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Sinful, Murderous,
Sexually Deviant Perversions

What Is an Entry Level Drug? The definition is simple. It's a habit-forming substance that can lead a person to use other stronger, more addictive drugs. Sexual sins, sexual perversions, usually start with the "entry drug" of Pornography. It begins with the "lust of the eyes."


That "Entry Level Drug" Called Pornography


Also See: Are You Addicted To Porn?


The usual route to various sexual perversions begins in adolescence by letting the mind become overly preoccupied with sexual things. The child is not yet emotionally developed sufficiently to propery catagorize pornography for what it is. Pornography in particular seems to "fuel the fire" and is therefore dangerous.

"By far, the most searched for terms on the internet are related to pornography. Pornography is rampant in the world today. Perhaps more than anything else, Satan has succeeded in twisting and perverting sex. He has taken what is good and right (loving sex between a mutually committed husband and wife) and replaced it with lust, pornography, adultery, rape, and homosexuality. Pornography can be the first step on a very slippery slope of ever-increasing wickedness and immorality (Romans 6:19). The addictive nature of pornography is well documented. Just as a drug user must consume greater quantities of drugs or more powerful drugs to achieve the same “high,” pornography drags a person deeper and deeper into hard-core sexual addictions and ungodly desires."

"The three main categories of sin are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Pornography definitely causes us to lust after flesh, and it is undeniably a lust of the eyes. Pornography definitely does not qualify as one of the things we are to think about, according to Philippians 4:8. Pornography is addictive (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19) and destructive (Proverbs 6:25-28; Ezekiel 20:30; Ephesians 4:19). Lusting after other people in our minds, which is the essence of pornography, is offensive to God (Matthew 5:28). When habitual devotion to pornography characterizes a person’s life and he/she continues in sin without seeking help, making no attempt to stop or feeling no desire to change his/her behavior, it demonstrates the person may not be saved (1 Corinthians 6:9-12)."

"For those involved in pornography, God can and will give the victory. Are you involved with pornography and desire freedom from it? Here are some steps to victory: 1) Confess your sin to God (1 John 1:9). 2) Ask God to cleanse, renew, and transform your mind (Romans 12:2). 3) Ask God to fill your mind with things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable (Philippians 4:8). 4) Learn to possess your body in holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4). 5) Understand the proper meaning of sex and rely on your spouse alone to meet that need (1 Corinthians 7:1-5). 6) Realize that if you walk in the Spirit, you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). 7) Take practical steps to reduce your exposure to graphic images. Install pornography blockers on your computer, limit television and video usage, and find another Christian who will pray for you and help keep you accountable." - Got Questions


Dear Christian, This is Why You Never Mess with Pornography


Pornography and the Bible: Can Christians View Porn?



LGBTQ+ "Are Gay People Born That Way?"

Pro-family advocates work to restore the definition of marriage for the sake of children and family life. As such, it's easy to explain the pro-family position without referring to homosexuality. However, many Canadians cannot see beyond the emotional "gay rights" argument, to the real impact of homosexual "marriage" on society. Many people reason, "Gee, if gay people are born that way, isn't it unfair to stand in the way?" On this basis alone, many Canadians support same-sex marriage. Most Canadians actually believe that scientists have found a "gay gene". That myth is aggressively promoted by gay lobbyists & the media, but it has no foundation in science. Hence the need to address homosexuality directly.

In fact, scientists have NEVER found a gay gene or any genetic cause for being "gay". IN FACT, the overwhelming majority of scientific research on this question points us to the opposite conclusion - that it's not genetic but rather, develops in early childhood as a result of attachment disorder with the same-sex parent in combination with having a shy, introspective temperament. A major study also found that almost half of men who identify as homosexual, had been molested by an older male, suggesting a strong correlation in those unfortunate circumstances.The widespread belief that that there is a "gay gene" can largely be traced to the publicity surrounding three scientific studies in the 1990's: one studying brains, one studying twins, and one studying genes(1).

Study # 1. The Brain Study, 1991

Following the death of his gay lover from AIDS, researcher Simon LeVay conducted a test to compare the size of a brain structure known as INAH3, which has been linked to sexual behaviour in animals. He studied brains from cadavers of 6 women (presumed to be heterosexual), 18 men known to have been homosexual, and 16 men presumed to have been heterosexual. LeVay reported that INAH3 was larger in heterosexual men than in women, but also larger in heterosexual men than in homosexual men. This result LeVay concluded, "suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate".(2) Other researchers, however, had numerous problems with his interpretation. For example, 6 of the 16 supposedly "heterosexual" male subjects had died of AIDS-an extraordinarily large percentage, given this was a period when AIDS was still contained mostly to the gay community. As one researcher said "It seems quite possible that LeVay...classified some homosexuals as heterosexuals."(3)

Other problems included the significant overlap in the overall range of INAH3 sizes between the "homosexual" and "heterosexual" groups, the possibility that sexual behaviour could influence brain structure (rather than vice versa), and the possibility that the observed effect was a result of AIDS (which caused the death of all of LeVay’s "homosexual" subjects), rather than a determinant of sexual orientation(4).

Study # 2. The Twins Study, 1991

Two researchers (Bailey & Pillard) identified homosexuals who had identical twin brothers. They then surveyed the sexual orientation of these twins. They theorized that if identical twins share the same trait of homosexuality at a higher rate than, say, fraternal twins, non-twin siblings, or adoptive siblings, then that could be taken as evidence of a genetic component.(5) In their study they found that when one identical twin was homosexual, 52% of the time his identical twin was too.

This study had problems also, is contradicted by other studies, and falls down on its own evidence. On the last point, if you did a study of identical twins, you would find that 100% of black identical twins would be black, 100% of male identical twins would be male,100% of redheaded identical twins would be redheads, and 100% of blue-eyed identical twins would have blue eyes. Remember, identical twins have a completely, 100% identical genetic makeup. Therefore a study showing that 52% of the identical twins of homosexuals are also homosexual proves only one thing - that homosexuality is not genetic!(6)

Study # 3. The Gene Study, 1993

A study by geneticist Dr. Dean Hamer, theorized the existence of a gene influencing the development of homosexuality that is transmitted on the X chromosome. The study made headlines and was promoted by the media as "proof".

What the media did not report, was Hamer’s own statements that this was not conclusive proof of a gay gene. In an interview in Gene magazine, Hamer stated, "We have not found the gene - which we don't think exists - for sexual orientation... There will never be a test that will say for certain whether a child will be gay. We know that for certain."

Hamer's findings remain suspect for another reason - other scientists have been unable to replicate it. In 1999, the journal Science, published a report by a team of researchers (Rice et al) who tried to confirm Hamer's findings using a larger test. They reported "We certainly had adequate power to detect a genetic effect as large as was reported in that study...the results do not support an X-linked gene underlying male homosexuality".(7)

Conclusion: the scientific evidence does not show that homosexuality is inborn. In fact, it suggests the opposite, that it is not inborn.


Part 1 - Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Interview

Part 2 - Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Interview

Part 3 - Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Interview


Download a paper by Dr. Julie Harren, Ph.D., LMFT.

Homosexuality 101:
What Every Therapist, Parent And Homosexual Should Know


Source For Above LGBTQ+ Studies: Campaign Life Coalition



Homosexuality & Lesbianism: Sins Of Sexual Assault!

Queers (E45) regularly pursue children in their quest for sexual satisfaction. An extremely high number of homosexuals and lesbians are child molesters and were also molested as children.

Pervert David Thorstad, spokesman for the North American Man-Boy Love Association, says "The homo-erotic capabilities of the human species, in all their wonderful variety, are not something to be justified, but to be explored and assimilated." (B55) "Man-Boy?" His intent is obvious. Queers are a danger to society and need to be kept in the closet, and away from children, until they repent of their sin. Child abuse is not something that only little girls must worry about!

The 1972 Gay Rights Platform says "We demand: Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality." It is not a viable lifestyle, however! Teaching children and teenagers the graphic and sordid details of homosexual and lesbian sexual activities before they "know" they are going to be "gay" is nothing but de facto indoctrination and seduction of children into homosexual experimentation, especially when taught with behavioral engineering techniques such as "values clarification." Can you picture your child coming home and asking you "What do you think of a guy getting (expletive deleted) in the (expletive deleted) using a rubber? . . . Are you a homophobe, daddy?" (B56) The National Academy of Science contends that such gutter language should be used when teaching children about homosexual and lesbian "high-risk" activities. (B57)

The "homosexual agenda" that Bill Clinton supported, calls for the legalization of sexual activity between people of "about" the same age, whether between minors or adults. Wake up, America! What is "about" the same age? Twelve and Fifty? "About" is a pretty loose legal definition. The truth is that homosexuals and lesbians want to legalize child molestation. That is part of what the May 1993 march in Washington was all about! This is what Bill Clinton supported, and has been supported by major politicians ever since then! These pervert politicians should all be removed from political office. Read The Patriot's Creed. Our modern politicians demonstrate their "want of ability or integrity" by supporting such a corrupt item as the "homosexual agenda," and should be "remov'd from that sacred trust (the Presidency or any other high office), which it is dangerous for them any longer to hold." Many in Congress should be thrown out!

Bill Clinton had no true concept of the real lessons to be learned from history concerning the judgement of God upon decadent nations and peoples. The expsoure of the Pizzagate and Epstein island affairs should be a wakeup call to all decent Americans. View The Fall of the Cabal, if you can stomach it.

"By the 8th century B.C., the prophet Isaiah spoke out against the leaders of Israel just before their captivity, warning that they had incurred the wrath of God because they not only practiced the sin of Sodom but were flagrantly open about it (Isaiah 3:8,9). He culminated his prophetic indictment by proclaiming, "Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves." In other words, the fall of Israel and the subsequent scattering of the ten "lost tribes" was caused by their Sodom-like sins--including homosexuality. In fact, verse 12 states, "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them, O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." The Hebrew word for women, who ruled Israel at that time, is most interesting. Some lexicons translate it "womanlike men," or "effeminate," while others render it "men who act like women." In other words, Israel's government had been invaded by homosexuals, thus invoking the judgement of God on the nation." (B58)

Do you desire the severe judgement of God to fall on the United States? Do you condone adult men having sex with your pre-teen or teenage daughter? Then why condone "gay rights?" The principle is one and the same. If America must condone homosexual and lesbian child molestation, why should America not condone heterosexual child molestation? The one is as sinful and shameful as the other, and both are demonically influenced.

Homosexuality and lesbianism are learned behaviors, and are not something one is born with. Homosexuality and lesbianism are the result of personal choice. Despite what the liberal media says, there is no scientific evidence to the contrary. No one has ever been forced to become homosexual, even if he has been forced to participate in a homosexual act. While we may not be able to control the existence of sexual feelings, as adults we can certainly govern the intensity, expression and direction of those thoughts. Plainly, the body is the servant of the mind. The mind can be conditioned and directed by improper fantasies and Satanic suggestion, (E46) or it can be conditioned and directed by dwelling on the Word of God (the wisdom found within the Holy Bible) and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit's presence. True self-control is "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

The Christian is commanded to hate homosexuality, lesbianism, and all forms of child abuse, but is commanded to love the sinner. For many Christian people this is very hard to do. But consider Edmund Burke's often used very famous comment: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing." The homosexual must be witnessed to with love and compassion. They are not really "gay" at heart. They are putting up a "front" to look that way. Though many queers have been given over to a reprobate mind and are beyond hope or help (like many of the radicals that marched in Washington in May of 1993), many of them can still be salvaged from the garbage can of destroyed humanity by the efforts of caring Christians.

If you are homosexual or lesbian, I must tell you plainly that you're in great danger. You can not be "saved" and homosexual. You must reject homosexuality, and overcome the "habit." This applies to child molestation and all other forms of deviate sexual behavior, also. A habit is all it is, like any other learned behavior. Satan tempts you, and you habitually react. But you can make a choice to act differently. Actions become habitual with repetition, even good actions. Unrepentant, you are a danger to the civil rights of the majority because of your militant, pushy, ridiculous social and government-directed demands.

Surely you are not truly happy in your present condition. You must repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your life, or you will probably end life old and alone, or possibly a victim of the aids epidemic. Then you would go to hell, a real place, made for real sinners. Mainline Prostestant doctrine asserts that when you've been in hell a million years, you will think "And it has only just begun!" A billion years later you could again only think "It has only just begun!" Ad infinitum. Is it worth it?

Don't be gender confused. Accept Christ, seek out genuine Christian non-homosexual companionship, turn to the Word of God, and then God will begin to make you a new creature. It is the only way out of your sad predicament. You're worth it, so do it!


David Wilkerson - Almost Saved | MUST HEAR!

Endnote: (E45)

The word queer more aptly describes the homosexual and lesbian "lifestyle" because they are definitely the oddballs in the crowd. In reality, the average homosexual or lesbian is likely undistinguishable from the average heterosexual, in appearance and other habits except for sex. The word "gay" is a lie. Any sexual perversion tends to grow in a persons life as the time passes, unless deliberately stopped. Homosexuality and lesbianism often does exactly that, and many victims eventually can't even hold a job. Many end up on welfare, which isn't "gay," and many die a slow painful death from aids, which isn't "gay." It isn't even a "lifestyle" since most gays are indistinguishable from the average person in other ways. It's just a sexual perversion, plain and simply.

Endnote: (E46)

The filthy and dangerous sexual excesses common to many homosexuals, "fist-f*cking" for example, are so abnormal that they are obviously the result of demonic influence and/or possession. The body just isn't designed for such things! Fortunately, demon-possession cannot be successfully hidden from a true Christian involved in leading such a homosexual to Christ, and if the Homosexual is genuinely seeking God's help he will be led to such a Christian by God (John 7:17). (B59)

Bibliography: (B56)

Gene Antonio (1987), "A Critical Evaluation Of The Surgeon General's Report On AIDS," Dominion Press, 7112 Burns Street, Ft. Worth, TX 76118.

Bibliography: (B57)

D. Kirkman, "2 Billion AIDS Budget Urged," Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, p. 1, 29 October, 1986; cited by Gene Antonio (1987), A Critical Evaluation of the Surgeon General's Report On Aids, p. 12, Dominion Press, 7112 Burns Street, Ft. Worth, TX 76118.

Bibliography: (B58)

Tim LaHaye, What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality, p. 9, Living Books, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL.




Sexual Deviancy is one of the worst things that a person can get involved in. It always leads to disease and heartache. It ruins relationships. And it keeps one from excelling in holiness. It is a path to ruin, and a road to Hell. Today our evil secular schools and colleges are turning out sexual freaks. Guard your children. Know what they are being taught, and if sexual deviancy is being pushed at them, remove them from the presence of those evil brainwasher's, get them into a decent Christ-centered learning environment, or home school them. Our children's eternity depends on what they learn about these terrible sins.


The Bible Told Us Never To Mess With Sexual Sin (This Is Why)


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Original Content Copyright © 2021 Spirit-and-Flesh.com / Robert K. Lewis