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Walter J. Veith Conspiracy Lectures

Walter J. Veith is a Seventh Day Adventist lecturer. I, Robert K. Lewis, do not believe Helen White was a prophet as the Seventh Day Adventist's do, so I can't support that specifically Seventh Day Adventist part of his lecture series. However, Mr. Veith's presentation of conspiracy material, which is a huge part of his lectures, is absolutely excellent. It's well worth the time investment to learn what he has to teach you. Also, these lectures seem to have a way of moving quite often. They want you to go to their site, rather than watch embedded lectures where I can pick and choose what I want included on my website. Below you will find descriptions of the video's that I advise everyone to watch from Veith's Total Onslaught series. This being the case, here is the link to Walter Veith's video's page:

The Total Onslaught Series by Walter J. Veith

10 - The Beast from the Bottomless Pit: Exposing Satan's Kingdom - In chapter 11 of Revelation a beast arises out of the bottomless pit suggesting that form and structure have been added to a gospel of falsehood emanting out of the depths of the bottomless pit and threatening to rob the world of light. A detailed look at the French Revolution and its philosophy as it pertains to do the setting up of the new world order. This video portrays aspects of the kingdom of darkness which Satan wishes to establish on earth and exposes how this will directly impact on the lives of all living today. This video is foundational to understanding current world events. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/9f8t6cNl3hY

11 - The Secret Behind The Secret Societies - Much has been written on secret societies and there are numerous speculations as to which powers control them. The nature of secrecy is such that the real power behind the power should remain exactly that-Secret. In this lecture, clear evidence is provided to show who really stands behind the throne of Earthly power. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/yHy6ptr7NNk

12 - Hidden Agendas: Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See - Exposes the philosophy behind secret societies. It unequivocally proves from the best sources the deity of the Bible. Study the evidence for yourself and prove whether these things are indeed so. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/eSbZyDUVsGA

15 - Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars: Who Are The Real Forces Behind The NWO? Centuries Of Organized Deception - Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars need finance and support in order to succeed. Who is behind the major conflagrations which have plagued mankind particularly during the last centuries. Are sinister forces working behind the scenes to achieve their Hegelian synthesis and to bring about a new order of things? Some highlights discussed are the revolutions of the previous century, culminating in the rise of the USA, the Kennedy assassination, and the setting up of the new world order. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/iV1QHVfv6VM

16 - The Islamic Connection: Did Catholicism Create Islam? The True Origin of Islam Revealed - This topic has puzzled numerous expositors. How does Islam fit into the picture of global conflict? Is this a political, religious, or religio-political conflict? What is its origin and what are its goals? How does it impact on ecumenism and on the doctrine of salvation in Christ? Find out in this informative video. A clear line is drawn through history, showing that the reality is more startling than the theory. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/qZRj-CleopA

Also See: The Chrislam Page!

19 - The Wine of Babylon: Are The Teachings of The Roman Catholic Church Biblical Or Pagan? - The Bible speaks about an end-time Babylon that would lead the whole world astray. The doctrines for this end-time power can be found in ancient Babylon. In this video, the ancient religion of Babylon and its origins are traced through historic time to the very time in which we live. It is clearly revealed how this ancient religion is alive and well in religious systems of our day, dressed in a garb to suitability camoflauge it from the eyes of the casual observer. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/5WcnoSCC1_I

20 - A Woman Rides the Beast: Catholicisms Return To Power. The Papacy & The Final Deception - Is an expose of Revelation 17 which describes a woman controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery religion of Babylon, and entices the world to follow her precepts. A thorough exegesis is presented comparing the general views on this chapter with the realities of our present day. The chapter sets the stage for the final events in the conflict between good and evil. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/eO55c2csq6s

21 - A New World Order: What Are The Real Goals Of The New World Order? - In this DVD, the emergence of a new world order is discussed, with all its political and socio-economic ramifications. The intriques behind the setting up of a universal order dictating to the conscience of men are clearly exposed. The events leading up to this order, such as the great terrorist attacks of our time, and the battle against the so-called "axis of evil" are discussed, as well as how the new structure will personally impact on the lives of the citizens of the world. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/zSIE7Md_ALQ

24 - The New Age Agenda: That All May Be One? Separating God's Plan From The Devil's Lies - This lecture describes the ways in which various so-called Christian societies have manipulated the spiritual scene to prepare the way for the coming of a cosmic Christ who satisfies the needs of all religions. The Christian Science Movement, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the New Age are exposed. We also take a look at the maitreya and his anti-Biblical doctrines and the manifestations of false christs in our world today. Does the New Age just affect an esoteric fringe or is it a living reality in the educational system of the world, re-shaping & remodeling the mind-set of those even of the traditional Christian faith? Includes a look at Jesuitism and the New Age Movement, Benjamin Creme, as well as NASA. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/34r6pOFe_3A

26 - The United Nations & the Occult Agenda: Pagan Practices Exposed - Does the United Nations have only a political agenda or is there a spiritual or religious dimension to its activities? In this video, it is clearly exposed what the hidden agenda behind the scenes is all about. From its inception to its ultimate goal, the creation of a unitary political religious system is discussed which will have far-reaching consequences for every individual on earth and possible catastrophic consequences for those who trust in salvation in Christ alone. Includes a look at Robert Mueller's school and philosophy, and how the cosmic christ and the United Nations go together. Possibly on Youtube at https://youtu.be/FjGGt1QsCrA

Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis