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"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." - Colossians 2:8

It Was Special Creation… Evolution Theory Is A Conspiracy!


Scientism: A godless god! - A scientist may have published a dozen scholarly works on chemistry, molecular quantum mechanics, or any other legitimate scientific discipline, proving his knowledge, but the moment he declares that science is the all to end all and that there is no God, he is no longer speaking as a scientist. Rather, he has entered the realm of Scientism: "... rousing language--but it is not science! Instead, it is scientism, which uses much of science's terminology, but has few of its virtues. ... modern science can be said to date from the time when scientists who believed in God as the creator of the universe began to lean heavily on the scientific method in investigating natural causes. Scientism has turned the whole process on it's head by rejecting God altogether, claiming that only natural causes exist and that they do so independently. The idea has grown dramatically over the last 200 years, so that far from being a minority view left over from less sophisticated times, materialism has a powerful grip on contemporary society, especially in mainstream educational circles." - Has Science Got Rid Of God? by John Blanchard


A Christian Response to Wokeness (FULL VIDEO)
by Noelle Mering | Leadership Institute
Listen Carefully: Wokeness Is Descendant From Uniformitarianism


Introducing Uniformitarianism

Evolutionary Theory is an offspring of its parent Theory of Uniformitarianism. Evolution has to do with Biology’s gradual building up of simpler life forms to more complicated life forms from an original single cell organism, that in turn was a spontaneous and random formation of original life from inert physical elements. Uniformitarianism is the doctrine that existing processes, always having acted in the past as they do in the present, are enough to account for all change.

Why Evolution Is Stupid - Kent Hovind

Because random evolutionary events would necessarily require vast ages of time, statistically, literally billions and billions of years are thought to have been necessary for intelligent life to have spontaneously developed in the remote past. Uniformitarianism and Evolution are Pseudo-Sciences, i.e. incorrect and false. Only Intelligent Creation by an intelligent Creator can account for the existence of intelligent life on this earth.

All Uniformitarian Pseudo-Sciences are immersed in conspiracy. Tenured professors teach these false sciences in schools and colleges, because they reject the truths within the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. That rebellious attitude is the root cause of all conspiracy, by the way. To maintain their position and stature as scientists, they not only teach others their falsehoods, but they also take grant after grant to “prove” their false theories by discovering new types of fossil cave men, and by authenticating this false thing or that false thing. Modern science is the “god” of many ungodly people.

Scientists confirm they have discovered several planets capable of supporting life like on earth that are many light years away. It’s just rubbish. Even if what they were seeing was exactly as they describe, they would be looking at a picture of something that existed light years ago, not at what exists now. So why all the excitement? It is just more scientific foolishness, but they will get more millions of grant money out of it, as they continue to brainwash the gullible with their nonsense.

According to the United States Supreme Court, Modern Humanism is a religion. It is a belief system that excludes God. God is replaced by man. Creation is replaced by evolution. Materialism replaces spirituality. These traits make a Humanist a Secularist. Secularism denies the existence of any deity, claims human reason is supreme, believes in the inevitability of progress, advances science as the ultimate guide, and claims man is inherently good and not in need of salvation.






Let’s look at some Pseudo-Science’s that are derived from the Theory of Uniformitarianism:

The first significant notice of Uniformitarianism in modern times was made when James Hutton (1726-1797) presented the theory in 1785 at the University of Endinbourge. Following an attack on the theory in 1793 by Richard Kirwan, Hutton published Theory of the Earth in 1795, in which the doctrine was seriously proposed as a plausible theory for Earth history.


Charles Lyell (1797-1875) adapted the gradual, uniform, “building-up process” theory to the field of Geology with the publication of Principles of Geology in the 1830’s. He disputed Creationism and did not believe in the biblical account of a worldwide flood. In thirty-five years his view was considered respectable. But being respectable does not make a theory positively correct. How can Lyell’s adherents explain layers of undisturbed strata laying horizontally, that contain undisturbed fossilized tree trunks standing vertically, if the strata were laid down over millions of years? They can’t. Whether the universe is 30 billion years old and/or the earth is only 7000 years old is beside the point. The layers of strata were laid down quickly because of a cataclysmic event, the flood of Noah’s time. Otherwise the trees must have fossilized a little at a time starting at their bases and must have kept growing their upper parts over ages of time as the strata was slowly laid down. And what about fossilized human footprints found inside of fossilized dinosaur footprints? Plainly, men and dinosaurs lived together in the past, not millions of years apart as Lyell would have us believe. True science supports the biblical concepts of a past worldwide flood, Creation, and periods of “catastrophe.”


Footprints In Stone: Forbidden History


Charles Darwin (1809-1882) adapted Uniformitarianism to the field of biology in the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, and then to mankind in Descent of Man. Darwin reorganized biology so that it complimented Lyell’s reorganization of geology. By using Lamarks’ (1744- 1829) proposition of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, and Lyell’s millions of years of gradual change time scale so that they complimented his own observations of worldwide flora and fauna, he extended the coverage of Uniformitarianism from the non-living to the living, and to man.

Observation demonstrates Darwin’s error. For example, how many new “species” have appeared or “evolved” in the last century as compared to “species” that have become extinct? The answer is obvious. The only change that a Genesis “kind” is capable of, is the variance allowed by the total gene pool of the “kind.” “Mutations” are only genetically aberrant individuals within a species. A dog will always be a dog, no matter how it is selectively bred. Extinction alone proves things are going downward, not upward.


Is Genesis History? - Watch the Full Film!





Uniformitarian Social Orders & Politics


Karl Marx (1818-1883) adapted the theory of Uniformitarianism, and the Darwin inspired notion of the “survival of the fittest,” to his theory of “class warfare.” This is the theory of Dialectical and Historical Materialism (the logic of conflict dealing with only the material things of this world), wherein one society (the thesis) clashes with another society (the anti-thesis), and results in the formation of a third and “better” (the long, drawn out “building-up” process) society (the synthesis). Supposedly Communism would clash with Capitalism, and the result would be the perfect Socialist state. The average American now expects a “new secular order,” or “New World Order,” to appear through the efforts of the United Nations or a United Europe, not realizing that it is only another socialist and totalitarian scheme. Even Christians expect the New World Order to appear soon, courtesy of the Antichrist.

In practice, such socialistic things as a “common purse” or “holding all things in common” can only work successfully among very small units of people, usually among only a few families. As a positive force in society Socialism is a failure. When people are not allowed personal ownership and reward for their labors, individual initiative disappears. If everyone is to receive an equal share from the common store, why would anyone want to work harder or produce more than his neighbor?


Thanksgiving: Overcoming Socialism

Socialism was tried in America at Plymouth. It produced indolence, welfare-prone laziness, unwillingness to work, lack of incentive, and hopelessness. The colony would have starved if it were not for the friendly Indians who showed them how to plant American corn. Only when Governor Bradford divided up the land and left each family to shift for itself or suffer want, did the situation improve. In the end, with the hope and promise of possible abundance being produced under a free-enterprise system, prosperity prevailed. Free- enterprise then became the driving force of America.

Soviet Union was supported from USA, Bolshevism was financed from Wall Street

For years Soviet Russia failed to feed itself while America prospered under the free-enterprise system. But our free- enterprise system is turning into another form of socialism. Today, in America, people want too much “for free” from big government. Nothing is free. Not socialized medicine, or anything else that government can provide. Many of these ills of our society would be better solved on the state and local level, and by the churches, rather than by federal government. Local control allows citizens greater influence on policies, and lowers the amount of graft and waste that the Federal government has become famous for. But then, that would necessitate the citizenry participating in government, and would require church attendance and financial support.

Though the United States Constitution is not etched in stone, it is a fact that our Federal Government has clearly overstepped its authority, nullified many traditional American concepts, and has become a burden to the people through graft, the thievery of heavy taxation, and the stupid accumulation of massive debt. America now practices Corporate Socialism (also called State Capitalism). Our original Republican government is being legislated out of existence.

A Powerful Documentary: G Edward Griffin - The Capitalist Conspiracy


Nikolai Lenin (1870-1924) put Marx’s theory into ruthless militant application in Communist Russian society, and murdered millions of individual’s at home and abroad.

Soviet Russia fell from a coup, but Germany’s people turned their backs on God! Their scientific advances failed to prepare them for the barbarity that followed. America is precisely following the same path as early Nazi Germany. If the current trend continues, the judgment of God will surely bring punishment or destruction to America!


Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), an early “New Age” advocate, developed Marx’s theory into a racial philosophy that cost millions more people their lives. The German people failed to practice what they professed to believe, and paid a very heavy price for their laxness. For all practical purposes, they accepted Humanism. Even the German citizen’s were reduced to “biological entities” that were “expendable.” It became easy for the people to blame “the Jews” for all of societies problems.

Nazism (National Socialism) was and is only another form of socialism. Socialist leaders are still endlessly coming to power due to the ignorance, lethargy, and the gullibility of the people, abroad and at home. In America, the average citizen can’t even describe what a socialist really is, anymore.

As just outlined, the Pseudo-Sciences (FALSE Sciences!) are all based on the false Theory of Uniformitarianism that says existing processes, always having acted in the past as they do in the present, are enough to account for all change. And the “scientific” and “political” baloney rampant is the United States today is a direct result of that incorrect information and deliberate propaganda. Historical gradual change is attributed to Geology, Biology (Evolution), the Social Sciences, Education and a host of other fields. And so-called “gradual change” is now forced upon us trough the use of Hegelian Dialectical Method, and crowd-control brainwashing.





Psychological Mumbo-Jumbo

God, and Truth, cannot be changed by secular humanist “scientific” thinking and modern psychological theory. It matters not that various ignorant so-called “scientists” have a dream of what they think ought to be. Genuine science can disprove many of these theories. They can be debunked!

The Sermon That Derailed American Christianity

Modern psychology throws God out as a reality, and recognizes Him as only a superstitious concept. In fact, it should be recognized that most famous researchers who have developed such theories are religiously secular. Yes, that is a contradiction of terms. It is not logical! So their basis of “thinking” is exposed as flawed right from the start. They only dream, and imagine vain things, and seek to manipulate people, as they rebel against God. Such “learned” individuals stupidly puff themselves up in self-righteous false pride.


In 1779, Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) announced his belief that he had found the great universal cure of both physical and emotional problems. His idea was of an invisible fluid throughout the body called “animal magnetism,” that influenced the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of life. Since Mesmer’s day, treatment by passing magnets over the body have been discontinued, and has progressed to the belief in “mind over matter.” Mesmerism now involves trance- like states of hypnoses, telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance. This is the foundation of the popular “positive thinking” fanatics.


In 1913, John Watson (1878-1958) wrote Psychology As The Behaviorist Views It, defining Behaviorism, an extension of animal psychology based upon Uniformitarianism. He included Mesmerism’s ideas of hypnotic suggestion (hypnosis), healing through talking (psychotherapy), and mind-over-matter (positive thinking). Behaviorism contends that mankind, the individual, begins life as a “clean slate,” just a whole living organism reacting to his environment. No mind, soul, instincts, native intelligence, special talents, inherited gifts, and no innate emotions are believed to be evident. In other words, according to Behaviorism, man is simply a stimulus-response machine, and his system of behavior is thus built up by the process of conditioning.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and several other psychologists have invented other forms of psychology that are variants of atheistic Behaviorism. Freudian psychology says, for all practical purposes, that with a good analyst we can lay the blame for our personal problems on anything other than ourselves! Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung (1875-1961) damaged confidence in Christianity by directly contradicting the Word of God. Freud considered religious beliefs to be illusions and called religion “the obsessional neurosis of humanity.” Jung considered religion to be myth, yet good, because religion could affect human personality. Freud and Jung did not deal in science, but rather in values, attitudes and behaviors. Freud simply “justified” his own idiosyncrasies and sexual sin. Freud’s morals were lower than the gutter, as can be observed per his statements. The ideas of sexual pervert Freud, considered to be the Father of the Psychotherapy Movement, saturate later theories and therapies.


Why Sigmund Freud is BAD

“Patients are nothing but riff-raff. The only useful purposes they serve are to help us earn a living and to provide learning material. In any case, we cannot help them.” – Sigmund Freud

Psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies would prefer you didn’t know or have easy access to information about the crippling and even lethal effects of psychotropic drugs. The complex medical jargon used to describe the drugs and their “adverse effects” can often put consumers off from even looking. While billions of tax dollars are paid each year to fight the “War on Drugs,” psychiatrists are dreaming up new mental illnesses to fund a multi-billion dollarlegal drug industry. The direct result is a fast escalating, worldwide consumption of their addictive, mind-altering drugs. They would like you to believe that there is an epidemic of mental disease—and that mind-altering drugs are the cure. They market to the public that their drugs are indispensable to the problems of everyday living. Yet, psychiatrists admit they do not know the cause of, or cure for, any mental disorder. In actuality, demon influence and possession account for most of the people who are locked up in mental institutions. In fact, there is a complete absence of scientific tests to confirm a psychiatric diagnosis. In a recent study, scientists have revealed that there is no connection between schizophrenia and the genes most commonly believed to cause the condition. There is however, an exhaustive list of statistics related to pscyhotropic drug side effects and even deaths. The biggest drug-addiction problem in the world doesn’t involve heroin, cocaine or marijuana. In fact, it doesn’t involve an illegal drug at all. The world’s biggest drug-addiction problem is posed by a group of drugs, the benzodiazepines, which are widely prescribed by doctors and taken by countless millions of perfectly ordinary people around the world. In the period between 1990 – 1996, benzodiazepines caused 1,810 deaths in Britain, making them more lethal than heroin, cocaine and methadone, which combined accounted for 1,623 deaths. In 2001, a British study reported an ‘increase in hostility and aggression may be reported by patients taking benzodiazepines.

The effects range from talkativeness and excitement to aggressive and antisocial acts.’ Professor C. Heather Ashton reported cases of baby-battering, wife-beating and ‘grandmother-bashing’ could be attributed to people taking benzodiazepines.” Drug abuse is a known gateway to demonic manifestations and infestations.


Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), who conditioned dogs, later researched his stimulus-response techniques on unwilling soviet citizens with Bektorev. This was by direction of Lenin, with an eye toward developing methods of crowd control, an underlying intention of robbing religion of as much credit as possible, and the ultimate aim of destroying religion completely. Conditioning is a method of learning by which a specific response is continuously given to a specific stimulus until it is learned. It becomes a conditioned reflex or response. The specific stimulus, which can be controlled, can be words, phrases, facial expressions and so on, which through the conditioning process will eventually elicit the specific response, reaction, or behavior.

Pavlov’s stimulus-response model of reaction, the “reflex arc,” was the foundation for the “operant conditioning” of B. F. Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner took it a step further, putting emphasis on behavior modification. His theory was rooted in evolutionary biology, and not simply mechanical. Skinner said the environment stimulates behavior, and reinforces behavior.


Skinner expanded the Pavlovian stimulus-response model with the stimulus-behavior-reinforcement model. Leaving the simple mechanical response, he specifically contended that responses have evolutionary biological consequences in man, or “survival value,” meaning survival of the fittest. Thus, the behavioral response which is successful or rewarding to the individual is strengthened over time (positive reinforcement), and behavior that is not successful or rewarding is eliminated or abandoned over time (negative reinforcement). The environment becomes the source of the stimulus and the reinforcement.

Behavioral engineering is based on Skinnerian circular reasoning, and is rather pointless, as it leaves out God, which is the way out of the loop. But it goes like this: For State controlled man, human freedom is an illusion, and when indulged in often leaves the unsuspecting man prey to many forces; the “liberal” concept of individual freedom actually sacrifices freedom–men cannot control forces of which men are unaware or unsuspecting; “liberalism’s” historical task of freeing man from “traditionally repressive agencies” like the state, church, and family does not really gain men freedom–it just leaves control open to others, perhaps the salesman, a demagogue, a cheat, or a bully. Skinner is saying that man (in the form of the State) must control man, as usual, and that control through behavioral engineering, by operant conditioning, is desirable after all. So the “state” wins, and he is back where he started. It sounds like the highbrow double-talk that it is, because the Church and Family are still left out, as in all standard secular theories.

Skinner is criticized by many people because his methods violate “free will.” Skinner contends, however, that our behavior is controlled haphazardly by our environment–by advertising, teachers, parents, etc.. Skinner contends that by being aware of this conditioning, we can then control our environment. In truth, conditioning could be and sometimes is used beneficially, but one must recognize its limits and abuses. Traditional humanistically based psychodynamic theories contradict Christian teaching, in that a Christian knows man cannot “do it” himself. Strategies for personal change must agree with scriptural patterns for achieving inner peace and wholeness, or they will fail. Man is not the means of his own salvation. And the average man or woman has no control over use of conditioning methods used by secular corporations and governments with massive amounts of money to spend in convincing people of their viewpoint.


Conditioning is, in the hands of unscrupulous individuals, organizations, cults and governments, a method of brainwashing and crowd control. It suppresses free expression and is antagonistic to the basic American enjoyment of unalienable rights. Conditioning is used to train people. Capitalist methods of mass advertising, brainwashing and propaganda, are also examples of conditioning. They can lead the unwary to spiritual death.

Carl Rogers (1902-1987) developed client-centered therapy, claiming each person is striving toward self- actualization. He stressed warmth and acceptance by others, a support group, and acceptance of one’s-self as the way one can “cure” himself.

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) also assumed man to be innately good, and defined a hierarchy of needs that the individual must attain to reach self-actualization. The “needs” of hunger, thirst, sex, and security had to be attained before the “higher” needs of love, esteem, and self-actualization. When I took psychology in college, Maslow and Skinner were the teacher’s favorites. Later when taking a business class I pointed out that Maslow’s Pyramid is upside down. In other words, getting right with God, real self-actualization should precede satisfying all the other needs. Yes, I know, I can be a bit of a trouble maker in secular situations. (Note that Maslow didn’t include the Transcendence level to the Pyramid. That is a later New Age addition.)

Christians recognize that reconciliation to God and relationship with God are only possible through Jesus Christ. Humanism recognizes only man’s reconciliation to man being all up to man. In truth, our eternal destiny is dependent on our reconciliation and relationship with God, and that is the only means of attaining our full potential of wholeness, maturity, and fruitfulness. 1





Educational Hocus-Pocus

John Dewey (1859-1952) applied Uniformatarianism to public education, and believed that mankind had reached the point in its evolution that mankind could control its own evolution.

“The master idea… was that of evolution… Independently of the writings of both Compte and Spencer, there proceeded during the 19th Century, under the influence of the evolutionary concept, a thoroughgoing transformation of older studies like History, law and Political Economy’; and the creation of new ones like Anthropology, Social Psychology, comparative Religion, Criminology, Social Geography.” 2

By 1905, Dewey was the dominant voice in American teacher educational change, operating out of Harvard University. In 1920, Russia hired John Dewey to construct a program of “progressive education” for the Soviet school system. By 1932 Russia informed Dewey that he was a failure, and that rather than educating the children, his system was turning out a nation of delinquents. In 1933, after failing in the Soviet Union, Dewey set up the same Humanistic system in the United States.

“Dewey changed the aim, content, and methods of education. It is important to understand why and how he changed the aim of our schools. He was a national socialist, promoting one hundred percent state control or ownership of property, all means of production, whether capital, natural resources, or labor. He called it collectivism. In 1905 he organized the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, along with Jack London, Upton Sinclair, Walter Lippmann, and W.E.B. Dubois. In 1921, the Society changed its name to the League for Industrial Democracy., and Dewey served as its president in 1941. It’s aim was to put teachers in the classroom who were collectivists, as well as ministers in the pulpits and leaders in the labor unions. In 1962, the League formed an action arm called the Students for a Democratic Society.”

“Early in the century Dewey had formed the Progressive Education Association and the American Association of University Professors. These two organizations were committed to the goal of collectivizing the United States.” “By the 1930’s the political climate was suitable for their work, and social studies departments were formed in public schools in several important local systems in the United States. By the forties, social studies had moved into the elementary schools.” “Having changed the aim of the schools, the content of education also underwent great changes. New textbooks were written and the old ones revised to present the collectivist aim…” “During and immediately following World War II, the emphasis on creating a new economic and social order in this country was expanded to include the entire globe…The global government would remove the sovereignty of all countries…” “In 1955, the Progressive Education Association disbanded…It had been so persuasive, however, that it has continued to be dominant over traditional education in the classroom and its philosophy, in fact, is in control of American education…It is a concept of man which rejects nearly every previously held belief about man and his nature.” 3

Systematic application of student psychological control by utilizing evolutionary concepts and methods (behavioral engineering, values education, reality therapy, etc.) are now standard procedure in American education, and are devastating the lives of our children. Behavioristic mind- control is atheistic, un-American, and since it is a Humanist belief it is actively and militantly ant-Christian. It is corrupt. It is dangerous.

The men who designed our Constitution understood the necessity of establishing laws to protect our individual freedoms. The Northwest Ordinance of 1785 said, “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.” So, first religion, secondly morality, and thirdly knowledge, were the original ingredients of character that built our great county.

Horace Mann (1796-1859) changed these ingredients of success, in the mid-1800’s, to “Intellectual, Moral, and Physical.” The spiritual was dropped and the physical was added.

Today, through the efforts of Behavioristic educators, the ingredients are “Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor.” Cognitive emphasizes the individual learning of facts, as opposed to handing down a body of knowledge from another generation. Psychomotor has to do with physical skills such as writing and typing. Affective has to do with feelings, and takes the place of and stands in opposition to Morality.

Morality has to do with giving attention to duty, duties going hand-in-hand with unalienable rights. A moral person takes care of “ought-to’s” ahead of personal desires, and exhibits honesty, good work habits, and concern for others placed ahead of one’s own feelings. In contrast, Affective promotes the idea that how you feel inside, what you want, is the prime consideration. Affective sets the individual ahead of his neighbor, effecting a self-centered selfish view of life and the world. 4

How sad it is that we constantly hear of legal battles over the right to pray or possess a Bible in the school systems. When God is eliminated from the considerations of men, false theories abound, and society begins to crumble. All these evils are intertwined, part and parcel of Uniformitarian secular thinking. Parents allow false teaching in the public schools, and then wonder why their children are involved in mischief and trouble.

“The master idea…was that of evolution…Independently of the writings of both Compte and Spencer, there proceeded during the 19th Century, under the influence of the evolutionary concept, a thoroughgoing transformation of older studies like History, Law and Political Economy; and the creation of new ones like Anthropology, Social Psychology, Comparative Religion, Criminology, Social Geography.” 5

Traditional Bible-based Puritanism, a result of the Reformation, presupposing such things as absolutes and still intact in 1900, has given way to Secularism as a result of the Enlightenment.

Today we have a world where “values” and “values clarification” educational methods are corrupting our children. Values clarification, a behavior modification technique, teaches the child that the parents are trying to pass on biased information, that the child should ignore such biased information, that the child should then choose his or her own “values” based upon affective concepts (Pragmatism – “If it feels good, do it!), and that then the child should “prize” and “cherish” these new values and put them into habitual action in their lives. Obedience to parents or church is ridiculed and rebellion is glorified. Many children who have been taught this garbage are now parents, ignorant of proper child rearing techniques, lost and unhappy themselves, and totally unable to provide proper guidance and direction to their progeny.

“While the youngest mind is taught that their are no absolutes, that no decision is final; that no authority figure except the State has the last word; that everything is equally acceptable; that real objectivity is the absence of any standard of right and wrong; then I contend that these young minds will be learning the ruthlessness which is so prevalent in today’s youth and being acted out on all sides in today’s society…In the Educationists’ terminology, the logical consequences of this philosophy, real freedom is achieved only when one is a slave to the state. It is worth mentioning here that democracy is not seen by the educationist as a form of government, but a way of life. It is in reality a socialized society…There is something vastly more sinister to be pointed out here than just production of the group mentality. The implication of such a group mind is that the person goes on through life looking to the group to validate all of his decisions. The corollary of this insistence on relating everything to the group, relating from smaller to larger groups, and taking the largest group decision as the ultimate, is that the family is downgraded to just another small group with no special meaning. Thus, all family decisions, especially in the area of values, are open at all times to modification through group dynamics in the classroom, and eventually become of little importance at all to the child.” 6

Today our corrupted educators look forward to a man-made utopia where all people will think the same, within the framework of a one-world government. This mental state is called Eupsychia. B. F. Skinner really teaches that man is simply a machine with no dignity that should be controlled by the state. One world–one mind. These people are members of what is called the Third Force, or the Third Wave.

What's Wrong with American Schools?

“Values Clarification indoctrinates students in ethical relativism, for its proponents push their own position on their captive student audiences and never suggest that thoughtful people may choose alternatives. Sidney Simon, Howard Kirschenbaum and other Values Clarification authors repeatedly belittle teachers of traditional values. Values Clarification strategies “…emphatically indoctrinates-by encouraging and even exhorting the student to narcissistic self-gratification…’ using Situational Ethics, and Immoral Reasoning Skills. Parents did not react immediately. But when children began to report over dinner that class discussion had been about whether lying was sometimes permissible and whether they should always obey their parents Values… The use of Values Clarification in public schools or even by such quasi-public agencies as Planned Parenthood constitutes a direct violation of First Amendment protection against the establishment of religion. Values Clarification, Situational Ethics, Decision Making Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Creative Thinking Skills, Values Appraisals, Conflict Resolution Skills are all names of programs that teach children there are no moral absolutes! Many of these programs were originally developed by the likes of Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, William Coulson, Sidney Simon, Lawrence Kolberg, William Glasser, etc. These programs infiltrate the schools and education through out the country. These programs can be found at times in any course at any grade level. They are most often in guidance counseling lessons, Peer Conflict Resolution programming, Health class and Family Consumer Education courses. Parents should ask for and view all material. I posed the following question to a couple of teachers in the West Allis School District: “How is it that when schools and teachers are using values clarification, situational ethics in the classroom there are no right or wrong answers in the manuals”? The Teachers responded “Well do you want to impose your moral values on everyone else”? Knowing that it was politically incorrect to answer yes, (even though I would like to) , knowing that this was a political entrapment question to accuse me of the idea of who do you think you are, I responded “No. I don’t need to do that, but on the other hand it is not the teacher’s right, or the educational establishment’s right to teach my children that moral right and wrong is a matter of opinion all in the eye of the beholder. You are undermining my position in the home, as the parent, my authority, and responsibility, and my love for my children.” The one thing which is common in all of these programs is that when viewing papers or manuals with worksheets filled with questions that challenge children’s beliefs and values, one will never find any right or wrong answers to the moral dilemmas. This is a form of brainwashing. The children are to decide what is best for themselves or the group. Children are ill prepared to handle Values Clarification for the following reasons: 1. It always pits one value or belief against another. 2. It always locks children into a box of choices, giving children the illusion, they are making their own decisions. 3. It propagates that there are not any moral absolutes. 4. It teaches that children have a right to determine what is right and wrong based on how they feel independent of their parents. 5. It sets up X number of parents for a fall, where the child comes home one day, and states you do not have a right to tell me what to do, I can make my own decisions. 6. It propagates as in multiculturalism that all beliefs are equal. 7. It promotes group think mentality that values and beliefs can be decided by the group not on the idea there is a moral absolute. 8. Parents are finding their children to be more defiant, and obstinate than ever before. 9. At it’s core, it tears down traditional values, and undermines religious freedom and the family.”7

LGBT's Secret Weapon: Values Clarification





A Conclusion To This Deception

The Theory of Uniformitarianism is perhaps the most foundational and completely corrupt piece of so-called science to ever have been dreamed up. It is truly satanic in nature, spawned by demonic influences or Satan himself. Pseudo-Science is an affront to God, the equivalent of giving the bird to Jesus himself.

The false educations being thrust upon our youth is ruining our kids and our country, literally. The kids believing this garbage will end up shaping and running things ignorantly. Some already are, those little darlings of the 60’s and Berkeley who were submerged in Socialism. Conspiratorial Socialists are now everywhere in government and among the citizenry. It is imperative that we who know the truth, who still try to live according to New Testament morality and Constitutional Law, teach our youth what the real nature of the Creation and Republic is! It is also imperative that we know and teach what Socialist and Communist propaganda and Psychopolitics is. Lacking this knowledge the Republic is doomed.

One last word: Many Christians have bitten into the rotten apple of Uniformitarianism, claiming there are billions of years prior to the flood that match the Uniformitarianism falsehood, but just with an added catastrophic punctuation in time called the Flood. Their position is utter nonsense. Entertaining any part of Uniformitarianism always eventually leads to more lies and trickery. Don't bite into that rotten apple!

Bibliography: 1 Florence Bulle (1983), God Wants You Rich And Other Enticing Doctrines, p. 191, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438. 2 Victor Ranford, “Sociology,” Encyclopedia Brittanica, Vol. 20 (1949), p.59, Crossway books, Good News Publishers, Winchester, Illinois. 3 Estalvin Dee Lillywhite (1985), Secrets That Every American Should Know, pp. 159-160, Hawkes Press; E. Dee Lillywhite, 2523 East Lambourne (3150 South), Salt Lake City, Utah 84109; Phone: 1-801-484-1871. 4 Jean Stayton, The Call to Christian Education in Our Time, p. 4, Hope Day School, 2425 1/2 South Chrysler, Independence, Missouri. 5 Victor Ranford, “Sociology,” Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20 (1949), p. 912; cited by John W. Whitehead (1986), The End Of Man, p. 59, Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, Winchester, IL 60153. 6 Estalvin Dee Lillywhite (1985), Secrets That Every American Should Know, pp. 193-194, Hawkes Press; E. Dee Lillywhite, 2523 East Lambourne (3150 South), Salt Lake City, Utah 84109; Phone: 1-801-484-1871. 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aikMWBm29U&t=33s

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