treated as slaves. Farms were all state-run. All resources were held by the state, and food was "distributed" equally, irregardless of what effort each individual may have exerted in growing it. Family units were destroyed, and other such "modern" atheistic Communistic philosophies, flourished there.

"Archaeologists have found huge quantities of cuneiform tablets reflecting the economic life of the time. From these we know that the basis of the economy remained the temple units, but after the unification they lost all their independence and became cells in a unified state economy...

Agricultural workers, men, women, and children were divided into parties headed by overseers. They worked all the year round, moving from one field to another and receiving seed grain, tools and draft animals from temple and state stores. Similarly, in groups under a commander, they used to go to the stores for their food. The family was not regarded as an economic unit; provision was issued not to the head of a family, but to each worker or more often to the commander...

The bondage of large classes of population is highlighted by the numerous documents concerning fugitives. These documents name the fugitives and their relatives, and they concern not only barbers or the sons of shepherds, but also priests and their sons. This picture of life of the workers opens with regular statements about the death rate (for the removal from food lists). One document declares a 10% mortality among its workers; another, 14%; yet another, 28%. Mortality was particularly high among women and children, who were employed in the heaviest work, such as hauling." (4)

From Babylon the "Mysteries" were passed on. But take notice that, again, the Bible is proved!

"Is it any wonder that God called Abraham out of such a system? That he lived under it is indisputable, since he was in the ninth generation from Shem, Noah's son who was ancestor of all Semitic peoples." (5)

"Perversion is the keynote of all the debased forms of Gnosticism. According to Eliphas Levi, certain of the Gnostics introduced into their rites that profanation of Christian mysteries which was to form the basis of black magic in the Middle Ages. The glorification of evil, which plays so important a part in the modern revolutionary movement, constituted the creed of the Ophites, who worshipped the serpent (ophis) because he had revolted against Jehovah, to whom they referred under the Cabalistic term of the "demiurgus," and still more of the Cainites, so-called from their cult of Cain, whom, with Dathan and Abiram, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and finally Judas Iscariot, they regarded as noble victims of the demiurgus. Animated by hatred of all social and moral order, the Cainites "called upon all men to destroy the works of God and to commit every kind of infamy"... So in the Carpocratians of the second century we find already the tendency towards that deification of humanity which forms the supreme doctrine of the secret societies and of the visionary Socialists of our day. The war now begins between the two contending principles: the Christian conception of man reaching up to God and the secret society conception of man as God, needing no revelation from on high and no guidance but the law of his own nature... the role of the Gnostics was to reduce perversion to a system by binding men together into sects working under the guise of enlightenment in order to obscure all recognized ideas of morality and religion. It is this which constitutes their importance in the history of the secret societies." (6)

"In the third century the occult tradition centered on...Mani or Manes. Borrowing ideas from Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, and Christianity, he developed an occult philosophic system. The Manicheans used secret signs, grips, and passwords bearing some resemblance to the Freemasonry of a later era. (7)

Webster traces the sinister tradition to ninth century Islam, subverted by a Gnostic Dualist, Abdullah ibn Maymun. He formed a sect of Ismailis known as Batinis, initiating only a small number of his own type into the secrets of the sect. In this way he used people to further goals of which they knew nothing, a tactic of the Communists today. (8)

A number of cults resulted from the doctrines of Abdullah in the Ismaili sect of Islam. The murderous Karmathithites abolished private property and held property and wives in common. They captured Mecca in the massacre of 920, killing 30,000 Muslims. (9)

The Fatimite dynasty of Egypt, founded by Ubeidallah the Mahdi, established the Dar ul Hikmat (House of Knowledge) in 1004. Historian Claudio Jannet says their methods of proselytizing and initiation were "absolutely those which Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, prescribed to the "Insinuating Brothers"." (10)

Hakim, the cruel Fatimite Khalifa who founded the Dar ul Hikmat, declared himself divine by 1020. After his assassination his followers became Druses, forerunners of Grand Orient Freemasons. This cult featured tests and terrible oaths for admission to an inner circle. (11)

The Hashishiyin or Assassins were an offshoot of the Fatimites, led by Hasan Saba, a friend of the poet, Omar Khayyam. Hasan's reign of terror is cited by the historian Von Hammer as a model for that of the French Revolution six centuries later. The Jacobins also used dupes of the secret societies, putting weapons in their hand. (12)

After the Muslims were defeated in the first crusade, a band of nine French gentleman bound themselves into an order for the protection of pilgrims to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem in 1118. Baldwin II gave them a house near the site of the Temple of Solomon. They became known as the Knights Templar, sanctioned by the Council of Troyes and the Pope in 1128 to be an order of poverty, chastity, and obedience. However, they amassed a fortune in alms and reparations, and spread all over Europe by the end of the 12th century. (13)

Although the confessions of the Templars have been discounted because they were extracted through torture by the Inquisitor of France, 72 knights not tortured later admitted the same things! All groups of Templars confessed to denying Christ and spitting on a crucifix as part of their initiation rites. Modern satanist cults also engage in such practices. (14)

Scholars are divided as to the origin of the Templar heresies. According to Wilke, Ranke, and Weber, it was "the unitarian deism of Islam." (15)

Others believe the Templars collaborated with the Assassins, ruled over by the Old Man of the Mountain in a cave of Mount Lebanon. Whatever may have been the case, it is apparent that the Templars were anti- Christian deists. (16)

Two other abominable cults of the Middle Ages were the ogomils and Luciferians. Black cats figured in their blasphemous rites as did sacrifices of children, whose blood they used in grisly nocturnal orgies. The Bogomils differed slightly from the Luciferians in that they tried to mix worship of God with the worship of Satan - possible a forerunner of the supposed "white magic" as compared to "black magic." (17)

Eliphas Levi asserted that the Templars were "initiated into the mysterious doctrines of the Cabala." (18)

He also identified them as teaching a heresy known as Johannism, which was corroborated by Freemason Ragon in 1842. (19)

Neither Levi nor Ragon wrote from a Roman Catholic viewpoint; therefore their charges effectively do away with the myth that only Catholics have accused the Knights Templar of Apostasy. (20)

In tracing the history of occultism, Nesta Webster observes that "from very early times occult sects had existed for two purposes - esoteric and politica." (21)

She identifies the esoteric groups as Manicheans, early Ismailis, Bogomils, and Luciferians. The later Ismailis, Fatimites, Karmathites, and Templars "combined secrecy and occult rites with the political aim of domination. We shall find this double tradition running through all the secret society movements up to the present day." (22)

Although the Templars period ended in 1314 when their Grand Master, Jacques DuMolay, was burned at the stake, their nefarious beliefs and practices lived on in several forms. The prime "front organizations" for Templarism were the Rosicrucians and the Rose Croix Masons. The symbol of both the Assassins and the Templars had been a red cross; hence this became a codal key of recognition when Templarism went underground. Despite the perpetrating of a "Grand Legend" about the founder of Rosicrucianism, moreover, Webster states there is "not the least reason to suppose that any such person as Christian Rosenkrutz ever existed." (23)

The Illuminatus von Knigge wrote that "the whole of what is contained in the Fama and the Universal Reformation of the World [another Rosicrucian pamphlet which appeared in the same year] was only a subtle allegory..." (24)

Count Mirabeau, of French Revolution notoriety, was a Freemason and an Illuminatus. He said that "the Rose Croix Masons of the 17th century were only the ancient Order of the Templars secretly perpetuated." (25)

He further defined them as a "mystical, Cabalistic, theological, and magical sect." (26)

Modern freemasonry has kept the matter of its actual origins a secret. In fact, the Royal Masonic Cyclopedia lists no less than twelve theories of possible origins of their order. It is obvious that there were guilds of working masons from earliest times, but by the mid-17th century, "some speculative element had been introduced into the lodges." Both noble patrons and others not in the building trade were in the fraternity. In 1717 the Grand Lodge was formed, and the Freemasonry of ritual, rules, and constitution extant today became an organization. (27)

There is a persistent theme in masonry which suggests its connections to Cabalism and other movements discussed in this chapter: that of a loss which has befallen man and its ultimate recovery. (28)

The sad thing about this obsession is that it bears some semblance to the truth revealed in Scripture: That man fell in the Garden of Eden from fellowship through Jesus Christ who will return one day to set up a perfect kingdom on earth. Of course, the occultist rejects the gospel completely and has his own delusions in its place. Ancient mythology contained vague hints that the Golden Age of Pericles would return. Even the 20th century bestseller, Jonathon Livingston Seagull, carries the notion of a fallen being being lifted up to a great position. The latter plot is clearly recognizable to the Bible student as a reiteration of Satan's mutiny against God and plot to establish a final, evil world government under the Antichrist. Is it any wonder that occultists should be obsessed with this theme?

Scripture teaches that the reign of the Antichrist will be a time of intense suffering for people here on earth who refuse to bow the knee to the end-time Baal. However, the Great Tribulation will be terminated by the return of Jesus Christ who will destroy the evil ruler at His coming. II Thessalonians 1 and 2, Revelation 13-19, and Daniel 7-12 deal with these momentous times. They make it clear that the end of this age will be climaxed by all-out conflict between the forces of light and those of darkness.

The occult movements reviewed here were the forerunners of those which are aligning for the "new world order" in our time. Since they come from such a rotten tree, it is folly for anyone to think they could ever bring forth good fruit. Yet a major Christian magazine recently featured a lead article which suggested socialism could be "Christian" if only divested of its atheism!" (29)

Today people are so curious about the "Mysteries" of Satan that they can hardly stand it. It's like they have "ants in their pants" and are "itching" to learn all about them. They just have to scratch.

There are some things God chooses to not reveal to mankind at this present time. It is not essential that we know these so-called "hidden" things. Essential information, what we need, it is not hidden. Everything we need to know is in the Holy Bible. It is not written in code! It is not evil! It is the revealed Word of God to us.

We are fools when we dabble in the occult and go searching for the "Mysteries" of Satan. There is NO mystery about Satan - he is a psychopathic killer hell-bent on overthrowing God and destroying mankind! Satan is NOT the rightful "heir" whose place was usurped by Jesus! His "secrets" are only deceptive lies!

The intelligent man who knows how Satan operates through the many "secret societies," will prudently avoid all possible contact with such "occult" groups.

Are you involved in any way with such deception? If so, renounce their influences and control over your life!

Get away from them!

Return to God before these demonic "threads" become a rope that traps you, and you're enslaved forever.

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7. Conspiracy


Now I will leave ancient history. Here the conspiracies get more personal because the secret societies found their way to the New World early in our nations history.

Today most people wonder about the phrase "New World Order," but not enough to seriously inquire about it. Certainly not enough to do anything about it. They do not realize that the phrase is not new, or that the modern descendants of the secret societies are fairly well in control of American society today.

Most of us are in the "silent majority," the middle class. Most of us don't take the "Force" seriously. But it tries in every way to prevent men from encountering the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

Why can't people understand what the "Force" is? Can't anyone see that "ET" is meant to prepare the people to be "religious" Satan worshipers? Or that Hollywood and the news media are working hand in hand with the political conspirators to manipulate public opinion?

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12.

We do not wrestle against flesh and blood! Then what do we wrestle against?

Mankind is referred to as "flesh and blood" in the Bible. But beings of the spiritual material realm are referred to as flesh and bone (except for the disembodied evil spirits).

We wrestle against 1) Principalities, 2) Powers, 3) Rulers of the darkness of this world, and 4) Spiritual wickedness in high places!

"This sounds like a conspiracy. We have been faced with the realities of this principle though most have failed to recognize it. Let's get the picture of international CONSPIRACY. These are elements that have international implications and historical significance. These are basic principles that were illustrated in facts from history. Here is a principle that is found active in nation after nation from the very beginning of history. A nation is established with freedom. It then desires security and with it comes affluency; affluency causes growing apathy which finally results in a state of chaos and anarchy which leads to a police state of some kind and eventually slavery. Then a bloody revolution is required to reestablish the freedom. This all follows a conditioning process affected over a period of time; a cycle that many nations have gone through." (1)

Conditioning! Values Clarification! When methodically done for evil reasons, conditioning is brainwashing. Are you being brainwashed? If you watch as much television as the average American, you are. You're being brainwashed constantly! If you concentrate on soap operas and comedies instead of on God's Word, you are susceptible to strong delusion. And you're allowing it!

Illuminati means "enlightened ones." This secret society is very old, but was formally organized by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. (On what day do all communists have their annual celebration?)

"The practices and philosophy of the Illuminati was formally incorporated into free masonry in 1780 which became, at that time, a vehicle for recruiting. Men were told that it was designed to make of the human race without any distinction "one good happy family." That is a principle of humanism. Then as men moved up the ranks and took further oaths of secrecy, they learned that the purpose was "the destruction of all religion replaced by reason (which is humanism) and the destruction of all independent governments replaced by the new world order (that is, world government.)" (2)

The symbol of the Illuminati is the "all-seeing eye" at the top of a pyramid. You probably have one in your wallet or purse. Look on your dollar bill.

On the banner below the pyramid it says "Novus ordo Seclorum" which means "New World Age." This was added to our dollar bill in 1935 during the "New Deal."

"Correctly understood, the U.S. government's coinage operation violates Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution....(it) also violates Title 18, Section 1001, of the U.S. criminal code....Since the design, composition and structure of U.S. cupro-nickel coins is nothing more than "a trick, scheme, or device" to conceal their true value (Since a U.S. quarter contains only about a penny's worth of copper, even if copper increased 500 percent in value, the intrinsic value of the U.S. quarter would still only increase to 5 cents), character, and composition, all persons who have been and are now involved in their authorization should be prosecuted under this statute. Currently issued Federal Reserve notes do not even conform to the "Uniform Negotiable Instruments Act," which states that a note "to be negotiable" (1) must be in writing and signed by the maker or drawer, (2) must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a certain sum in money, (3) must be payable to order or to bearer, and (4) where addressed to a drawee, he must be named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty." (3)

Conspiracies usually exist for two reasons: power, and money! If all our money is really worthless, where did it go? Who got it?

The Illuminati was exposed in 1798 by John Robison of England. The order went underground in 1800.

What did Winston Churchill think about the Illuminati?

"From the days of Weishaupt (the Illuminati) to those of Karl Marx (the League of the Just),...this world-wide conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed master of that enormous empire." - Winston Churchill. (4)

Who "gripped" the Russian people? Where were they from?

Did Churchill say from Europe and America?

The Capitalist conspiracy was started by John Ruskin, who advocated the need of a ruling class. Cecil Rhodes then organized a secret society to promote that cause. From that they developed the Bilderburg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateralists. Today our high government officials are almost all members of these groups. That is why Bush pushes a "New World Order." He believes in a New World Order. He is deceived!

Every period of "perestroika" in Communist Russian history occurred because the communist system was on the verge of collapse. And every time they were bailed out by American capitalists. The Capitalists financed the Communists! And your tax dollars have paid for it!

Why did Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn Loeb, give Trotsky (alias Bronstein) 20 million dollars in gold bullion in 1917, and send him to Moscow to trigger the Bolshevik Revolution along with Bronstein's 275 comrades (now bearing new Russianized names) from the lower east side of Manhattan? Why was Stalin handed 11 nations at the close of World War II? Why could Armand Hammer fly in and out of Moscow at will during the whole history of the Soviet Union from it's very beginning? Isn't it very odd that a super-capitalist can visit the stronghold of Communism at will?

Perhaps we should pay attention to an observation of Abraham Lincoln:

"When we see a lot of framed timbers, different portions of which we know have been gotten out at different times and places and by different workmen, and when we see these timbers joined together and see that they exactly make the frame of a house or a mill, all the lengths and proportions of the different pieces exactly adapted to their respective pieces, and not a piece too many or too few, not omitting even scaffolding, or if a single piece be lacking, we can see the place in the frame exactly fitted and prepared to yet bring such a piece in; in such case, we find it impossible to not believe that they all understood one another from the beginning, and all worked upon a common plan or draft drawn up before the first lick was struck." - Abraham Lincoln.

There is more evidence to support the charge that American capitalists and Soviet communists have been working together from the beginning, than one person could document in a lifetime.

There is also evidence that a super-secret "world government" conspiratorial group has existed for decades!

"Today the Soviet Union and the U.S. are not adversaries, but partners...A united democratic and prosperous Europe, a community and commonwealth not only of nations and states, but also of millions of its citizens has been a dream of great Europeans. Our generation is destined to start turning this dream into irreversible realities of the coming century...The reforms in the U.S.S.R. will create more and more conditions for its closer relations with the EC...Ladies and gentlemen, the people of Europe, the U.S.A. and Canada opted for the establishment of a historical entity on the basis of the same principles and goals - those of democracy and humanism." - Mikhail Gorbachev (5)

Since Gorbachev was replaced, Bush and Yeltsin have reaffirmed their "friendship." But since we no longer have the resources to prop up the Russian economy as before, how long will it be before the Russian people rebel? How long will it be before the military, still largely intact, replaces Yeltsin?

Satan is the power behind these humanist (not theist) "thrones." His demons are the messengers of "light" that he sends forth to these rulers. They preach by deed. Their words often lie. They say "Read my lips!" They are the deceiving rulers of the darkness of this world, the spiritual masters of wickedness in high places.

They preach "Eupsychia" meaning "one mind." They cry for the destruction of private property. They want all credit, communication, and transportation controlled centrally. They want "free education" in "government schools." They strut the United Nations before us as man's only hope, knowing full well that the U.N. Charter is almost an exact duplicate of the Soviet Constitution. How perverted! We have seen the "wisdom" of communism! Now the wise can see the wickedness in modern capitalism also.

In Europe the New World Order (EC) movement will produce the European super-state that will soon be ruled by the anti- christ, according to Biblical prophecy. Today's earthly kingdoms are Satan's kingdoms! Through treaties and entangling alliances, these kingdoms are becoming one kingdom, an economic monster, and our national sovereignty is being destroyed.

Soon we will have a "cashless" and "plastic" society. All buying and selling will be computer controlled by the antichrists money lords. Persecution of Christians will become the "status quo." Hitler was nothing compared to the coming antichrist!

If you accept the lie of these secret societies, you will be doomed for time and eternity!

The American government is no longer truly capitalistic. Traditional American philosophy has died. We are today a socialist nation run by Corporate Socialists. These fools want to create a "world government" that keeps the masses of people "in line." They perceive themselves to be "the elite." Many of our leaders are traitors who intend to deny us our unalienable rights. Many of them are deceived, and perceive right as wrong, and wrong as right.

Sadly, the average American citizen is crying for guaranteed medical care, socialized medicine, without realizing that the cause of our money shortage, the calculated destruction of our economy, is why we need financial relief. Socialized medicine would be a band aid approach. The patient actually needs major surgery!

There is nothing wrong with honest patriotism. There is a place for traditional American philosophy. That is what made our nation the best place to live in the whole world. I love America. But it has always fallen short of God's standards, and now it is in great peril. You must recognize it for what it has become.

Traditional American Philosophy is perhaps best summed up in one volume by Hamilton Abert Long in Your American Yardstick. I highly recommend this book as essential reading.

Long says:

"The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme - that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material...This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature...Man, The Individual, is endowed at birth with rights which are unalienable because given by his Creator...for every such right there is a correlative, inseparable duty..." (6)

This is wisdom transcended only by the Wisdom of God that we can find in the Holy Bible. This is the essence of Americanism!

Pure democracy would be "mob rule." With "one vote per person" and "the majority rules," your unalienable rights are forfeited! The legal majority, even when wrong, can overrule the minority of one who is right. Our government "preaches" democracy, but public opinion is highly manipulated. We are not so democratic as our leaders would have us believe. Democracy should only be practiced at the very local level.

Do you see why Bush and Gorbachev are friends? Do you see that the economic ruler of the "last days" will temporarily gain control over the whole world? His economic power will extend over Europe, the America's, and Russia, all at the same time!

God has an answer. The answer is His kingdom. His kingdom will never be defeated. It's not evil. And you can become one of its citizens.

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8. Knots In The Cord


The cord of satanic oppression has grown into a rope. Deceptions of a thousand kinds assail us. And on that rope, which is slowly choking the life out of us, are a whole lot of knots. They are there for a reason: so that you can't easily slip loose!

These are little deceptions, designed to entice you, and lead you on, until your soul is "bought and paid for" a little bit at a time.

The little deceptions become big deceptions, as they are piled one-by-one on top of each other.


Astral Projection (1)

Many psychic experiences, occult, and other psychological phenomenon may be referred to as "out of body" experiences. It is real. It is dangerous.

I experienced this phenomenon myself once, quite unexpectedly. I know it is real. But that is not how it usually happens.

Astral projection, deliberately planned out of the body experiences, are for those who can empty themselves. It is Hinduism. It is Satanic.

Hinduism teaches that there are seven "planes of being."

They include: 1) The material Plane, 2) The Plane of Forces, 3) The Astral Plane, and 4) The Mental Plane. These planes are composed of vibration levels of energy.

Have you ever experienced "vibes?" There is a correlation here to the "layers" one can see when using LSD.

The material plane is the solids, liquids, and gasses. The plane of forces involves all the actinic rays. The astral plane is the "taffy world," is luminous, and is continually changing in shape. The mental plane is the home of the ego, where time is perceived in both past and present "time warps."

The astral body is the third plane, and like "taffy" can pass through other astral bodies. It is always connected to the physical body by a thread that is likened to a cobweb, or an umbilical cord. Astral vision allows one to see the inside and the outside of an object.

Adepts can see "auras" around other people they see during astral projection. An aura is the Satanic "gift" that is equivalent to the gift of discernment given by God to believers. Do you perceive auras? If you do, then you are either wittingly or unwittingly serving Satan, and not God!

The Holy Spirit tells the believer what one needs to know, or what one has a right to know. Through satanic perception of auras, one is given information about other people that they have no right to know. This is done by reading the colors of auras. The Christian will not see auras. The Christian has something much better!

In the astral plane Satan will "show" the adept examples of reincarnation "happening." It is deception however. Of course, that is Satans purpose: to convince you that your "in control" of life, death, past, present, and future. If you had that much control, of course, you would be a god, just as Hinduism falsely teaches.

Cause and effect. Work your way to "heaven." I can become god. I am god. That is the Hindu teaching. Ah, but wait! In India, reincarnation is considered a curse, and the person's escape from reincarnation is the blessing. Meditation and astral projection are practiced to effect the escape! In America, it is perceived differently. Very often the power of being able to snoop around and see what is not one's business to see, and to know what it is not one's business to know, is the reason people want to learn astral projection. They want the power, rather than to escape being reincarnated.

What is real? What isn't? The Astral world is a satanic "creation" in 3-D, a world reached by "emptying" yourself. It is delusion through meditation. It is a false sense of security to imagine you can work your way to perfection through endless reincarnations.

If you "empty your soul" in this manner, you leave yourself open to demon possession!

Don't play with fire! Leave astral projection alone. Never meditate by "emptying yourself." Instead, meditate by "filling" yourself with God's Holy Word. The payoff is sure, and the knowledge gained is much greater, when the Holy Spirit controls you instead of Satan.

God is the greater power. If you are seeing "taffy people" you are not seeing what is really there. You are actually under satanic attack.

Perhaps you say you do not believe in the realm of the unseen. But you do, really. You believe in atoms and ions, and the Theory of Relativity. You believe in praying. There is something supernatural out there, and you know it!

States of unconsciousness are not from God. Satan wants you spaced out, and wasting your time with foolishness! But God wants you awake and prepared. Salvation can not be found in an oblivion of nothingness when nirvana is reached.


My "Encounter"

My own experience led to my interest in studying the occult. And that is just how many people get involved with such garbage, to their detriment.

At first it's curiosity, an Ouija Board perhaps. Then it's fortune telling, or astrology, or hypnosis. The victim gets sucked in a little bit at a time.

As the demonic responses increase, the victim thinks they're "on to something," and before long they are directly contacted by a "spirit guide."

They should have said "No!" at the start. They should have checked out what the Bible says on the subject first!

My first experience involved seeing things one would not normally see. It wasn't anything "weird." It was just unusual. In fact, I did not even know anything was out of the ordinary at the time. It seemed perfectly normal, though not an everyday sight one would see.

In fact though, I was in the company of some people who were using Ouija boards, and who had told me what I considered as "crazy" stories of having a hand slide down the outside of their windshield as they drove on the freeway. I had just shrugged the stories off.

The powerful part happened in the middle of the night. I had dozed off on the couch. Suddenly I woke up.

On my chest sat a black cat in a sphinx position. His nose was almost touching my nose. His eyes were staring into my eyes with a riveting penetration.

Then I realized I could not breath. I was paralysed. I couldn't move. The old wives tale about a cat "sucking the breath out of babes" came into my mind. I knew the cat was evil. I began to panic. But I couldn't move! I knew I was dying! I knew it was REAL!

Then I realized that only one thing could save me! JESUS!

When the word "Jesus" flashed into my mind, my head suddenly left my head! My "spiritual" head pulled to the side, out of my physical head! I momentarily had two heads, and my awareness went with the "spiritual" head instead of staying in my physical head! I gasped for air.

The cat looked suddenly consternated, and then disgusted. He turned and bounded out through the closed front door! Have you ever watched a Casper cartoon? It was just like that, right through the closed door. Then I went back together, no longer paralyzed or unable to breathe.

Then I fell back asleep.

But here is the strangest part. I did not remember this occurrence when I woke up. It was only later, in the early afternoon, that I remembered it, when one of those people brought the subject up! They already knew all about it! When they mentioned it, it all flashed back into my mind!

Was it a "vision?" Was it a "dream?" I don't know. But I know it was real! It was an attack on my life!

I learned some things upon reflection. I learned that I shall live after I'm dead. I no longer just think so because of my belief in God's Word. I know so because I have "seen" my "spirit" body!

Most important, I know the power that even the name "Jesus" has! I got out of that place fast! That was enough for me! And I've never been back! I'm not ready to be "out- of-body" quite yet, thank you!

Let me clarify something, lest there be any misunderstanding. There were absolutely no drugs or alcohol involved. It was a real occurrence. It was not something I "went looking for," like so many fools do with astral projection.

Read Job. Notice how Satan accuses us before God's throne. I can just imagine the scene. Satan approaches God's throne and says "What about 'ol Bob Lewis? See? He's hanging around with my people!" And God says "But he's already mine." And Satan replies "Watch, I bet I can get him! He doesn't care about you!" And God says "OK Satan, take your best shot. I'll prove to you I already have him, irregardless of whether he's a mature Christian yet, or not." And then a gleam came into Satan's eye!

But Satan lost his bet, in my example. God allowed something negative to happen to me, so that I could learn some things that he wanted me to know. He was protecting me all the time. I just hadn't figured it out yet. Yes, God allowed something "bad" for my greater "good."

No one and no thing is greater than God. No one loves you more. And you can take that "to the bank!"


My Patriarchal Blessing

Another event deserves mentioning at this point. When I joined the RLDS church, I received my Patriarchal Blessing at the hands of the priesthood.

Before going, I thought to myself, "If this church really is God's true church, then getting this blessing should prove it." I had a definite list of questions that I wanted answers for. There were enough questions that chance might get some of them answered, but definitely not all of them answered.

When I got the blessing, every question was touched upon! It was supernatural! And I thought it was from God!

But I failed to "test the spirits" by the Word of God. I was fooled! Now I know that many RLDS Patriarchal Blessings are supernatural by satanic suggestion entering the "priests" mind!


Hindu gods

It matters not how you meet the Hindu gods. You can use a Ouija board, Tarot cards, astrology, crystal balls, TM and trances. You can go through charismatic "Christianity," your local witches coven, "the power of positive thinking," the Way International, Mormonism, or a thousand other New Age pagan paths. The result will be the same: your delusion, and eventually your destruction.

The "Charismatic" movement, a "sign of the times," is supposedly the outpouring power of the Holy Spirit, sweeping through all religions. But they who talk in "tongues" deny or ignore what the Bible they claim to believe in plainly says! The Bible never says that tongues are an "unknown heavenly language." Bible examples were of earthly languages. The Bible does say that no more than two or three persons are to be allowed to speak in tongues in any one service. It does say no one is to speak without an interpreter being present. This "charisma" is the charisma of demons. If you are charismatic, I challenge you to look these things up in your Bible! Do you believe the Bible, or not? Look it up!



Perhaps the height of being gullible is when one starts believing in astrology. But astronomy easily disproves astrology.

About 130 B.C., Ptolemy ordered the calculations of our current astrological tables to be put in order. The order worked out was based upon the stars revolving around the earth, and included only the planets known at that time, which left out Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Since that time, the sun has shifted its apparent orbit through the stars, so that now we are, so to speak, a sign of the zodiac "behind."

Supposedly the planets influence us by how fast they move, how bright or dim they are, and by what color they are. Auras? Many people now treat astrology as their religion, patterning their daily activities according to their horoscope.

"First, astrology itself is defined by Webster's Dictionary as an occult art. As such it employs occult practices such as divination. Divination may be defined as "the art of obtaining secret or illegitimate knowledge of the future by methods unsanctioned by and at variance with the holiness of God" and which involve contact with evil spirits. Secondly, astrology appears to work best when the astrologer himself is psychically sensitive, what most astrologers would term "intuitive." Thirdly, prolonged use of astrology often leads to the development of psychic abilities. Fourthly, due to its history and very nature, astrology often becomes the introductory course to a wider spectrum of occult practices." (2)

Sadly, many weak Christian's are dabbling in the occult and astrology, including Colin Deal, J.R. Church, David Webber, Noah Hutchings, and William D. Banks. They claim, without any scriptural justification, that occult astrology corrupted the originally designed Zodiac that God made as a witness of His plan of redemption. It might be true, but Weber and Hutchings even went so far as to quote Nostradamus as an authority. Yet Nostradamus used astrology and out-of-body trances, and other forms of occult practices, all of which are forbidden by God.

Nastradamus was unreliable.

"...prophecy teachers - or any Christian - who justifies the use of any form of astrology, should stop ignoring the heavy weight of Scriptures that condemns the practice in any form and stop taking God's Word out of context in an attempt to affirm it. I would admonish the prophecy teachers reread the Scripture verses ("the whole counsel of God") concerning astrology. God says the counsel of astrologers is worthless, and it won't even save the astrologers (see Deut. 4:19; 17:1-5; 18:9-11; 2 Kings 17:16,17; 23:5; Jer. 8:2; 19:13; Ezek. 8:16; Amos 5:26,27; and Isa. 47:13,14)." (3)

The "Age of Aquarius" is only a myth. The stars are not signalling the second advent, nor the tribulation period. Astrology is only another deception of demons. It is only another lie designed to lead the gullible away from God.

Perhaps the most outrageous "stargazer" of them all was Joseph Smith, Jr..

"Oliver B. Huntington was a devout LDS contemporary of Joseph Smith. In Vol II, p. 166 of his Journal he quoted Joseph Smith's description of Moon inhabitants. Huntington said; "The inhabitants of the moon are more of a uniform size than the inhabitants of the earth, being six feet in height. They dress very much like the Quaker style and are general in style or fashion of dress. They live to be very old; coming generally; near a thousand years. This is the description of them as given by Joseph the Seer, and he could see whatever he asked the Father in the name of Jesus to see." (4)

In all honesty, I am not sure which is worse: Joseph Smith's wild stories that so many people have believed, or the dangerous foolishness of the astrologers that millions are drawn to like a magnet.

That many people have superstitiously accepted either of these satanically inspired fairy tales, is extremely sad.

All Hindu gods are really just demons. They want you to believe that you have things under control. But you don't stand a chance without the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

I speak from experience. "Spirit Guides" will hurt you.

They will say, "It's ok! Those drugs won't hurt you!" They will say, "It's alright. It's not really sexual perversion. Everyone is doing it!" They will say, "Hey dude, isn't everyone else out to get your money? Sure they are! You better do unto others before they do unto you!"

But they are liars!

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9. The Question Is...


Is The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints part of Satan's occultic network?

I know many people who are members of this church. Many of them are decent people who lead decent lives. Many of them were born into RLDS families. They live as honorable people. Some of my friends are RLDS.

If you are RLDS, consider this: most of the Christian world calls your church a "cult." Why? Do you know why? If you don't know why, perhaps you should. The truth has nothing to fear from investigation!

"After His disciples asked Jesus, "What will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?" the very first thing He said was, "See to it that no one misleads you" (Matthew 24:3,4). He went on to warn them that the last days immediately prior to His return would be characterized by the greatest deception the world has ever seen. He indicated that this would be religious deception and that it would involve three specifics: 1) false prophets, 2) false messiahs, and 3) false miracles." (1)

The Christian world calls the "Mormons," which designation includes the RLDS, a cult group. But the RLDS and LDS call themselves Christians, or "Saints." If Book of Mormon believers are the only people who refer to Book of Mormon believers as "Christian," why is that so?

What traits identify the designation "cult?"

"Dr. Milton Rokeach in his illuminating book, The Open and Closed Mind, notes that there are three regions or levels that psychologists generally recognize in any belief or disbelief system. The first or central region is that which encompasses the individual's basic primitive outlook on the world in which he lives and asks such questions as, "Is the world a threatening place, or is it an accepting place?"

The second or intermediate region is the area of authority. In other words, whose authority is a person willing to accept in matters pertaining to the functions of life?

Finally, there is the peripheral region which penetrates into the details of the structure of living. The details may vary or change according to the specific content which the authority, once accepted, may invoke.

There is no doubt in my mind that the belief systems of the cults share much in common, and that some of these common factors are worth noting.

First and foremost, the belief systems of the cults are characterized by closed-mindedness. They are not interested in a rational cognitive evaluation of the facts. The organizational structure interprets the facts to the cultist, generally invoking the Bible and/or its respective founder as the ultimate source of its pronouncements. Such belief systems are in isolation; they never shift to logical consistency. They exist in what we might describe as separate compartments in the cultist's mind, and are almost incapable of penetration or disruption if the individual cultist is completely committed to the authority pattern of his organization.

Secondly, cultic belief systems are characterized by genuine antagonism on a personal level since the cultist almost always identifies his dislike of the Christian message with the messenger who holds such opposing beliefs.

The identification of opposing beliefs with the individual in the framework of antagonism leads the cultist almost always to reject the individual as well as the belief, a problem closely linked with closed-mindedness and one that is extremely difficult to deal with in general dialogue with cultists.

Thirdly, almost without exception, all cultic belief systems manifest a type of institutional dogmatism and a pronounced intolerance for any position but their own. This no doubt stems from the fact that in the case of non-Christian cult systems which wish to be identified with Christianity the ground for their claims is almost always supernatural.

We do not wish to imply that there is no such thing as an authoritive dogmatism which is valid and true (such as the teachings of Jesus Christ), but rather that cult systems tend to invest with the authority of the supernatural whatever pronouncements are deemed necessary to condition and control the minds of their followers.

Thus it is that when Joseph Smith, Jr., the Mormon prophet, and his successor, Brigham Young, wished to implement doctrines or changes of practice in the Mormon Church, they prefaced their remarks with proclamations that God had revealed to them the necessity of such doctrines or practices among the "saints."

The forth and final point in any analysis of the belief system of cults is the factor of isolation.

Within the structure of non-Christian cult systems one can observe the peaceful coexistence of beliefs that are beyond a question of a doubt logically contradictory and which in terms of psychological analysis would come under the heading of "compartmentalization." In his classic book, 1984, George Orwell describes this as "double think." Rokeach commenting on this illustrates the point admirably:

"In everyday life we note many examples of "double think": expressing an abhorrence of violence and at the same time believing it is justifiable under certain conditions; affirming a faith in the common man and at the same time believing that the masses are stupid; being for democracy but also advocating a government run by an intellectual elite; believing in freedom for all but also believing that certain groups should be restricted; believing that science makes no value judgements but also knowing a good theory from a bad theory and a good experiment from a bad experiment. Such expressions of clearly contradictory beliefs will be taken as one indication of isolation in the belief system...a final indicator of isolation is the outright denial of contradiction. Contradictory facts can be denied in several ways: on grounds of face absurdity ("it is absurd on the face of it"), "chance," "the exception that proves the rule," "the true facts are not accessible, and the only available sources of information are biased."

Well-informed Mormon historians and theologians are equally aware that the first edition of The Book of Mormon and the present edition of The Book of Mormon are quite different in 3,913 separate instances (over 25,000 including punctuation changes), the first edition having been revised and corrected by Joseph Smith and his successors over the last one hundred and fifty years. Yet both the errors and the revisions of The Book of Mormon are heralded as divine revelation by Mormons. This is another example of the peaceful coexistence of logical contradiction within the belief system of Mormonism which permits the isolation or compartmentalization of conflicting evidence or concepts.

At the very core of Mormon theology there is a tremendous emphasis upon authority as it is invested in the priesthood...Mormons are taught from their earliest days that the priesthood has the key to authority, and that one of the marks which identifies the "restoration" of the true church of Jesus Christ on earth is the fact that this priesthood exists and perpetuates that authority.

Every Mormon is indoctrinated with the concept that his is the true Christian religion or to use their terms, "the restoration of Christianity to earth."

With such great psychological, economic and religious forces concentrated upon him, it is a courageous person indeed who shakes off these varied yokes and steps into the freedom of a genuine experience with the Son of God. But a growing number are doing just this as the Spirit of God continues to call out the Church which is Christ's Body." (2)

It is imperative that, as you read this manuscript, you separate my feelings about you personally, from my feelings about your religion. As an individual, I have nothing against you. This manuscript is not a personal attack against you. Understand that it is the RLDS theology that I am antagonistic to, not you! The theology is what I disagree with, and to you as a person I am neutral. I will never meet most of the readers of this book, so it would be silly for me to be otherwise.

It is imperative that you recognize any cognitive distortions (errors in thinking) that you may be using.

Once I witnessed to someone repeatedly about the many obvious errors in RLDS scripture. But this person steadfastly held the RLDS position. So one day I wrote my own revelation, a whole page full, that ended in mid-sentence as if another page should be with it. I gave it to this person, and indicated that I had found it. I said little more. This person was skeptical at first. The next time we met, this person was much more curious about it. Who wrote it? Where is the second page? I indicated I didn't know. The next time I saw this person, this person had become convinced that the "revelation" was "for real." Then I told this person that I had written it. Point proved? No. The shackles of the occult still bind this person. Proven gullible, it made no difference. This person still refuses to even consider that the Book of Mormon might be untrue.

Deception can run very, very deep. I do not question your sincerity! However, I urge you to consider my challenge. Examine the information I present. Consider your position and its Biblical and logical accuracy!

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10. My Story


When I was twenty I married into a RLDS family. This was my first real introduction to the theology of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

It sounded good. Zion! I could become special! I could become a member of the restored church. I could become one of the elect of God!

For several years all seemed well. I was baptized and received my Patriarchal Blessing.

I gradually noticed that the members seemed to move around from congregation to congregation. It struck me as odd, but I failed to take much serious notice of it for quite some time.

Then I heard about the "Position Papers" that were circulating, documents from the First Presidency that purportedly disavowed belief in the devine nature of the Book of Mormon. Before long I was examining the literature of the current "offshoot" groups.

From the Temple Lot group, I learned about documented changes made in the Doctrine & Covenants. I learned the Book of Mormon had thousands of changes in it. Before long I was one of the "fallen" dissenters - one of many, many dissatisfied individuals.

I reasoned that the "First Presidency" was wrong, that they had really "fallen from grace." I found one "prophet" who claimed that he believed in the Book of Mormon but not the "fallen" church hierarchy.

At this point I still wanted to believe in the Book of Mormon. For a while longer I continued to ignore the errors and absurdities interspersed throughout its text.

Then I began to notice that some of the dissenters were teaching things like reincarnation, and were using words like "spirit guides" and the like. It seemed that everybody and their uncle was having a new "revelation," or a vision, or a dream, or some other "special thing" of their own every week! Often the resulting "testimony" was "proved authentic" on the grounds of experiencing a "burning in the bosom" This "proved" genuiness. But different people were being told opposing things! These opposing "revelations" caused factions to develop. Splinter groups seemed to spring up left and right. People seemed to vie with each other for the "best" revelation of the week.

I later heard that the self-appointed "prophet" of the splinter group I had examined had disavowed all belief in Christianity.

Finally I had to admit to myself that the whole Restoration story was a hoax. The evidence had mounted up! I had to accept the fact that I had just been embarrassed!

I withdrew my membership from the RLDS church when the weight of the evidence against any supposed "specialness" firmly convinced me that the LDS and RLDS faiths were both false.

I have watched many people go through the same approximate process as they "fall from grace." Sometimes they get "churched." Sometimes they become inactive and never go elsewhere, because of the peer pressure, because most of their friends and family are RLDS! They sweep the problems under the rug, and ignore them.

Sadly, many of them never go back to the Truth, which is found only in the Holy Bible. Many of them never go to Jesus as they leave Joseph Smith. Many of them never regain any faith. They complete their life with a disdain and distaste for religion of any kind. Or they fall into other equally evil and deceiving cults, such as Unity, the Way, or some other New Age rubbish philosophy.

Sadly, I fear that many of the disenchanted Saints never attain salvation, and are doomed to eternal torment in the Lake of Fire.

Could I be right?

I refer them again to 2 Corinthians 6:17. Rephrase those words: "Touch the unclean thing, and I won't receive you!" This should be taken seriously!

"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated (willing to yield), full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." - James 3:17.

I see no pure wisdom in the RLDS church. Lion and lamb symbol aside, I see no peace in RLDS history, nor among the congregations and splinter groups, nor in many RLDS lives. Where is the good fruit? Are the RLDS non-discriminatory? Are they "without hypocrisy" when they claim to be the "one and only true" church of God?

The strong RLDS believer is often very superstitious. Sometimes they get fanatical about the "Word of Wisdom." Some become vegetarian, and look down upon their "lessors" who they consider "weak." At that point they are only a step away from Hinduism. In India they don't eat the cows, believing they may be an ancestor. They suffer starvation because of a religious problem, when meat on the hoof sometimes surrounds them.

It is not my goal, as an ex-Latter Day Saint, to destroy anyone's faith in God, or in Jesus Christ as the Savior. On the contrary, I hope to strengthen your faith in REAL Christianity!

But I don't like being fooled! I don't like being lied too! I don't like being taken advantage of! Perhaps you recognize a part of your story in my story! Perhaps you have wandered from congregation to congregation looking for the "true restored gospel." Perhaps you have wondered how various factions within the RLDS church get different leading from the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are one who has experienced a "burning in the bosom," or "supernatural" Patriarchal Blessing.

Perhaps you need to sort out what feelings are from over- emotionalism or extra-terrestrial suggestion.

I urge you to study the material I present with an open mind. Sometimes our feelings do not match the facts. See which is right: the facts, or the RLDS feelings.

Examine the quotes, the references, and what the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants really say. Then compare them to the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Take an honest look!

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11. The "Burned Over" District


Joseph Smith, Jr., relates the atmosphere that lay over the region where his ministry began, in the official RLDS church history:

"Sometime in the second year after our removal to Manchester, there was in the place where we lived an unusual excitement on the subject of religion. It commenced with the Methodists, but soon became general among all the sects in that region of country; indeed the whole district of country seemed affected by it, and great multitudes united themselves to the different religious parties, which created no small stir and division amongst the people, some crying, "lo, here," and some, "lo, there;" some were contending for the Methodist faith, some for the Presbyterian, and some for the Baptists....During this time of great excitement my mind was called up to serious reflection and great uneasiness...In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself, What is to be done?" (1)

From other sources, more information about this atmosphere can be ascertained. The July 24, 1822 issue of the Palmyra Herald spoke about money-digging:

"We could least five hundred respectable men, who do in the simplicity and sincerity of their hearts verily believe that immense treasures lie concealed upon our Green Mountains; many of whom have for a number of years most industriously and perseveringly engaged in digging it up." (2)

The February 16, 1825 issue of the Wayne Sentinel sheds more light:

"We are sorry to observe even in this enlightened age, so prevalent a disposition to credit the accounts of the Marvelous. Even the frightful stories of money being hid under the surface of the earth, and enchanted by the Devil or Robert Kidd, are received by many of our respectable fellow citizens as truths...." (3)

The December 27, 1825 issue of the Wayne Sentinel also has something to say:

"A few days since was discovered in this town, by the help of a mineral stone (which becomes transparent when placed in a hat and the light excluded by the face of him who looks into it, provided he is fortune's favorite), a monstrous potash kettle in the bowels of old mother Earth, filled with the purest bullion.

Some attempts have been made to dig it up, but without success. His Satanic Majesty, or some other invisible agent, appears to keep it under marching orders; for no sooner is it dug on to in one place, than it moves off like "false delusive hope" to another still more remote. But its pursuers...[have] driven a steel ramrod into the ground directly over it, to break the enchantment...

By the rust on the kettle, and the color of the silver, it is supposed to have been deposited where it now lies prior to the flood." (4)

Yes, the area could aptly be called the "burned over" district. The people were in a period of fervent religious "revival." Unfortunately, some were apparently also ready to believe anything involving buried treasure. Satan was at work!

So, "What is to be done?" asked Joseph. Was he a scheming charlatan out to soak the gullible with tall tales? Was he trying to make a buck? Or was he a real Prophet? Let's examine his "buried treasure!"

Perhaps we can best understand what was done when we realize that Joseph Smith claims the religious revival began in 1820, and then realize that according to the news accounts of the time it did not start until 1824 or 1825. Smith started his own "revival" while dabbling in the occult. He has "backdated" his accounts of this matter to more easily lead the gullible astray.

It is amazing that people were so gullable as to believe that Joseph Smith was able to see buried treasure by looking into his hat at a rock. It is amazing that people would repeatedly pay him to find buried treasure that never could be dug up. It is amazing that after the many failures at obtaining buried treasure, that they actually believed what he said when he claimed to have found the golden Book of Mormon plates.

But we have our modern parallels to such gullability today when people still keep biting into Joseph Smith rotten apple. And all they have to do is simply study the King James Version of God's Holy Bible to keep from being so magnificently suckered.

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12. The Peepstone


Joseph Smith was allegedly a "seer." According to his mother he "possessed certain means by which he could discern things invisible to the naked eye." (1) Because of this "gift," one Josiah Stoal sought Joseph out to help him search for buried treasure.

W. D. Purple, a local citizen in the area at that time, relates:

"In the year 1825, we often saw in that quiet hamlet Joseph Smith, Jr....[living with] the family of Deacon Isaiah Stowell...[who had] a monomaniacal impression to seek for hidden treasures, which he believed were hidden in the earth....

Mr. Stowell...heard of the fame of...Joseph, who by the aid of a magic stone had become a famous seer of lost or hidden treasures...He with the magic stone was at once transferred from his humble abode to the more pretentious mansion of Deacon Stowell.

Here, in the estimation of the Deacon, he confirmed his conceded powers as a seer, by means of the stone which he placed in his hat and by excluding the light from all other terrestrial things could see whatever he wished, even in the depths of the earth.

In February 1826, the sons of Mr. Stowell, who lived with their father, were greatly incensed against Mr. Smith, as they plainly saw their father squandering his private property in the fruitless search for hidden treasures...and caused the arrest of Smith..." (2)

Is this account true? Was Joseph Smith really hiring himself out like a fortune-teller with a "crystal ball?" Or is this only a "spurious" lie aimed at discrediting him and the Book of Mormon? Was W. D. Purple relating a true account? Was he just "angry" at the church?

Joseph Smith had found the "seer stone" while on a dig. It was brown and about the size of an egg. It is held by the Mormon Church to this day, safely locked away. (3)

Probably, in the beginning, an overactive imagination accounts for the Smith families' involvement in money-digging. I believe it opened up the evil demonic influence that eventually led to Joseph Smith's strong delusion. Sadly, he has deluded thousands, in turn.

"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass (Be burned as an offering to an idol) through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of the times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination (detestable thing) unto the LORD..." - Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

"Observer of times" may refer to divination by reading clouds. "Enchanter" in Genesis 44:5,15 refers to divination by means of a cup (hydromancy) in which reflections on the water in a cup are observed, another form of "glass-looking."

"The devastating blow [to Mormonism] fell July 28, 1971, when Wesley P. Walters and Fred Poffarl together discovered in a mildewed box in the darkest part of a basement storage room beneath Chanango County jail the records of Judge Albert Neely and Constable Philip M. DeZeng. These proved once and for all that Joseph Smith had indeed been arrested and found guilty on March 20, 1826, of pretending to find buried treasure by "glass-looking." (4)

Dr. Hugh Nibley, dean of LDS apologists, conceded:

"...if this court record is authentic, it is the most damning evidence in existence against Joseph Smith...the most devastating blow to Smith ever delivered..." (5)

Plainly, divination is "an abomination" to God, whether done with a "peepstone," or by peering into a hat or a crystal ball, or by any other means! There is no possible way that one can truthfully deny that Joseph Smith was not using divination. The court records prove that he was!

Many television shows have modern-day false prophet on every week. Such diviners have always been popular among the unsaved masses of people. It never changes over the years. It is the same worldwide. They continue to dupe people and get paid for it, and to lead the foolish down that broad path of destruction that leads to hell.

It is horrible sin. It is a terrible waste of human life. It is such a shame!

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13. Freemasonry


There is no question that early Mormonism was influenced by Freemasonry. To what extent? In what way? In fact, just what does Masonry claim to believe?

If you have been RLDS for very long, you doubtless have heard something about Freemasonry being involved in connection with the activities that occurred at Nauvoo. But probably you were told that these activities were propagated by "others" who were trying to undermine the "prophets" true authority, or that it was really Brigham Young that introduced these "heresies" into the early Mormon church. What is the truth? Before getting into that issue, let us look at Freemasonry all by itself, and see what Freemasonry really is, and what its doctrines are.

Masonic Doctrine and Christian Doctrine are not the same. As with any occultic teaching, Jesus Christ is denied to be the Savior, the Holy Bible is not considered God's book, and God is only a concept. Redemption is by self-improvement rather than by the grace of God that recognizes we cannot, by our own efforts, redeem or perfect ourselves. Masonry denies Satans existence, and claims that Christianity has distorted the truth about Lucifer. Masonry claims everyone who is not a mason is lost. Masonic prayer is not offered to Jesus, but only to a universal deity. And Masonry teaches that it is proper to lie! Masonry involves secrecy, blood oaths, an endless and unattainable search for perfection, and (of course!) implies to its members "your one of the chosen few!"

Many Masons have never read the sourcebooks that reveal these Masonic beliefs, and are under the impression that their lodge is a good nondenominational organization. Some new masons even believe they are joining a Christian organization. If you are such a mason, check the library in your local lodge, or the library in the Grand Lodge of your state. These occultic beliefs can be verified. Then ask yourself, "Why are they lying to me? Why all the secrecy? Where am I being "led" a step at a time?" Ask yourself, "Why do they say the Masons may be of any religious denomination, when THEY ARE REALLY LUCIFERIAN?"

Isn't it a strange thing that you are told up front that some of what masonry says publicly is purposely distorted? At what point can a mason or anyone else begin trusting what masonic publications say? Why is it necessary for a mason to be taught certain things that are "not true" in his progression from the lower degrees to the higher degrees? Doesn't something sound fishy? Isn't this deception?

The Masonic entity has many "good" functions. Their burn unit and hospital are world renowned. Their members do a lot of good things socially. I have no quarrel with any mason who truly participates in these excellent social causes out of the goodness of his heart, not knowing the Masonic Lodge is Luciferian. But I WARN him: BEWARE of your soul! Like a deadly fruit that looks and tastes good, Masonry is only another deception designed to lead you from God, a step or two at a time!

Pike spoke plainly to the leaders of World Freemasonry:

"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees - The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine.

If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and revulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?

Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god...for the absolute can only exist as two gods...

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." (1)

It is very clear what Freemasonry really stands for.

"We are not suggesting that the average Mormon (LDS or RLDS) knowingly follows Satan or would willingly worship him. Only Masons of the very highest degrees are aware of the true nature of their religion, and even they are convinced that Lucifer is God and not Satan, or they wouldn't follow him. Although it comes from Masonry, Mormonism is even less open about its Luciferian nature. Even the highest levels of Mormon initiates would sincerely deny that theirs is a Luciferian religion. However, they have no adequate explanation for the fact that Lucifer defies their "God" and dominates the Temple rituals." (2)

In the final analysis you need to be aware that there are only two religions.

One is the true Christianity that is Bible-based and independent of any earthly organized "church" or organization; the other is the religion of Luciferianism (Satanism) which comes in a thousand and one forms, but which is always in some way derived from or allied to the occult and secrecy.

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14. Masonry Says...


"And the Devine Wise Intellect sent teachers unto men...Enoch, and Noah, and Abraham, and Moses the son of Imram, and the Prophets, and Pythagoras, and Plato, and Yesus the son of Joseph, the Lord, the Messiah, and his Apostles, and after these Mohammed the son of Abdulla, with his law, which is the law of Islam; and the disciples of truth followed the law of Islam." (1)

"It has been found that every act in the drama of the life of Jesus, and every quality assigned to Christ, is to be found in the life of Krishna." (Sun god of India) (2)

Study John 1:1-4; John 8:58; John 17:5; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; I John 5:12; I John 2:22,23; I Timothy 2:5; John 10:30; John 14:9.

"Masonry makes no profession of Christianity...but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual which the Veda, Shastra, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran and Holy Bible shall lie...and at whose shrine the Hindoo, the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, The Egyptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the Jew and the Christian may kneel..." (3)

"The Jews, the Chinese, the Turks, each reject either the New Testament, or the Old, or both, and yet we see no good reason why they should not be made Masons. In fact Blue Lodge Masonry has nothing whatsoever to do with the Bible. It is not founded on the Bible; if it was it would not be Masonry; it would be something else." (4)

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boeheme, Swedenborg, Saint Martin, and others is borrowed from the Kabalah: all Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols." (5)

Study Isa. 8:20; II Tim. 3:16; Psalms 12:6,7; Ps. 146:5,6; Prov. 30:5,6; Matt. 24:35; I Pet 1:23,25; II Peter 1:16-21; Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18,19.

"The only personal God Freemasonry accepts is humanity in toto...Humanity therefore is the only personal God that there is." (6)

"These two divinities (the Sun and the Moon, Osiris and Isis, etc.) were commonly symbolized by the generative parts of man and woman; to which in remote ages no idea of indecency was attached; the Phallus (penis) and Cteis (vagina), emblems of generation and production, and which, as such, appeared in the Mysteries (the ancient religions of which Masonry is a revival). The Indian Lingam was the union of both, as were the boat and mast and the point within the circle (important Masonic symbols)." (7)

Study Gen. 1:1; John 4:4; Deut 6:4; Ps. 90:2; Ps. 90:2; Mal. 3:6; I Cor. 8:4,6; Jer. 10:10; Ps. 45.6; I John 5:7; Lev. 19:2; Ex. 3:14.

"In Egypt, Greece and among other ancient nations, Freemasonry was one of the earliest agencies employed to effect improvement and enlightenment of man...and make them comprehend the true principles of morality, which initiate men into a new order of life." (8)

"The dunces who led primitive Christianity astray, by submitting faith for science...have succeeded in shrouding in darkness the ancient discoveries of the human mind; so that now we grope in the dark to find again the key..." (9)

"...salvation by faith and the vicarious atonement were not taught as now interpreted, by Jesus, nor are these doctrines taught in the esoteric scriptures. They are later and ignorant perversions of the original doctrines." (10)

Study Rom. 3:10; Rom. 3:23; Isa. 64:6; II Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:26; John 3:16; Eph 2:8,9; Acts 4:12; I John 5:11,12.

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed, for Satan is not a black god...For the initiates this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will." (11)

"Lucifer, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with all its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!" (12)

"...there is no rebellious demon of Evil, or Principle of Darkness coexistent and in eternal controversy with God, or the Principle of Light..." (13)

Study Isa. 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:13-19; John 8:44; Rev. 12:9,10; Luke 4:1,2; Matt. 12:26; Eph. 6:11,12; II Cor. 4:4; John 10:10; James 4:7; I John 3:8; I Pet. 5:8.

"Freemasons are emphatically called `Sons of Light'...while the profane or uninitiated (non-Masons) who have not received this knowledge...are said to be in darkness." (14)

Study John 8:12; I Peter 2:9; Eph. 5:8; I John 1:5; John 1:4.

"The only instruction I was given as New York State Grand Chaplain, and I was given it repeatedly, was not to end a prayer in Jesus' name." (15)

Study I Tim 2:5; John 15:16; Eph. 5:20; Col. 3:17.

"The Blue Degrees are but the portico (porch) of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them...their true explication (explanation, understanding) is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry." (16)

"You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons...and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him...It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations." (17)

Study Exod. 20:16; Lev. 19:11; Col. 3:9; Rev. 21:8.

"The secrecy of this institution is another and most important landmark...If divested of its secret character, it would lose its identity, and would cease to be Freemasonry...death of the Order would follow its legalized exposure. Freemasonry, as a secret association, has lived unchanged for centuries; as an open society it would not last for as many years." (18)

Study John 18:20; Matt. 10:27; Mark 16:15; Romans 12:17.

"...binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out by its roots, and with my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, a cable's length from the shore, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours..." (19)
"...In willful violation whereof may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming Sun shall strike me with a livid plague, and may Allah, the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same." (20)

Study Exod. 20:13; Mat. 5:34-37; James 5:12; Exod. 23:13.

"It is one of the most beautiful, but at the same time one of the most abstruse doctrines of the science of Masonic symbolism that the Mason is ever to be in search of truth, but is never to find it." (21)

Study Luke 11:9,10; John 6:37; Rom. 10:4; 10:11.

"Masonic Doctrine concerning Exclusiveness says "The "light" of Freemasonry, its "secrets" and its pathway to "perfection" are only for the elite few initiated into its knowledge and wisdom. Excluded are women, Negroes, the poor (who haven't the money with which to pay), the cripples, blind and deaf who can't perform the recognition signs (or see and hear them), and the feeble-minded who can't receive the teachings or be trusted to protect them. All such people, including the wives, the daughters and some of the sons of Masons, are considered "profane" (unclean, unworthy) and can never be anything else. No references are required here for it is common knowledge and all of the above confirms and establishes it." (22)

Study II Pet. 3:9; Matt. 11:28,29; Rev. 22:17.

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15. An "Unnatural" Progression


There was a definite progression of events in Joseph Smith's life that started with his dabbling in the occult and ended with his wholesale sellout to Satanism. It was an "unnatural" progression of events riddled with deceptions and occultic activities.

"There are too many examples to be ignored of people who began with make-believe, playing with a Ouija board, crystal ball, pendulum, dowsing rod, or other divination devices (several of which were commonly used by early Mormon Apostles) without even believing in such devices, but were drawn into the occult as a result. There are cases of groups that "pretended" to have a spirit seance when sudden demonic manifestations spontaneously occurred, taking control out of their hands. A classic example is the "Phillip Group" in Toronto, Canada, comprised of skeptical parapsychologists who "pretended" to make contact via table-tipping with a make- believe discarnate spirit they named "Phillip." Rapping sounds began to come from within the table, giving Phillip's "real history." The table danced and finally flew around the room so fast that the parapsychologists had to run to keep up with it. Similar phenomena were common among early Mormons, and are still looked upon with approval today." (1)

"Both evidence and logic suggest that in a similar manner to the "Phillip Group," the strong desire on the part of Joseph Smith and his followers to believe his fantastic tales opened the early Mormons to demonic powers. We see a definite and revealing progression: First young Smith uses the "seer stone" to "devine" the location of buried treasure, and then to "translate" unknown languages; later he uses a "Jupiter talisman" for ritual magic; and finally he introduces "magic underwear" with occult Masonic markings that Temple Mormons must wear 24 hours a day for protection from evil. These occult practices are specifically forbidden in the Bible. During this progression of deepening involvement in occultism, we see Smith's theological beliefs metamorphose from the fairly orthodox to the blatant paganism that embraced all of Satan's four lies to Eve, including that of multiplicity of gods and that of infinite human potential to become gods. Their were so many strange visions and so much weird behavior among the early Mormons that to explain it as merely hysteria or hallucinations is inadequate. John Whitmer, official Church Historian in Joseph Smith's time, wrote concerning occult phenomena among the Mormons: "Some had visions...would act like an Indian in the act of scalping...[or] slide or scoot on the floor with the rapidity of a serpent..." (2)

Joseph Smith wrote "Soon after the gospel was established in Kirtland...many false spirits were introduced, many strange visions were ran out of doors under the influence...some got upon the stumps of trees and shouted...[some] had the gift of tongues falsely, they would speak in a muttering, unnatural voice and their bodies be distorted..." (3)

"There were even phenomena similar to modern UFO's, but in a form that appealed to and could be recognized by viewers in that day. A large number of Mormons saw a huge "steamboat...painted in the finest style...filled with people...[sail] steady along over the city [of Kirtland]...right over the Temple..." One of the "witnesses" to this amazing event wrote in his journal: "Old Elder Beamon, who had died a few months before, was seen standing in the bow of the Boat swinging his hat and singing a well known hymn." (4)

"There were so many visions of angels, yet at the same time frightening demonic experiences, that Joseph Smith received a special "revelation" instructing the Saints in how to tell a devil from an angel or a glorified man."

"The above represent only a fraction of the documented examples of demonic influence and manifestations. Most of them were accepted as genuine revelations or manifestations from God." (5)

"After his initiation into the Masonic mysteries Joseph Smith repudiated and ridiculed the Trinity, teaching that there were an infinite number of gods, each of whom had once been a sinful, fallen man, and that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate and distinct gods." (6)

No, Joseph Smith was never a Christian. But he was an occultist. He did commune with demons. His god was Satan, and Jesus Christ was his enemy.

Perhaps the next big gathering of Utah Mormons or Independence Latter-Day Saints will again see that great steamship sailing along through the sky above their cherished temple, with Joseph Smith leaning over the bow, waiving his six gun in the air, and taking pot shots at the Baptists down below. But I seriously doubt it.

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16. The Jupiter Talisman



Did Joseph Smith practice witchcraft? Or is this only another lie spread by Book of Mormon detractors? The above picture is of Joesph Smith's personal Jupiter Talisman.

Dr. Reed C. Durham, Jr., Book of Mormon supporter, outgoing president of the Mormon History Association, delivered an address on April 20, 1974 at the historic Nauvoo Hotel. Though not his intention, the evidence he presented so incriminated Joseph Smith, Jr., that Smith's credentials as a Prophet were forever totally and utterly destroyed to anyone with any objectivity!

He spoke of the many similarities between the Mormon Temple ceremonies and the Masonic Temple ceremonies, including use of the all-seeing eye of occultism, and the upside-down five-pointed star symbol of Satanism.

(A first class example of the all-seeing eye can be seen embedded in the north wall of the main Independence post office.)

"...I should like to initiate all of you into what is perhaps the strangest, the most mysterious, occult-like esoteric, and yet Masonically oriented practice ever adopted by Joseph Smith...

All available evidence suggests that Joseph Smith the Prophet possessed a magical Masonic medallion, or talisman, which he worked during his lifetime and which was evidently on his person when he was martyred...

...purchased from the Emma Smith Didamon family, fully notarized by that family to be authentic and to have belonged to Joseph Smith, [it] can now be identified as a Jupiter talisman. It carries the sign and image of Jupiter some very...mysterious sense...[it] was the appropriate talisman for Joseph Smith to possess.

I wasn't able to find what this was...[until] finally in a magic book printed in England in thrilled I was when I saw in his list of magic seals the very talisman which Joseph Smith had in his possession at the time of his martyrdom...

In astrology, Jupiter is always associated with high positions, getting one's own way...So closely is magic bound up with the stars and astrology that the term astrologer and magician were in ancient times almost synonymous.

The purpose of the Table of Jupiter in talismanic magic was to be able to call upon the celestial intelligences, assigned to the particular talisman, to assist one in all endeavors. The names of the deities which...could be invoked...were always written on the talisman...three such names were written on Joseph Smith's talisman...

When properly invoked, with Jupiter being very powerful and ruling in the heavens, these intelligences by the power of ancient magic - guaranteed to the possessor of this talisman the gain of riches and favor and power and love and peace...and anyone who worked skillfully with this Jupiter Table would obtain the power of stimulating anyone to offer his love to the possessor of the talisman, whether from a friend, brother, relative, or even any female." (1)

Did Joseph Smith have a power over women? Some say he did! If so, I must once again say, it was from Satan. It was evil.

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17. Enoch & The Mysteries


After speaking of the Jupiter talisman, Dr. Durham told his audience that he intended to "provoke some thought and present something new...If I have not succeeded in doing that by now, please indulge me one last further attempt."

They would soon wish he had stopped there! He said:

"In the legend, Enoch was 25 years old "when he received his call and vision," as was Joseph Smith "when he brought forth his sacred record." Enoch's vision was of a hill containing a vault prepared for "sacred treasures," on which he saw the identifying letter "M"; while Joseph Smith was led by an "angel" whose name began with "M" to a similar hill containing an underground vault (like Enoch's) filled with "sacred treasures." Part of the treasures revealed to Enoch were gold and brass plates engraved with Egyptian hieroglyphics giving the history of the world and ancient mysteries of God, which he preserved by putting then in the vault in the hill; similarly, Joseph Smith recovered from a vault in a hill gold and brass plates engraved with Egyptian hieroglyphics containing ancient history and mysteries of God. Enoch's treasure also included a metal ball, a priestly breastplate, and the fabled "Urim and Thummim" - precisely the same objects that were found by Joseph Smith along with the gold plates.

If the above sounds like an impossible coincidence, there is more. Joseph Smith often referred to himself in his "revelations" as "Enoch," claiming that he had been given this name by God. The Enoch of the legend was chosen to recover and preserve for mankind the sacred name of God; and Joseph Smith was allegedly chosen to recover and "restore" the everlasting Gospel of God to the earth. Enoch buried the sacred record to preserve it just before a great disaster (the Flood), foreseeing that after the deluge "an Israelitish descendant would discover anew the sacred buried treasure." Enoch "placed a stone lid, or slab, over the cavity into the hill," exactly as Moroni did in the Book of Mormon when he buried his record as the only survivor of the disaster (great battle) that destroyed his entire nation. Joseph Smith, who recovered this record, claimed to be an Israelite, fitting the vision of Enoch even in this regard." (1)

" the pre-existence, there was a special Secret Doctrine that was given by the Earth first to Adam [who] was to carefully guard this Secret Doctrine because it contained all the Mysteries...[including] the secret name of God.

Adam then bestowed it upon his son, Seth, who guarded it very carefully - only among the inner circle of believers - and then it was handed down until it came to Enoch...the central figure in the legend.

It is with Enoch that the remarkable resemblances with Joseph Smith and Mormon history become disconcertingly clear. (2)

What does this say about the Inspired Version of the Bible? Remember, the major changes made in the Inspired Version were made to Genesis, and are about Enoch. Think about it!

It is quite obvious that the changes made to the Bible were deliberately made by Joseph Smith to advance his personal ambitions. In truth he had absolutely no regard for God's Holy Bible or for the teachings presented by Jesus Christ.

Many secret societies, occult groups, and even modern UFO cults, have been intrigued by, and have built upon, Melchizedek's mention. Melchizedek is a favorite tool of "scripture twisters," and a "priesthood" with its "authority" is coveted by occultists.

Here is a sample of modern Melchizedek garbage, for example, from Australia:

At the heart of The Centre, The Independent Church of Australia*, lies the priesthood according to the Order of Melchizedek... his purpose in founding The Centre was to revive this ancient Order and bring it into conscious manifestation.

The place of the Order of Melchizedek in human evolution is acknowledged. The Brotherhood of Melchizedek has manifested at different times throughout the ages; evidence of this is to be seen in the continuation of different attitudes, practices and ideas in The Centre today.

Those who are connected with the Order of Melchizedek will body forth the reality that the Christ Spirit, the Sun Initiate, is now working within the earth...

...where one discovers the real I AM, the Christ force within.

"In human evolution?" Are they for real? It's all just New Age garbage folks. The New Age movement of today is not that much different than the New Age movement of Joseph Smith's day. It's all just erroneous esoteric christianity that isn't Christianity at all.

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18. Durham On Freemasonry


"Joseph Smith had three witnesses to the Book of Mormon and the record itself bears witness that an archvillain named Laban...[who] was thwarting the availability...of the sacred records had his head cut off by his own sword..."

"Now these parallels, dramatic as they seem, still do not represent the strangest part of the story. All of these aspects of the legend seem transformed into the history of Joseph Smith, so much so that it even appears to be a kind of symbolic acting out of Masonic lore.

But there is a point in this drama where the action goes beyond metaphor and the symbol merges into a tragic reality. This has to do, of course, with the death of Hiram Abif in the legend and the martyrdom of Joseph Smith...

Joseph Smith gave himself up to be imprisoned and on June 27, 1844 a mob stormed the little Carthage jail. Hyrum [Smith] was killed instantly and John Taylor seriously wounded.

Joseph Smith, Master Mason and widow's son, went to the window and with upraised hands, commenced giving the Masonic distress call to fraternal Masons who were present in the mob: "Oh, Lord, my God..." He was unable to complete his plea and fell out of the window to his death.

How does a Mormon historian interpret Joseph Smith and the Masonic Enoch legend? The parallels demand an answer. Was Joseph Smith the fruition of Enoch's prophecy...did mysterious and divine, even magical, forces attach themselves to him?

Can anyone deny that Masonic influence on Joseph Smith and the Church, either before or after his personal Masonic membership? The evidence demands comments...I do not believe that the Nauvoo story can adequately be told without an inquiry into Masonry. (1)

I am convinced that in the study of Masonry lies a pivotal key to further understanding Joseph Smith and the Church...The many parallels found between early Mormonism and the Masonry of that day are substantial: conferences, councils, priesthood, temples, anointing with oil, the issuance of licenses, certificates for identifying legitimate fellow workers [called Temple Recommends by Mormons], elders, high priests and even the Book of the Law...[plus] things Egyptian, the new revelations of suns and moons, governing planets and fixed stars [while] unique at that time to Mormonism were commonplace in Masonry.

...most of the things which were developed in the Church at Nauvoo were inextricably interwoven with Masonry - in addition to the endowment, the temple and the Relief Society...I suspect also that the development of prayer circles and even polygamy are no exceptions.

But more importantly, I suggest that enough evidence presently exists to declare that the entire institution of the political kingdom of God, including the Council of Fifty, the living constitution, the proposed flag of the kingdom, and the anointing and coronation of the king, had their counterparts within Masonry in the day of the Prophet Joseph Smith. (2)

To begin with, Masonry in the Church had its origin prior to the time Joseph Smith became a Mason. Nauvoo was not its genesis. It commenced in Joseph's home when his older brother...Hyrum received the first three degrees of Masonry in Mount Moriah Lodge No. 112 of Palmyra, New York, at about the same time that Joseph was being initiated into the presence of God and angels and was being entrusted with the sacred gold plates.

By the end of 1832, Joseph Smith had welcomed new brethren, along with their influences, into the Church. Men such as W.W. Phelps, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Newel K. Witney, each of whom had been deeply involved in Masonry...

At the instigation of John C. Bennet, George W. Harris, John Parker, Lucius Scovil, as well as other Mormon Masons residing at Nauvoo, and certainly with the approval of the hierarchy of the Church, the institution of Masonry commenced.

Joseph and Sidney were inducted into formal Masonry at Sight, on the same day upon which the Illinois Grand Master Mason...Abraham Jonas officially installed the Nauvoo Lodge. It was on March 15, 1842. On the next day, both Sidney and Joseph advanced to the Master Mason Degree.

In only a few years, five Mormon Lodges were established, several others in planning, a Masonic Temple constructed, and the total membership of Mormon fraternal brethren was over 1,366.

...Masonic influences upon Joseph in the early Church history...were significant. However, these same Masonic influences exerted a more dominant character as reflected in the further expansion of the Church subsequent to the Prophet's Masonic membership.

In fact, I believe that there are few significant developments in the Church, that occurred after March 15, 1842, which did not have some Masonic interdependence.... There is absolutely no question in my mind that the Mormon ceremony which came to be known as the Endowment, introduced by Joseph Smith to Mormon Masons initially, just a little over one month after he became a Mason, had an immediate inspiration from Masonry.

It is also obvious that the Nauvoo Temple architecture was in part, at least, Masonically influenced. Indeed, it appears that there was an intentional attempt to utilize Masonic symbols and motifs." (3)

[Referring to a letter written by Joseph Smith to a Mr. John Hull, a Congregational minister who had been active in Masonry "for over 40 years [and]...had held every office in Masonry up to and including Worshipful Master of the Lodge," Dr. Durham said:]

"The entire two-page letter clearly demonstrates that Mormonism and Masonry were related and that Joseph used Masonry and apparently had no qualms in doing so.

It is also clear in the letter that the Kingdom of God was thought to be the true Masonry, which, when ultimately established with a king and a president, would abolish all earthly confusion and evil and usher in the Millennium.

The whole earth was compared symbolically to a Grand Masonic Lodge, the counterpart of which was the Grand Lodge in the eternal regions of Glory; an idea quite legitimate in Masonic thought...

It appears that the Prophet first embraced Masonry, and then in the process he modified, expanded, amplified or glorified it." (4)

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19. Polygamy


Did Joseph Smith start polygamy, or didn't Joseph Smith start polygamy? Every RLDS member is eventually asked about this matter by some non-member. So what is the truth about the subject of polygamy?

Right up to his death, the "prophet" repeatedly denied publicly that he was a polygamist.

But, alas, he lied.

The truth is that the 1843 "revelation" was intended to shield Joseph Smith from the mounting charges of adultery he was receiving because of his adulterous activities. With this revelation, the prophet was "vindicated," and everyone was commanded to practice polygamy.

Thus sayeth the lord? Not hardly!

"...I have heard now and then...a brother or sister say, "I am a Latter-day Saint, but I do not believe in polygamy." Oh, what an absurd expression! What an absurd idea! A person might as well say, "I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, but I do not believe in him." One is as consistent as the other...I did hope there was more intelligence among the Latter-day Saints, and a greater understanding of principle than to suppose that anyone can be a member of this Church in good standing and yet reject polygamy. The Lord has said, that those who reject this principle reject their salvation, they shall be damned...Oppose it...and teach your children to do the same, and if you do not become as dark as midnight there is not truth in Mormonism." (1)

Polygamy was never out in the open while Joseph Smith was alive. Polygamy only became public record when Orson Pratt preached that sermon.

"The July 12, 1843, "revelation" was privately concocted by Joseph Smith at the suggestion of his brother Hyrum to be presented to Joseph's first wife, Emma, in order to justify to her the many additional wives he had taken. Emma wouldn't stand for it, and within two or three days she had persuaded Joseph to give her the "revelation" he had written, and she burned it." (2)

Sarah Ann Whitney was one of Joseph's other wives. According to Orson F. Whitney, her nephew, Sarah was married to Joseph about a year before the 1843 "revelation."

"This girl was but seventeen years of age, but she had implicit faith in the [secret] doctrine of plural marriage...The revelation commanding and consecrating this union is in existence, though it has never been published.

It bears the date of July 27, 1842, and was given through the Prophet to the writer's grandfather, Newel K. Whitney, whose daughter Sarah, on that day, became the wedded wife of Joseph Smith for time and eternity." (3)

In fact, Joseph wrote many revelations, to different women, while trying to convince them to have an illicit adulterous affair.

A letter to Sarah's father, signed by Joseph, said:

"...all three of you [mother, father, and Sarah] can come and see me in the fore part of the night...the only thing to be careful of, is to find out when Emma comes then you cannot be safe, but when she is not here, there is the most perfect safety...I think Emma wont come tonight if she dont fail to come tonight, I subscribe myself your obedient and affectionate, companion, and friend. (signed) Joseph Smith" (4)
"Mormons claim that Joseph Smith did indeed go to prison for his beliefs, and that he died as a martyr. It would be stretching the facts beyond credibility to maintain that claim. The fact is that Smith went to prison for denying his beliefs, not for standing up for them. He was arrested and imprisoned for persecuting other people, and he died in a blazing gun battle in which he killed at least two men and wounded another. The mob that murdered him committed a heinous crime, but the fact is that he did not die quietly, like a lamb led to the slaughter, as Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith answered back viciously against those who accused him, and they didn't accuse him wrongfully, as the Pharisees did Jesus. Joseph Smith was no martyr, but a fighter who in utter disregard for the freedom of the press and rights of others physically destroyed a newspaper that criticized him. This was the crime for which he was arrested and imprisoned.

Not all Mormon leaders went along with polygamy. Some tried to reason with Smith, but found it impossible. They were also concerned about his political ambitions. Joseph Smith had been crowned "king" over the Mormon kingdom, and was running for President of the United States in 1844.

The Expositor was exposing the truth, and Joseph Smith knew it would bring down his empire...Joseph Smith "immediatly ordered the Marshal to destroy it without delay. An armed mob of several hundred men converged on the newspaper." ..It was for that crime, and the crime of treason in calling out the Nauvoo Legion to prevent officials of the law from arresting him, that the Governor of the State of Illinois arrested and imprisoned Joseph and Hyrum Smith." (5)

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20. Mormon


"Horsing around with Mormo can lead to the creation of your very own Death Mask -- as Mr. Smith was soon to discover." - from The Curious Case of Joseph Smith, Everet Holmstead, 1932.

Where did the word "Mormon" come from? Have you assumed that it came from the Book of Mormon?

Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible has a list of "Infernal Names." Guess what one of them is? "Mormo." Mormo is the god of the ghouls, an evil being obsessed with the dead. What would the names of his followers be? "Mormons?"

Is this just a coincidence?

"In Chinese, "Mormon" means "gates of hell." That's why the Mormon missionaries have problems in Hong Kong, for instance. They have to avoid using the word "Mormon" in trying to convert the Chinese."

Is this really just a coincidence? Mormons (LDS) are obsessed with genealogies, Temple rites and rituals for the dead. They believe the dead can visit the living, and that the dead can convert to Mormonism while in their grave!

How many coincidences are we allowed? When does coincidence end? Do you know that Joseph Smith was reported to have said:

"Hell is by no means the place this world of fools suppose it to be, but on the contrary, it is quite an agreeable place..." (1)

In April of 1844, Joseph Smith spoke before 20,000 of his followers, and said:

"...and you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves...the same as all Gods have done before you...from exaltation to exaltation, until you attain to the resurrection of the dead, and are able to dwell in everlasting burnings...How consoling to...know that although the earthly tabernacle is laid down and dissolved, they shall rise again, to dwell in everlasting burnings...[as] a God and ascend the throne of eternal power the same as those who have gone before." (2)

Is it just coincidence that heaven turned into hell after Joseph Smith became a 33rd Degree Mason? I think not!

Too many coincidences are not just coincidence!

(And I want to point out that no one can honestly deny that Joseph Smith said this: He said it in front of 20,000 people.)

Perhaps Joseph Smith started out as a simple con man. But he didn't stay that way. As time went by, he became more practiced and more adept at fooling people. And at some point he was approached by a real demon. Demon possession starts out much the same way today. A little fun with the Ouiji Board, a little curiosity about tarot cards, establishment of the habit of checking the horoscope every morning... This is how demonic influence begins in one's life. But then the demon may actually show up and possess a person. The mental wards are full of such people who are possessed by demons.

Power, prestigue and money are the usual temptations offered to continue following such esoteric paths. Many of the rock stars and Hollywood idiots of today are deliberately following demonic instructions. They don't even try to hide it anymore. Joseph Smith obviously channelled the Book of Mormon, and his "spirit guide" must have had a laugh, if demons can laugh, when he passed of the name of the god of the ghouls, Mormo, on that gullible and ignorant Joseph Smith.

One thing is for sure, when the early history of the Mormons played out, the god of the ghouls with the obsession of the dead was able to get his fill. The Mormons were run out of Independence, they were run out of Nauvoo, and the barely survived the trek to Salt Lake City. Joseph Smith went down in a blaze of gunfire. Mormo dined at a hearty feast.

Unfortunately, Mormon is still feasting on Mormon blood today!



What Mormons Won't Tell You

From: MM Outreach


MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they believe your Church is wrong, your Christian creeds are abomination to God, and you pastor or Priest is a hireling of Satan.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that there is salvation only in their church; all others are wrong.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that those who have been through their temples are wearing secret underwear to protect themselves from "evil". This "evil" includes non-Mormons like you.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU about their secret temple rites at all. If they did, you would spot them as non-Christians immediately.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they think "familiar spirits" are good, and that their Book of Mormon has a "familiar spirit". Leviticus 19;31 says familiar spirits defile one, and are to be avoided at all costs.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that women receive salvation only through their Mormon husbands, and must remain pregnant for all eternity.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they intend to be gods themselves some day, and are helping to earn their exaltation to godhood by talking to you.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they intend to have many wives in heaven, carrying on multiple sex relations throughout eternity, until they have enough children to populate their own earth, so they can be "Heavenly Father" over their own planet!

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that you were once a spirit-child of their heavenly father, and one of his numerous wives before you were born on earth.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that the Virgin Mary really wasn't a virgin at all but had sex relations with their heavenly father to produce the Mormon version of Jesus Christ

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they believe Jesus had at least three wives and children while he was on this earth.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that the "heavenly father" they ask you to pray to with them, is really an exalted man that lives on a planet near the star base Kolob, and is not the Heavenly Father of the Bible at all.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that Jesus was really Lucifer's brother in the spirit world, and it was only due to a "heavenly council" vote that Jesus became our redeemer instead of Satan!!

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that there are over one hundred divisions in Mormonism. They conveniently "forget" this while criticizing the many denominations within the body of Christ

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that all their so- called scriptures such as the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, and even their official "Mormon Doctrine" statements contradict each other on MAJOR doctrinal points. The King James Bible is likewise contradicted.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that the reason the Book of Mormon has no maps is because there is not one scrap of archaeological evidence to support it!

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that the state of Utah, which is predominately Mormon, has a higher than the national average of wife-beating, child abuse, and teenage suicide.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that their prophet Joseph Smith was heavily involved in the occult when he founded Mormonism.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that that they encourage visitations from dead relatives from the "spirit world", a practice forbidden in the Bible. (Deuteronomy 18:10- 12.)

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that there are many accounts of Joseph Smith's first vision besides he one they present to you, and all are different

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that their secret temple oaths are based on the Scottish Rite Masons.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that for years they considered the Negro race inferior, and even one drop of Negro blood prevented a person from entering their temple.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they expect Christ to return to their temple in Missouri, but they haven't built the temple He's supposed to return to, because they don't own the property.(It is owned by the "Temple Lot Mormons" who have plans o of their own, and won't let the Salt Lake City group buy it).

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they consider the Bible to be untrustworthy and full of errors.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that Jesus' death on the cross only partially saves the believer.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that that according to Anton Lavey's Satanic Bible, the demon god of the living dead is called "Mormo". Is it just a coincidence that the Mormons are so concerned with the dead?

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that on their Salt Lake City Temple they prominently display an upside-down star which is a Satanic symbol known as the Goat's head.. Why?

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they believe the Archangel Michael came down to earth with several of his celestial wives, and became Adam in the garden of Eden.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that that they believe the angel Gabriel came down to earth and became Noah in the days of the flood.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that their Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied falsely many times. For example, he foretold the second coming of Christ for 1891. The Bible teaches that one false prophecy puts a prophet under death sentence. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that their Prophet Joseph Smith did not die as a martyr as they claim, but was killed during a gun battle in which he himself killed two men and wounded a third.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU about the Mountain Meadows Massacre in which they brutally murdered an innocent wagon train of settlers, of over one hundred men, women, and most of the children, traveling through Utah.

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that Joseph Smith taught that there were inhabitants on the moon, and Brigham Young taught there were inhabitants on the sun as well!



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Mormons, are well aware that if these facts were known to the convert prior to baptism, they would have very few converts! The Missionaries are well trained to keep most of these facts from their potential converts.

Tragically, many Mormons may not even be fully aware of the doctrines and history of their own church. Every statement on this tract is true. Mormons are encouraged to check out their own publications for documentation of the above. After all, if the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) has the truth, it can stand any amount of investigation.

Please do not be afraid to investigate. We are not Ex-Mormons, but Christians defending the Christian Church and its beliefs.

Excellent documentation etc. can be found in the Mormon Ministry web sites from our link page.

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21. The Kinderhook Plates


"Only a bogus prophet translates bogus plates." - Charles A. Shook



"In 1843, about 13 months before Joseph Smith's death at the hands of the mob that stormed the jail where he was being held for treason and riot, there was sudden excitement among the Mormons due to a great archaeological find. During the excavation of a mound near Kinderhook, Illinois, at the end of April, six bell-shaped, thin brass plates with strange hieroglyphics engraved on them were uncovered at a depth of about 11 feet. Appearing to be of ancient origin, the "kinderhook Plates" (as they came to be known) were displayed briefly in public and then sent to Joseph Smith because of his alleged ability to translate unknown languages." (1)

Joseph Smith noted in his diary, May 1, 1843:

"I insert facsimiles of the six brass plates found near Kinderhook....I have translated a portion of them, and find they contain the history of the person with whom they were found. He was a descendant of Ham, through the loins of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and that he received his kingdom from the Ruler of heaven and earth." (2)

But guess what! They were forgeries! The three men responsible for the manufacturing and "planting" of the plates, confessed that it was a deliberate hoax about a month after Joseph Smith's death.

University of Chicago Egyptology Professor James H. Breasted later said:

"The "Kinderhook Plates" are, of course, childish forgeries, as the scientific world has known for years. What does all this add up to? Does it merely mean that one of the "finds" which Latter-day Saints believed supported the Book of Mormon does not support it, and that there is no real blow to the prophetship of Joseph Smith? Not at all, for as Charles A. Shook well observed..."Only a bogus prophet translates bogus plates." Where we can check up on Smith as a translator of plates, he is found guilty of deception. How can we trust him with reference to his claims about the Book of Mormon?...Smith tried to deceive people into thinking that he had translated some of the plates. The plates had no such message as Smith claimed...Smith is thus shown to be willing to deceive people..." (3)

Now let me repeat that one line and add italics for emphasis: "Smith tried to deceive people...."

Joseph Smith must have really liked the idea of additional discoveries of lost writings, however. From Utah Lighthouse Ministry of Jerald and Sandra Tanner we read:

"In 1835, a man came to Kirtland, Ohio, with some mummies and Egyptian papyri. Joseph Smith purchased both the mummies and the papyri and made some startling statements about what he had obtained. Josiah Quincy, who visited Joseph Smith at Nauvoo, reported the following:

'And now come with me,' said the prophet 'and I will show you the curiosities.'... There were some pine presses fixed against the wall of the room. These receptacles Smith opened, and disclosed four human bodies, shrunken and black with age. 'These are mummies,' said the exhibitor. 'I want you to look at that little runt of a fellow over there. He was a great man in his day. Why, that was Pharaoh Necho, King of Egypt!' Some parchments inscribed with hieroglyphics were then offered us.... 'That is the handwriting of Abraham, the Father of the Faithful,' said the prophet. 'This is the autograph of Moses, and these lines were written by his brother Aaron. Here we have the earliest account of the Creation, from which Moses composed the First Book of Genesis.'... We were further assured that the prophet was the only mortal who could translate these mysterious writings, and that his power was given by direct inspiration.' (Figures of the Past, as cited in Among the Mormons, edited by William Mulder and Russell Mortensen, New York, 1958, pages 136- 137).

The reader will notice that Joseph Smith made the astounding claim that he found the very "handwriting of Abraham"on one of the papyrus documents. He claimed, in fact, that this document contained the Book of Abraham and that God gave him the power to translate it. This book is now accepted by the Mormons as scripture and is one of the four standard works of the church.

After his death the papyri were lost. Consequently, Egyptologists were not able to examine Smith's translation. In 1967, however, the church announced that the papyri had been rediscovered in Metropolitan Museum of Art. Not long after the papyri were brought to light a number of prominent Egyptologists examined them and found that they were all pagan documents which were buried with mummies.

One of the rolls of papyrus which Joseph Smith claimed was written by Joseph of Egypt was actually the Egyptian "Book of the Dead." The Egyptologist James Henry Breasted said that the Book of the Dead is "chiefly a book of magical charms." (Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1969, page 308)"

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22. The "Three Books"

The Most Correct Book?

Is the Book of Mormon the most correct book on the face of the earth? That is the claim made for it by its supporters. But is it true?

David Whitmer said:

"I will now give you a description of the manner in which the Book of Mormon was translated...Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into a hat, drawing it closely around his face to exclude the light; and in the darkness the spiritual light would shine. A piece of something resembling parchment would appear, and on that appeared the writing, one character at a time would appear, and under it was the interpretation in English. Brother Joseph would read off the English to Oliver Cowdery, who was his principal scribe, and when it was written down and repeated to brother Joseph to see if it was correct, then it would disappear, and another character with the interpretation would appear. Thus, the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God, and not by any power of man." (1)

Whitmer's account is very interesting. By his account, Joseph Smith, Jr. didn't even have to handle the gold plates!

"Notice Joseph read the English interpretation but God was the translator! Joseph didn't even have to look at the gold plates! No wonder he called the B. of M. the "most correct of any book on earth." (2)

A letter-by-letter translation by the power of God! How much better could it get? A letter-by-letter translation by God would be perfect, wouldn't it?

"Well-informed Mormon historians and theologians are equally aware that the first edition of The Book of Mormon and the present edition of The Book of Mormon are quite different in 3,913 separate instances (over 25,000 including punctuation changes), the first edition having been revised and corrected by Joseph Smith and his successors over the last one hundred and fifty years. Yet both the errors and the revisions of The Book of Mormon are heralded as divine revelation by Mormons. This is another example of the peaceful coexistence of logical contradiction within the belief system of Mormonism which permits the isolation or compartmentalization of conflicting evidence or concepts." (3)

If the Book of Mormon was correct, and if God gave it to Smith a letter at a time, why does it have so many changes?

Reason says that if God is responsible for it, then it should not need changing. But its errors are so numerous that MANY changes have been made. SO HOW COULD IT HAVE BEEN FROM GOD? It couldn't have been.

But, against reason, and against all evidence, many people refuse to give up their support of the Book of Mormon.

"Now, once we become thoroughly convinced that the Book of Mormon is true, it will, as I have said, solve any theological problem that may confront us." (4)

How true. Many will read this manuscript, study every example of error I give, and then still believe in the Book of Mormon. Why? Because with enough twisting, with enough "but's," any theological problem can be "solved!" They will refuse to believe the truth. Their pride will not let them!

What does the Book of Mormon really say?

Who knows!? There are problems with the Book of Mormon!

The original manuscript was placed in the cornerstone of the Nauvoo House for a number of years. It was water damaged, and is partly unreadable. Half of it has been lost. This is a shame, as many people want to know what it says.

You see, there have been thousands of changes made in the Book of Mormon's published version over the years. This is well known, and is why the Temple Lot group has recently published a new version that more closely follows the readable parts of the original manuscript. Also, the Zarahemla Research Foundation is working on yet another version.

Unlike the Holy Bible, whose authenticity and accuracy is supported by thousands of old manuscript fragments, the Book of Mormon is not supported by archeology. There are no supporting fragments of ancient manuscripts. No archeological sites have been positively identified as corresponding to any Book of Mormon locations.

Logic says that if the great nations and multitudes of Nephites and Lamanites really once existed, that copies would have been made of their "records." But none have ever been found. Not even a fragment!

Since the original manuscript was water damaged, since the readable portions do not match the first edition published, how can one even know what the Book of Mormon originally said? One can't. Was it "protected" by God all those years only to be corrupted and lost by the elements? That makes no sense.

I predict that the work of the Zarahemla Research Foundation will only shed further light on the fact that the Book of Mormon was not produced by the aid of God, by bringing to our attention more errors.

As more inaccuracies are documented, it can only prove the book more fraudulent in nature.

The Hill Cumorah?

The gold plates of the Book of Mormon were supposedly found at the Hill Cumorah, in New York! Joseph Smith comments about this in the RLDS Church History.

"I left the field and went to the place where the messenger had told me the plates were deposited; and owing to the distinctness of the vision which I had had concerning it, I knew the place the instant that I arrived there. Convenient to the village of Manchester, Ontario County, New York, stands a hill of considerable size, and the most elevated of any in the neighborhood. On the west side of this hill, not far from the top, under a stone of considerable size, lay the plates deposited in a stone box." (5)

According to the narrative, that hill should contain the remains of many people. The account is found in Ether 6:83- 109.

"And the army of Coriantumr pitched their tents by the hill Ramah, and it was that same hill where my father Mormon hid up to the Lord the records which were sacred." - Ether 6:83. (RLDS)

In verse 83 the hill Ramah is indirectly identified as Joseph Smiths hill Cumorah in New York.

"Wherefore they were for the space of four years gathering together the people that they might get all who were upon the face of the land and that they might receive all the strength which it was possible that they could receive. And it came to pass that when they were all gathered together, every one to the army which he would...they marched forth one against another to battle...And it came to pass that they all fell by the sword save Coriantumr and Shiz, and, behold, Shiz had fainted with the loss of blood. When Coriantumr had leaned upon his sword that he rested a little he smote off the head of Shiz." - Ether 6:86,87,103,104. (RLDS)

The people gathered for four years. Then they fought to the death for six days, and the battle finally ended with only one survivor. Now if this story were true, there must have been thousands of people. It took four years to gather them together! It took six days to kill them!

But there are no bones. There are no archeological artifacts. Why?

Because no great battle has ever occurred there!

And I must ask why do Book of Mormon supporters go all over Central America looking for the hill this great battle was supposedly fought on, when Joseph Smith already identified its location in New York?

Because they couldn't find the bones? Apparently so. (This reminds me of Anthropology class, where all of the "finds" such as Cro-Magnon man, etc., have been proven to be frauds and hoaxes: yet the subject is still taught as fact in our schools and colleges! It is insanity!)

It is not logical.


Maps have been shown around for years, that allegedly show the location of Book of Mormon geographical areas. They identify closely with the Central American Aztec empire and culture. Children's books often show Book of Mormon personalities dressed in Aztec style costume.

But only Book of Mormon supporters have ever found such correlations! No objective archaeologists have ever linked the ancient Central or South American cultures to the Book of Mormon.

"LDS frequently refer to some "new find" which now "proves the Book of Mormon beyond any doubt." It may be "gold plates" found in Mexico or the Bat Creek Stone or some other "great new find." But, thus far, everything they have pointed to as "proof" has turned out to be a forgery or else an exaggerated interpretation which cannot stand up under investigation. There has never yet been one Book of Mormon name, event, place or anything else verified through archaeological discoveries!...Dozens of Biblical sites have been located by using the Bible as a guide - but not one has ever been found by using the Book of Mormon. Is God the Author of both? If so, why doesn't He supply the same evidence for the Book of Mormon that He does for the Bible?" (6)

The real question is not the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. The real question you need to answer is "Is the Holy Bible God's Word?" And the answer is "Yes!"

Archaeology simply does not support the Book of Mormon. King James English?

Helaman says "we read..." and Quotes John 5:29. But Heleman was supposedly written in 6 B.C. according to the date given in the Book of Mormon. John was written nearly 100 years after 6 B.C. So how could Heleman quote John and even use the 1611 King James Version complete with italicized wording? Remember, this was a letter-by-letter and literal translation! There was no contact between Israel and America, which is the reason the Book of Mormon says Jesus came to America.

"The Book of Mormon sounds Biblical because some 27,000 words are from the King James Version of the Bible. Hundreds of verses are copied verbatim. For example: II Nephi, chapters 12-24 are copied from Isaiah, chapters 2-14; III Nephi 24 & 25 are copied from Malachi 3 & 4; and I Nephi 20 & 21 are copied from Isaiah 48 & 49 except for a few additions in the B. of M.. Even the italicized words are copied! The words in italics in the King James Version Bible were NOT in the original text but were added by the translators to give clarity of thought and smoother reading in English. The King James Version Bible was completed in 1611 A.D., but the B. of M. was published in 1830 so there is no question which one copied the other." (7) (LDS References)


The Book of Mormon is filled with errors. It can not be an "inspired" book from God.

Many more errors could be cited. There are dozens and dozens of them. They are enumerated in literally dozens of books.

I believe it was "inspired" by Satan. The whole life of Joseph Smith makes it clear he constantly communed with demons. He was a member of the occult!

"The many references to "light" in stories about...apparitions that circulate among Mormons seem especially significant in view of what the Bible says about Satan transforming himself into an "angel of light." (8) Moroni, the key messenger who "restored" truth for Joseph Smith, is usually described as an "Angel of Light." (9) Interestingly enough, the reference for "Angel of Light" in LDS apostle/scholar Bruce McConkie's encyclopedic work on Mormon doctrine reads "See Devil." Moreover, the "personages of light" that brought revelations to Joseph Smith (later identified as the heavenly Father and His Son) are reminiscent of the "Being of Light" that convinces the "clinically dead" that they aren't really dead and that there is no judgement but only acceptance and love. The similarity between this idea and Satan's lie to Eve that she wouldn't really die is clear.

During the dedication of the Mormon Temple in Manti, Utah, personages of light, halos and circles of light, auras of light about the speakers, strange melodious music, and other manifestations from the "spirit world" were noted and considered signs that the Lord had accepted the Temple." (10, 11)

The production of the Book of Mormon was on the same level as any other "crystal ball" affair. It was a sad deception designed to lead people straight to hell.

And all of this leads me to a question: Just what will be the function of the upside-down "screw" being built in Independence by the RLDS church? What is the purpose of this modern-day "Tower of Babel?"

Is it really to spread the news of the Book of Mormon? I doubt it! I expect occult and "secret" temple functions to soon appear.

Circular Reasoning?

How can anyone claim to be Christian when they don't believe in the Holy Bible that all the rest of Christianity bases their beliefs upon?

I could sit down and write some tall tale, add a bit of Mohammed's words, throw in a passage from the Gettysburg address, and a section of the Charter of the United Nations, and then throw in a few Bible quotations, and loudly proclaim to one and all that I am a Christian restoring the "true gospel." Would you believe me? Of course not.


Because what I put together does not look like Christianity! Because my claimed support of the Bible is a sham.

When you throw out the Holy Bible that has come down to us, the Bible that is authenticated by archeological find after archeological find, the Bible that is statistically "impossible" when looked at in the light of agreement after agreement with dozens of very old manuscript fragments, you will have nothing to base your Christian faith on.

The errors that Joseph Smith claimed were in the Bible, are not there! History and science have proved that the Bible is accurate. Thus their is no need for an added witness. To claim such is needed is totally incorrect.

You just can not throw out the Bible, grab something else out of the thin air, and then say you've got it! Because you don't. Your only using circular reasoning to support your position, because you started out by throwing away the solid foundation.

Even Joseph Smith didn't believe the Book of Mormon. Even he "left it behind" theologically!

Two "Sticks?"

A classic case of the RLDS, the LDS, and the Temple Lot groups "wresting" the scriptures to suit their imaginations, is in claiming that the two sticks of Ezekiel are the Bible and Book of Mormon.

The Temple Lot group, trying to discredit the authority of the RLDS Doctrine & Covenants, advances the "Two Sticks" claim.

"...More properly speaking it (the Book of Mormon) is the Record of the Nephites and its Bible name is the Stick of Joseph.

The Scriptures know of but two fundamental Guide Books, the Stick of Judah and the Stick of Joseph, of whom God says "they shall be one in mine hand." Ezek. 37:15-20." (12)

Trying to claim that the Holy Bible foretells the Book of Mormon is completely false.

It is a lie!

A careful reading of the Holy Bible will reveal what the "two sticks" really are.

"From Ezekiel 37:15-17 they (LDS & RLDS) claim: 1) The STICKS are really SCROLLS. 2) The stick of Judah is the Bible. 3) The stick of Joseph is the Book of Mormon. 4) The joining of these sticks means the joining of two writings - the Bible and the Book of Mormon. But the Hebrew word translated stick means a piece of wood, not a scroll. The Lord told Ezekiel precisely what to write on the two sticks, and it WAS NOT the "Bible" and the "Book of Mormon." He was to write "for Judah" on one and "for Joseph" on the other...The people asked in Ezekiel 37:18, "Wilt thou not show us what thou meanest by these?" In the next few verses the Lord declared the two Kingdoms of Israel would be brought together as one nation with one King again. In fact the entire chapter deals with the restoration of Israel to her own land. Furthermore, it was Ezekiel who wrote on both sticks. Did Ezekiel write both the Bible and the Book of Mormon? If not, the Mormon interpretation doesn't fit this text." (13)

The Doctrine & Covenants?

The Doctrine & Covenants are a collection of "revelations" supposedly from God. I shall cover them in the future expanded version of this manuscript. For now, I would point the interested toward the Temple Lot (14) sect of Mormonism. The Temple Lot group has documented many of the changes between the Book of Commandments and the Doctrine and Covenants. Suffice it to say, that once again, if these "revelations" were from God, their would be no need for any of them to be revised. My opinion, as you can by now guess, is that they were produced by Joseph Smith through divination, which is to say by the aid of demons, in many cases. Others were simply fabricated by Joseph Smith to further some particular perversion another. The many revelations to various women instructing them to enter into polygamy with him being cases in point!


The Inspired Version?

The Inspired Version of the Bible was written by Joseph Smith. The New Testament was finished on February 2, 1833. The Old Testament was finished on July 2, 1833.

The manuscript was completed, and according to a revelation by Smith, he was commanded to publish it. Upon his death, the manuscript being in his personal possessions, it went to his wife Emma. Her son, Joseph III later published it.

Again, the inspiration was supposedly by direct revelation from God. Again, as with the Book of Mormon, the Book of Commandments, and the Doctrine and Covenants, corrections were needed.

Smith's bible was restored by "revelation," and then the "errors" were corrected by "revelation." Let's see here, haven't I heard something like this already?

The "destruction" of the Bible by Joseph Smith, is perhaps his worst crime. But, the Word of God can not be destroyed! History proves that Smith did a very poor job of "correcting" the Bible.

How can one improve the Bible by inserting a myth about Enoch that is pirated from Freemasonry, and by throwing out the Song of Solomon? One can not.

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23. What It Takes To Be Free (1)


"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." - John 8.36


Demons are real. It's a fact. But you don't have to fear them. You don't have to if your a follower of Jesus Christ!

Freedom from demonic deception and interference is the inheritance of every believer (Galations 5:1).

First, renounce any involvement that you have with satanically inspired occultic practices, cults, and false religions. Instead of relying on them, rely on the Written Word of God, which is the Holy Bible. Although there are easier versions to read, use the King James Version since it is the most accurate compared to the source documents. (Also, there is some indication that the King James version is the divinely produced English translation!)

Second, believe in the Truth. Refuse to live a lie any longer. Lay the lies aside. Decide to do it! Even if you don't feel like doing it, since you know what I've told you is the TRUTH, believe the truth! Believe the truth and walk by faith.

Third, start turning your bitterness into forgiveness. "Why is forgiveness so critical to our freedom? Because of the cross. God didn't give us what we deserve; He gave us what we needed according to His mercy. We are to be merciful just as our heavenly Father is merciful (Luke 6:36). We are to forgive as we have been forgiven (Ephesians 4:31,32.)." Prayer will be required. Stop the pain. Let it go! Do it for yourself, so that you don't have to keep enduring the pain. Free yourself from the evil past!

Fourth, end your rebellion. Stop criticizing for no reason. Stop gossiping. Form a new habit of not enjoying that filthy joke, of not joining in on that slander! Recognize who has what authority over you, and give them their proper place! Confess any rebellion to God and become properly submissive.

Fifth, watch out for PRIDE! Remember, pride is what led to Lucifer's fall into sin. You have no ability to stop the deceptions of Satan and his demons of yourself. None whatsoever! You are nothing without the protection of God. Constantly pray, and be properly humble.

Sixth, confess your sins. You must always do this to turn bondage into freedom. Keep your conscience clean.

Seventh, "The last step to freedom is to renounce the sins of your ancestors and any curses which may have been placed on you...The fact that demonic strongholds can be passed on from one generation to the next (Exodus 20:4,5) is well-attested by those who counsel the afflicted. This is not to deny that many problems are transmitted genetically or acquired from an immoral atmosphere. All three conditions can predispose an individual to a particular sin." Expect Satanic resistance! Stand firm!

It is a spiritual and heavenly freedom, a freedom purchased by Christ, revealed in the Gospel, and conveyed to the saints of God as the great dowry of Christ to His Church and Spouse. Two great things Christ has entrusted into the hands of His Church ? Christian faith and Christian liberty. Just as we are to contend earnestly for the maintenance of the faith (Jude 3), so also for the maintenance of Christian liberty, and that against all who would oppose and undermine it: "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free?" (Gal. 5.1). Very like this is the exhortation of the same apostle: "Ye are bought with a price: be not ye the servants of men?" (2 Cor. 7.23).

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24. The Armor of God



"Wherefore take (take up) unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having the breastplate of righteousness, And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked (wicked one). And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints..." - Ephesians 6:13-18.

"The whole armor of God consists of six pieces. 1) Truth is a knowledge of the truth of God's Word. The ancient soldier's loins were girt about with a leather belt which held most of the other pieces of his armor in place. Similarly, the other pieces of the Christian's armor depend on, and are held in place by, his spiritual "belt" or his knowledge of the "truth" of Scripture. 2) The breastplate of righteousness may be read "the breastplate which is righteousness." It represents a holy character and moral conduct. Obedience to the "truth" known produces a godly life. 3) Preparation of the gospel of peace means "eagerness that comes from the gospel of peace." That is, as the Roman soldier wore special shoes called caligae on his feet, enabling him to advance against his enemy, so the Christian must have on his feet a sense of "eagerness" or "willingness" to advance against the Devil and take the fight to him. Such "eagerness" to contend with Satan "comes from the gospel of peace." The gospel gives peace to the believer, freeing him from anxiety though he advances against such a powerful opponent. 4) The shield of faith means taking God at His word by believing His promises. Such trust will protect one from doubts induced by Satan. 5) The helmet of salvation: Since the readers are already Christians they are not here urged to be saved. First Thessalonians 5:8 describes this helmet as "the hope of salvation" that is, the certainty of salvation. 6) The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: The Greek term rendered "word" is not logos, referring to the whole Word of God, but rhema, referring to certain portions or selected verses of Scripture." (1)

For Deeper Understanding: The Armor of God Study by Paul Cook

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25. The Plan of Salvation


2 Corinthians 6:2 says "...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."

If this sounds like foolishness to you, consider this verse: I Corinthians 2:14 says "But the natural [unsaved] man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

If you are unsaved, you know that, right now, as you read these lines, God is calling to you! He wants to give you that discernment that will enable you to separate truth from error! He wants to give you that inner peace that will make your life happy irregardless of what calamities may transpire around you! Listen, and you will know that Jesus is speaking to you! You can be saved forever. It is easy! Here is how:

"As it is written, THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO, NOT ONE..." says Romans 3:10. Verse 23 says "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God..." Sin can be of omission (failing to do what is required of us), or of commission (doing something that is prohibited). It can be an act or an attitude. You must realize that you are a sinner! Then you must realize that since you are a sinner, you are condemned to death. Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned..." You are condemned to death!

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." says Romans 5:8. Jesus Christ is the only major religious figure that evenclaimed to be God! Buddha didn't! Mohammed didn't! Jesus died for your sin, and for my sin, the only satisfactory substitute for your death, and for my death!

Romans 6:23 says "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." You deserve to die, but you have received unmerited favor! Jesus paid your price for you! You do not have to suffer an endless eternity of horror in a "lake of fire" in the spiritual hereafter! You have a way out!

But all it takes is no response and you have responded - you will be doomed! Understand this clearly, you do not have to specifically reject Jesus, all you have to do is not accept Jesus and you will be doomed!

You are under conviction. Just do as Romans 10:13 instructs: "For WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED." Just do that. Call on Jesus. Talk to him. He can hear every word you say or think. It's easy. Millions of people have already done this. Now, it's your turn. Allow a new beginning to take place in your life.

"...if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." - Romans 10:9,10.

Do it now. Let no discomfort prevent you from saving yourself! God understands. Confess your sins to Jesus in silent prayer. Open your heart to truth. Tell God that you're thankful He sent his Son to pay the price for you!

Then tell someone. Be proud, and tell someone. It's that easy. He will give you strength. DO IT NOW!

Is Jesus God?

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

The Plan... at All About God!

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26. Conclusion


As I come to the end of this book, there are literally dozens of related subjects that I have not touched upon that I would like to include.

However, you are now fully aware that I believe in "conspiracy's," so to speak. The many conspiracies are really one Satanic conspiracy embodied in thousands of pagan, humanist, secular, "networking" forms. You are aware of why I would like to see the RLDS church closed and forever eliminated. You are aware that I believe the RLDS church is only one facet of a larger conspiracy. That larger conspiracy is the conspiracy of Satan to overthrow God. It is evil, and it is deceptive.

"Mormons also apply Isa. 29:1-4 to the Book of Mormon. Apostle LeGrand Richards (LDS) says of v. 4, "Now, obviously, the only way a dead people could speak `out of the ground' or `low out of the dust' would be by the written word, and this people did through the Book of Mormon. Truly it has a familiar spirit for it contains the words of the prophets of the God of Israel" (p. 69, M.W. & W.). There are 15 Old Testament references to "familiar spirits" and all of them deal with witchcraft! (See Lev. 20:6,27; Deut. 18:10-12 etc.). If the LDS believe the Book of Mormon has a "familiar spirit," they are identifying it with witchcraft!" (1)

It is now time for the informed among us to do more than just study the conspiracies. It is time to get up and confront the enemy! It is time to recognize that the conspirators believe in a "power religion" of their own - and that they are already defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How do you successfully confront an enemy of mankind such as this? You preach the gospel, for it is the Word of God that convicts the heart of man through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Do you believe that God will rapture you out of this mess? That may be just fanciful thinking. He didn't rapture the Jews out of Germany during World War II. He isn't rapturing the starving millions out of Africa today. What makes you think that real persecution of Christians and Jews can not happen in America? A true Christian will never submit to being part of the "New World Order." He believes in National Sovereignty and respects traditional American philosophy. He is already a citizen of the "Kingdom of Jesus Christ" which must take precedence.

So tolerance is not the answer, and trusting in fate is irrational.

"You can't beat something with nothing. The only thing that can defeat a bad idea is a good idea. We have the best ideas. We have the Bible, the U.S. Constitution, and an understanding of freedom. Freedom works. It produces abundance. Socialism produces poverty. It exists only because Western capitalists and governments have subsidized it with taxpayers' money." (2)

Our country is now largely controlled by Corporate Socialists, who believe in power politics. Their goal is to establish a one-world government. Our churches are being involved in the same conspiracy, and are being shepherded toward a one-world church by impostors posing as Christians, who are supporters of the WCC and the NCC. This includes the RLDS church that has now gone even more "New Age" to the point of distancing themselves from the Book of Mormon as much as possible and renaming themselves as the Community of Christ.

Conspiracies do exist. More concrete evidence to prove conspiratorial assertions are steadily coming to light (such as the continued existence of the Illuminati, for example). It is the continuing influences of the past secret societies that are still alive and well in our modern civilization. These groups are Satan's gift from ancient Babylon to you! The all-seeing eye and pyramid on our dollar bill is evidence that only a blind man can fail to see.

The Christian, once he understands the satanic source of conspiracies, once he understands the occultic nature of all conspirators, can "identify" conspiracies practically everywhere. They have been like phantoms, that materialize and then fade away, their vapor-like parts and attributes splitting up, and recombining later to form yet another conspiracy, another part of the whole.

The Christian must be on the offense. We must take the battle to the enemy. We must go to the lost unsaved, and preach the gospel! We must wear that Armour, and remember that it protects only our front, and not our backside!

The Christian is admonished to follow and "fear" God, not to spend his life in dread of Satan and his demonic conspirators.

"If these conspiracy theories are designed to frighten us about the horror just ahead, then they are not of God. Such fear mongering is specifically condemned in the Bible, which tells us to cling to the Lord instead. Isaiah 8:12-14 states: "Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, and he will be a sanctuary..."

Finally, we should be mindful that mankind is already involved in a conspiracy - a conspiracy of rebellion -against God, and many don't realize it. Just because many people don't see themselves as knowing, active conspirators doesn't mean they aren't involved. Psalms 2:1,2 states: "Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One,"

It's the same conspiracy that began in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago, when Satan tempted Eve." (3)

Christians need to test, though not be fearful of, everything. Does the Word of God confirm your suspicion? Does it back up your beliefs? Deception is everywhere!

An example: Is the "Beast" a giant computer in Belgium? No. A computer is not the "Beast" of biblical prophecy.

The beast is a man, not a computer.

  • He is described as a leader who will seize the kingdom through intrigue (Dan. 11:21).
  • He will sit with another king at the same table (Dan. 11:27).
  • He is called "the man of lawlessness.., the man doomed to destruction" (2 Thess. 2:3.
  • He will have power to do miraculous signs, causing fire to come down from heaven (Rev. 13:13).
  • He will have power to give breath to the first beast (Rev. 13:15).
  • He will be captured and cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20). (4)

We should beware of the "date-setter" who claims Christ will return "in 1993" or that the Millennium will start "in the year 2000." They are all proven wrong!

No Biblical "dating system" exists to conclusively date the fall, the return of Christ, or the start of the Millennium or eternity.

We can get a lot of "egg on our face" by jumping to conclusions, using shoddy research and unbiblical sources, and by resorting to sensationalism in our zeal.

Joseph Smith wanted his followers to believe he could understand all the hidden things of God! Before his career ended, he went so far as to raise his own army, defy the just laws of the United States, and in actuality, committed treason. He was a classic case of someone turning speculation into a profitable business, and as a result, helping to further set the stage for the Lord's final return.

If you are RLDS, and have read this far, you now know that the RLDS church is a fraud. So where do you stand? Do you have the fortitude to put on the armor of God? Do you?

Do you have the courage to stand up before other men and tell how the one-world elite planners are traitors? I believe that many of them are sincere, and that they believe they are doing right. But they are deceived. Do you have the desire to witness the Gospel for their benefit? It is a big job. You'll be the "oddball" in the crowd, but you'll also be the "salt of the earth."

So where do you start? How about right here! If you are not RLDS, does your church have a specific plan for witnessing to, and rescuing, the Book of Mormon peoples? If not, you should have! This is a problem in THIS town! (This was written in Independence, Missouri.) These are not people that we should look down on. We should care for them, and lift them up!

The RLDS church has suckered people for years, taking money for the "Temple Fund." For years their aged have been given permanent care in exchange for their houses and land. Is it a proper exchange? Charity, taking care of their elderly, should be charity. It should not involve taking these peoples children's "inheritance" as church gain! Such is not Biblical. It is, in my opinion, immoral! Being "legal" does not justify it. (This is not to say that the RLDS church does not help people in need. I do know of help being given to people in need, and being a member of the RLDS church is not always a prerequisite.)

American law has failed. We have no "inheritance" of guaranteed family property rights as advised in the Bible. So how does a person, or church, take care of their own?

But truth is truth, and error is error! If you are RLDS, leave this New Age fraud! Your eternity is in jeopardy! Your life is on the line!

"For they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your land; and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish." - Jeremiah 27:10.

It's your life. Personalize the facts you have learned from this book. Analyze the information, and don't tell yourself that you are a helpless victim. Are you reacting negatively or positively to truth? Why? Peer pressure? Business concerns? You need not be engulfed in mediocrity and cynicism. You can live differently!

Charles R. Swindoll points out that "...truth is mainly for the Christian." This is a profound statement. I suggest that obtaining a copy of his book Living Above The Level Of Mediocrity might be an excellent next step to take when you finish this book.

On page 107-108 of Swindoll's book is the following:

"The world needs men: who cannot be bought; whose word is their bond; who put character above wealth; who possess opinions and a will; who are larger than their vocation; who do not hesitate to take chances; who will not lose their individuality in a crowd; who will be as honest in small things as in great things; who will not make compromise with wrong; whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires; who will not say they do it "because everybody else does it"; who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as well as in prosperity; who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning, and hardheadedness are the best qualities for winning success; who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular; who can say "no" with emphasis, although all the rest of the world says `yes'." (5)

Are you and I what the world needs? How often are we true to these things, to ourself, and to God?

As a last word, I suggest that the wise recognize the Temple for what it really is: a pagan temple! We should beware of the wrath of God, lest we be crushed to death as He destroys it.

Someday He will! The "upside-down screw" will come tumbling down, the RLDS version of the "Tower of Babel" shall be no more!

Faith, misguided, is worthless, if you have placed your faith in Joseph Smith instead of in Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is a sham. Please, return to the Truth in the Holy Bible. Jesus Saves!

Visit For Recovery From Mormonism

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Chapter 1. The Three Student Devils

(1) Anonymous; (1990) Brian Cavanaugh, The Sower's Seeds, p. 19, Paulist Press, New York, New York.

Chapter 2. Defining The Occult

(1) (1985) Walter Martin, The Kingdom Of The Cults, p. 228, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438.

(2) Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints, p. 3, The Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034.

Chapter 3. Defining Deception

(1) Anonymous; (1990) Brian Cavanaugh, The Sower's Seeds, p. 23-24, Paulist Press, New York, New York.

(2) Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints, p. 7-8, The Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034.

(3) Walter Martin (1985), The Kingdom of the Cults, p. 20- 21, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438.

(4) Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints, p. 91, The Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034.

Chapter 4. Defining The Deceiver

(1) Dr. H.L. Willmington (1984), Willmington's Guide to the Bible, p. 756, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois.

Chapter 5. Defining The Deceivers

(1) Lewis Sperry Chafer, D.D., Litt.D., Th.D. (1947), Systematic Theology, Vol II, "Angelology," p. 77-78, Dallas Seminary Press, Dallas, Texas.

Chapter 6. Demonic Threads

(1) Jessie Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints, p. 18, The Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034.

(2) Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Christian Book Club of America, p. 11; cited by Pat Brooks, The Return of the Puritans, p. 60, New Puritan Library, Inc., Route 1, Lytle Road, Fletcher, North Carolina 28752.

(3) Charles H. Dyer, The Rise of Babylon, pp. 50,52- 53, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois.

(4) Alexander Solzhenitsyn, From Under The Rubble, pp. 32- 33, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1975; cited by Pat Brooks, The Return of the Puritans, pp. 114-115, New Puritan Library, Inc., Route 1, Lytle Road, Fletcher, North Carolina 28752.

(5) Pat Brooks, The Return of the Puritans, p. 115, New Puritan Library, Inc., Route 1, Lytle Road, Fletcher, North Carolina 28752.

(6) Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Christian Book Club of America, p. 29-32; cited by Pat Brooks, The Return of the Puritans, p. 61-62, New Puritan Library, Inc., Route 1, Lytle Road, Fletcher, North Carolina 28752.

(7) Ibid., p. 33; Ibid., p. 62.

(8) Ibid., p. 36-38; Ibid., p. 62.

(9) Ibid., p. 38-39; Ibid., p. 62.

(10) Ibid., p. 40-41; Ibid., p. 62.

(11) Ibid., p. 43-44; Ibid., p. 62.

(12) Ibid., p. 45; Ibid., p. 62.

(13) Ibid., p. 49; Ibid., p. 63.

(14) Ibid., p. 52-53; Ibid., p. 63.

(15) F.W. Russell, Religious Thought and Heresy In the Middle Ages, p. 803; Ibid., p. 63.

(16) Webster, Op. Cit., p. 65; Ibid. p. 63.

(17) Ibid., p. 64; Ibid., p. 63.

(18) Eliphas Levi, Histoire de la Magie, p. 273; Ibid., p. 63.

(19) Webster, Op. Cit., p. 65; Ibid., p. 63.

(20) Ibid., p. 65; Ibid., p. 64.

(21) Ibid., p. 74; Ibid., p. 64.

(22) Ibid., p. 74; Ibid., p. 64.

(23) Ibid., p. 89; Ibid., p. 64.

(24) Ibid., p. 89; Ibid., p. 64.

(25) Ibid., p. 89-90; Ibid., p. 64.

(26) Ibid., p. 91; Ibid., p. 64.

(27) Ibid., p. 102; Ibid., p. 64.

(28) Ibid., p. 102; Ibid., p. 65.

(29) Pat Brooks, The Return of the Puritans, p. 62-65, New Puritan Library, Inc., Route 1, Lytle Road, Fletcher, North Carolina 28752.

Chapter 7. Conspiracy

(1) Donald R. Howard (1976), Ph.D., To Save A Nation, p. 125, Accelerated Christian Education, Inc., Box 2205, Garland, Texas 75041.

(2) Ibid.

(3) Ibid., p. 128-129.

(4) Reference Source?

(5) Mikhail Gorbachev, "U.S.S.R. and U.S. Relations: The European Communities," a speech delivered at the CSCE Summit, Paris, France, November 20, 1990; Vital Speeches Of The Day, Vol. LVII, No. 5, December 15, 1990.

(6) Hamilton Abert Long (1963), Your American Yardstick, p. 7,25, published by Your Heritage Books, Inc., Philadelphia.

Chapter 8. Knots In The Cord

(1) Suresh Chander Verma (1984), The Out Of The Body Experience - Satan's Dessert, Suresh Verma Ministries, P.O. Box 2122, Independence, MO 64055.

(2) John Ankerberg and John Weldon, The facts on Astrology, p. 12, Harvest House Publishers (1988), Eugene, Oregon; cited by William M. Alnor (1989), Soothsayers Of The Second Advent, p. 154, Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey 07675.

(3) William M. Alnor (1989), Soothsayers Of The Second Advent, p. 162, Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey 07675.

(4) Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 64, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.

Chapter 9. The Question Is

(1) Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon (1985), The Seduction of Christianity, p. 38, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(2) Walter Martin (1985), The Kingdom Of The Cults, pp. 25- 35, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438.

Chapter 11. The "Burned Over" District

(1) The History of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Vol. I, 1805-1835, pp. 7-8, (1967) The Board of Publication, Herald Publishing House, Independence, Missouri.

(2) Palmyra Herald, July 24, 1822; cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 95, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(3) Wayne Sentinel, Feb. 16, 1825; cited Ibid., p. 95.

(4) Wayne Sentinel, Dec. 27, 1825; cited Ibid., p.95.

Chapter 12. The Peepstone

(1) History of Joseph Smith, by his mother, Lucy Mark Smith, pp. 91-94, (1945) Salt Lake City.

(2) Chenango Union, Norwich, N.Y., May 3,1877; cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 93-94, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(3) Reed C. Durham, Jr., typed syllabus published by the Church Educational System; cited Ibid., p. 95.

(4) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 94, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(5) Dr. Hugh Nibley, The Myth Makers, p. 142; cited Ibid., p. 94.

Chapter 13. Freemasonry

(1) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 130, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(2) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 138, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

Chapter 14. Masonry Says...

(1) Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," 25th Degree, p. 34.

(2) J.D. Beck, "Mystic Masonry," pp. 119, 138.

(3) The Kentucky Monitor, Fellowcraft Degree, p. 95.

(4) Chase's Digest of Masonic Law, pp. 207-209.

(5) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 28th Degree, p. 744.

(6) J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry, p. 216.

(7) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 24th Degree, p. 22.

(8) Daniel Sickles, Ahimon Rezon or Freemason's Guide, p. 57.

(9) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 28th Degree, p. 732.

(10) J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry, p. 57.

(11) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, Master Mason/3rd Degree, p. 102.

(12) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 19th Degree, p. 321.

(13) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 32nd Degree, p. 859.

(14) Masonic Dictionary, "Light," Consolidated Book Publishers (1963).

(15) Attention Masons! HRT Ministries, Box 12, Newtonville, New York 12128.

(16) Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 30th Degree, p. 819.

(17) Ronayne, Handbook of Masonry, p. 183.

(18) Albert Mackey, Textbook of Masonic Jurisprudence, 23rd Landmark, "Secrecy."

(19) From the oath of obligation, Entered Apprentice/First Degree.

(20) From the oath of oblation, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners).

(21) Albert Mackey, Manual of the Lodge, p. 93; Daniel Sickles, Ahimon Rezon or Freemason's Guide, p. 169.

(22) J.D. Shaw (33rd Degree, Knight Commander of the Court of Honor, Past Worshipful Master, Blue Lodge, Past Master of All Scottish Rite Bodies) & (1988) Tom C. McKenney, The Deadly Deception, Huntington House, Inc., Lafayette, Louisiana 70505.

Chapter 15. An "Unnatural" Progression

(1) Psychic Magazine, "The Making of a Ghost" by I.M. Owen, July/Aug 1975; New Horizens, "Generation of Paranormal Physical Phenomena with an Imaginary Communicator" and "Philip's Story Continued," vol. 1, no. 3,4; Conjuring Up Philip (Harper & Row: New York, 1976); cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, The God Makers, p. 105, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(2) John Whitmer's History, chapter 6; cited in: Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, The God Makers, p. 106,107, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(3) Times and Seasons, edited by Joseph Smith, April 1, 1842, vol. 3, p. 747; cited in Ibid., p. 108.

(4) Max H. Parkin, Conflict at Kirtland, p. 331; cited Ibid., p. 108.

(5) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 109, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(6) Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 370; cited Ibid., p. 110.

Chapter 16. The Jupiter Talisman

(1) Reed C. Durham, Jr., No Help For the Widow's Son, p. 22- 25, Martin Publishing Co. (1980), Nauvoo, Illinois; cited Ibid., p. 97-98.

Chapter 17. Enoch & The Mysteries

(1) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 119, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(2) From an "underground" typewritten copy of Dr. Durham's talk carefully compared with a tape recording thereof and certified to be accurate by Mervin B. Hogan, Secretary of the Masonic Research Lodge of Utah in Salt Lake City; Reed C. Durham, Jr., No Help For the Widow's Son, p. 25, Martin Publishing Company (1980), Nauvoo, Illinois; cited by Ibid., p. 118.

Chapter 18. Durham On Freemasonry

(1) From an "underground" typewritten copy of Dr. Durham's talk carefully compared with a tape recording thereof and certified to be accurate by Mervin B. Hogan, Secretary of the Masonic Research Lodge of Utah in Salt Lake City; Reed C. Durham, Jr., No Help For the Widow's Son, p. 27,28, Martin Publishing Company (1980), Nauvoo, Illinois; cited by Ibid., p. 120.

(2) Ibid., pp. 15-16,19; cited Ibid., pp. 121-122.

(3) Ibid., pp. 15-17; cited Ibid., pp. 122-123.

(4) Ibid., pp. 20-21; cited Ibid., pp. 125-126.

Chapter 19. Polygamy

(1) Journal of Discourses, vol 17, pp.224-25; cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 156, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(2) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 157, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(3) The Contributor, vol. 6, no. 4, January 1885, p. 131; cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 162, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(4) A photograph of this letter was discovered by Michael Marquardt in the George Albert Smith Collection at the University of Utah Library; cited by Ibid., pp. 162-163.

(5) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 173- 174, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

Chapter 20. Mormon

(1) The Nauvoo Expositor, June 7, 1844; cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 76, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(2) Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 4; cited by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 78, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

Chapter 21. The Kinderhook Plates

(1) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, The God Makers, p. 99,

(2) Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City, 1967), vol. 5, p. 372.

(3) James D. Bales, The Book of Mormon?, (1958), pp. 95, 97- 99.

Chapter 22. The "Three Books"

(1) David Whitmer, An Address to All Believers in Christ, p. 12; cited by Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 40, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.

(2) Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 40- 41, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.

(3) Walter Martin (1985), The Kingdom of the Cults, p. 29, Bethany House Publishers, 6820 Auto Club Road, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438.

(4) William A. Morton, Why I believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God (an LDS pamphlet), pp. 4-5; cited by Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 41, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.

(5) The History of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Vol. I, 1805-1835, pp. 15-16, (1967) The Board of Publication, Herald Publishing House, Independence, Missouri.

(6) Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 50, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.

(7) Ibid., p. 36-37.

(8) 2 Corinthians 11:14.

(9) Doctrine & Covenants (LDS), Introduction, p. iii; cited by Ibid. p. 71.

(10) Joseph Heinerman, Temple Manifestations, pp. 94-97, Mountain Valley Publishers, Manti, Utah; cited by Ibid. p. 71

(11) Ed Decker & Dave Hunt (1984), The God Makers, p. 71, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

(12) Daniel MacGregor, Changing of the Revelations, p. 24, Board of Publications - Church of Christ, Temple Lot Headquarters, Box 472, Independence, Missouri 64051.

(13) Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 30, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.

(14) Church of Christ, Temple Lot Headquarters, Box 472, Independence, Missouri 64051.

Chapter 23. What It Takes To Be Free

(1) See: Neil T. Anderson, The Bondage Breaker, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402 (1990).

Chapter 24. The Armor Of God

(1) The Liberty Annotated Study Bible, p. 1842, (1988) Liberty University; Thomas Nelson, Inc..

Chapter 26. Conclusion

(1) Marvin W. Cowan (1975), Mormon Claims Answered, p. 30, P.O. Box 21052, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84121.

(2) Gary North, Conspiracy - A Biblical View, p. 131, Dominion Press, P. O. Box 8204, Ft. Worth, Texas 76124.

(3) William M. Alnor, Soothsayers Of The Second Advent, p. 133, Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey.

(4) William M. Alnor, Soothsayers Of The Second Advent, p. 81, Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey.

(5) Taken from Ted W. Engstrom, The Making of a Christian Leader, p. 120, The Zondervan Corporation (1976); retold from John Catoir, What a Day This Can Be, New York, The Christophers.

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Original Content Copyright © 2021 / Robert K. Lewis