Sunday, September 26, 2021

The 135 Republicans Who Voted To Confiscate Guns From Our Veterans In Latest NDAA Bill

The House passed a bill containing all sorts of egregious, unconstitutional items in it. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act contains language that would allow military courts to confiscate guns from veterans of the military. Remember President Donald Trump’s red flag laws? Well here they are illegally aimed at our veterans, and 135 of the Republicans, what many consider to be the “good guys,” voted for it.

First, American Military News reported on the bill.

A provision in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act would allow military courts to issue protective orders that include “Red Flag” gun confiscation, according to the more than 1,300-page bill.

In the legislation, those beholden to the United States Code of Military Justice could be issued a “military court protective order” by a military judge or magistrate, which would make “possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm” illegal.

“A military court protective order issued on an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm; and a military court protective order issued after the person to be subject to the order has received notice and opportunity to be heard on the order, shall restrain such person from possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm in accordance with section 922 of title 18,” SEC. 529 of H.R. 4350 states.

Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued.

The bill passed by a vote of 316-113, and I’m sure not a soul read the 1,362 page bill.

However, here are the 135 Republicans who actually voted for it.

Source: The Washington Standard