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Chrislam: The Coming One-World Religion?


Chrislam is an attempt to reconcile Christianity with Islam, and to join them together into the One-World Religion.

"Islam adamantly rejects the deity of Christ. The Qur’an declares the idea that Jesus is God to be blasphemy (5:17). Belief in the deity of Christ is considered shirk (“polytheism”) to Muslims. Further, Islam denies the death of Christ on the cross (4:157–158). The most crucial doctrine of the Christian faith is rejected in Islam. As a result, the two religions are absolutely not compatible, making Chrislam a concept both Christians and Muslims should reject." - Got Questions



Why Document Signed By Pope And Muslim Leader Is So Important
No, I Don't Need The Pope's App! I Don't Idolize Him.



Chrislam: Here Is The Truth Of What It Is


Walter J. Veith is a Seventh Day Adventist lecturer. I, Robert K. Lewis, do not believe Helen White was a prophet as the Seventh Day Adventist's do, so I can't support that specifically Seventh Day Adventist part of his lecture series. However, Mr. Veith's presentation of conspiracy material, which is a huge part of his lectures, is absolutely excellent. It's well worth the time investment to learn what he has to teach you.


Also See: The Total Onslaught Lectures Page!


216 - The Islamic Connection - This topic has puzzled numerous expositors. How does Islam fit into the picture of global conflict? Is this a political, religious, or religio-political conflict? What is its origin and what are its goals? How does it impact on ecumenism and on the doctrine of salvation in Christ? Find out in this informative video. A clear line is drawn through history, showing that the reality is more startling than the theory.


Why Document Signed By Pope And Muslim Leader Is So Important
No, I Don't Need The Pope's App! I Don't Idolize Him.


Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis